
MCAS Symptoms Caused by Sensitivity to Mold Mycotoxins

MCAS caused by mycotoxin sensitivityFor years, I struggled with symptoms of mast cell activation (MCAS), and tried nearly every supplement. After going the supplement route, I then tried various dietary changes. Though progress was made in both areas, I was missing the most important part of the puzzle: MOLD.

For years, I discounted mold anytime it was brought up. Because of this, my daughter was unable to fully heal for six years. Once I finally realized that her environment was the leading cause of her symptoms, I made some serious changes. Within six months of making these changes, she was symptom-free. An illness that had lasted for six years was gone in six months, all because I identified the REAL root cause.

In this article, I will discuss how mycotoxin sensitivity can trigger symptoms of mast cell activation. I will also explain how mycotoxins cause literally any symptom, depending upon the person’s weakness and history. This will help you see how mold may be playing a part in your MCAS symptoms. 

How Mycotoxin Sensitivity Can Cause MCAS

Mycotoxins make the Immune System Hyper-Reactive

When someone is exposed to mycotoxins over a long period of time, their immune system can gradually become more and more irritated. Unfortunately, there is usually a breaking point for the immune system. Whenever that line is crossed, the immune system becomes highly intolerant to anything it encounters. This then leads them to have reactions to things like foods, fragrances, supplements, stress, and more. To overcome this, you must remove the irritants in your diet, and eliminate mold exposure simultaneously. You then need to take mycotoxin binders and build up the gut. For more information, read my mold illness recovery protocol

Mold Toxins Compromise the Gut Microbiome

Mycotoxins selectively harm beneficial bacteria in the gut, allowing pathogens to take over. In addition, these mold toxins cause severe irritation to the gut lining. This can eventually lead to a condition known as a leaky gut, where people develop various food sensitivities. If that wasn’t enough, mycotoxins can also disrupt your ability to break down foods and extract nutrients. The reason is, they can impair pancreatic function and digestive enzyme production. If the exposure is bad enough, it can COMPLETELY impair the breakdown of proteins and fats. This leads to an environment where undigested proteins rot in the stomach, leading to the production of toxic metabolites that encourage the growth of pathogens. 

Mycotoxins Impair the Breakdown of Proteins

Chronic exposure to mycotoxins can disrupt the digestion of proteins and fats. This is a big problem for people who eat animal products multiple times daily. These undigested animal proteins can cause leaky gut and chronic stress on the kidneys. To recover from MCAS, often people must implement a low-protein diet. Instead of focusing on fats and proteins to sustain themselves, they transition towards fiber and carbohydrates. This strategy has been a game changer for clients who are treatment-resistant.

Mold Toxins Trigger Systemwide Inflammation

Mold exposure can trigger systemwide inflammation like nothing else. It can make your mast cells hyper-reactive and disrupt the function of your regulatory T cells. This is a recipe for disaster since both govern your immune tolerance to your environment. In addition, mold will hit you wherever you have the most inflammatory history. It doesn’t simply affect the lungs and sinuses, it also flares up the weakest areas of your body. In one person, it may cause gut issues, while in another, it leads to skin problems. It all depends on the individual and their vulnerabilities. 

Mycotoxin Signals Pathogens for Growth and Replication

If you have pathogens in your body, they love when you’re exposed to mold. This is because mycotoxins cause your immune system to be extremely overreactive, which the pathogens can sense. Once enough of the inflammatory molecules attach to the surfaces of the pathogen cells, they come out from hiding to replicate and spread. The pathogens then secrete molecules that cause you symptoms until they can sense the immune system stabilizing. At that point, they then retreat into hiding to avoid detection. To beat these pathogens, you must identify the cause of your symptom flares. Otherwise, it will be two steps forward and one step back. 

Mold Toxins Traumatize the Limbic System

When exposed to mold toxins, it can send your body into a state of fight or flight. The tough part is, this is hard to recognize because the exposure is gradual and consistent. In most mold cases, the norepinephrine and histamine can become elevated, which causes the mind to race. It also causes neurological inflammation, which translates into various symptoms that can even resemble mental health conditions. Unfortunately, this inflammation can persist for months after exposure has been eliminated. This is why it’s so important to implement a stress reduction technique like slow deep breathing to recondition the limbic system. If you fail to do this, you may never fully recover from the exposure. 

