
Low