Mycotoxins Cause Severe Cellular Stress

Mold toxins cause oxidative stress which eventually leads to DNA damage and dysfunctional cells. These cells can start to have impaired respiration, nutrient absorption, and more. This cellular distress causes the body to react in defense, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. Eventually, this translates into an aggravated immune system, which worsens symptoms.

Mycotoxins Impair the Detoxification Pathways

Mold toxins can impair kidney/liver function and reduce the frequency of bowel movements. This can become a big problem because the toxins eventually build up, aggravating the immune system. The increase in immune reactivity intensifies the symptom flares. In addition, mycotoxins can compromise the breakdown of protein, and undigested proteins REALLY tax the detox channels. You can see how this problem can get worse and worse if you are living in a moldy house and eating meat three times a day. 

FAQ- Connection between MCAS and Mycotoxins

Is mold always a problem when someone has MCAS?

I would say that 80% of people with MCAS symptoms are sensitive to mold mycotoxins. If you are reacting abnormally to various foods and supplements, mold is likely involved. Mold is also implicated in various chronic illnesses because it can trigger system-wide inflammation. I have seen it cause migraines, food sensitivities, seizures, learning disabilities, severe eczema, chemical sensitivities, and plenty more. It all depends on the person and their health history. 

How can I identify if mold is really causing my symptoms?

There are a few different tests that can be done to confirm mold illness. To test indoor mold levels, you can use an ERMI test, a petri dish test, or mycotoxin swab test. Also, you can check the levels of mycotoxins in your body with a mycotoxin urinalysis. Both can give you good information, but they are not 100% conclusive. Another option is you can leave the house you are staying at and find an environmentally safe place for a few weeks. If you feel better, then go back to the place you were living (if you even want to) and watch what happens. If certain symptoms get worse, you will know there is a problem. 

What kind of symptoms can mold sensitivity cause someone?

Mold can aggravate literally any symptoms. Mold toxins resemble our own tissues and cause a complex immune reaction. In addition, they are highly toxic, so they trigger system-wide inflammation. Wherever you have the most history of inflammatory activity will be where the symptoms flare up first. For one person, it may be migraines, and for another person, it may be seizures. This is why it is so difficult to diagnose mold illness.

What other changes can I make to improve MCAS symptoms?

You can start a plant-based elimination diet to reduce protein, increase fiber, and remove dietary irritants. This will help your immune system calm down. You can choose from the foods on the hypoallergenic food list. They are listed in different colors to show you which ones are safest and which are riskiest. Other than diet, you can also start to implement stress reduction activities like slow deep breathing to retrain the limbic system.

To beat MCAS, you must become aware of your triggers. Whether you realize it or not, your flares are being caused by what you’re eating, what you’re inhaling, or some form of stress. Once you identify the trigger, you must make changes. Otherwise, you will remain stuck in the symptom cycle. Take it from me: I struggled with MCAS symptoms for a decade before finally taking this approach. 

What should I do next if I know mold is my main issue?

If you have a chronic health issue and have identified that toxic mold is present in your home, the first step is to find somewhere else to stay for a few weeks. If that’s possible, it will allow you to see how much the mold is affecting your symptoms. It could take a few months to feel better, but you should notice some significant changes within just a few weeks. After you have accomplished this, refer to my mold illness recovery protocol. This will cover everything you need to do to recover from mold illness. 

Conclusion – Mold MUST be Considered with MCAS

Both my daughter and I struggled with MCAS for years before paying attention to mold. Though we both made some progress via dietary changes and supplements, we couldn’t FULLY get over the hump until we addressed the environmental issue. The reason being, the mycotoxins were impairing digestive function, and making our immune systems react negatively to foods and supplements. Due to mycotoxin overload, literally anything that entered our bodies became a threat to the immune system. 

Unfortunately, I’ve seen this also happen in plenty of my clients. The reality is, you never know how significant the mold sensitivity is until you are no longer being triggered. I have seen plenty of people have SERIOUS symptoms vanish within weeks after leaving their moldy house. In the end, MCAS flares are caused by one of three things: what we are putting in our mouth, what we are inhaling, or some form of stress. Once you identify your triggers and make changes, progress can be quick.

If you are battling MCAS or histamine intolerance, feel free to reach out. This is my area of expertise. 

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619 
WhatsApp: +17348468619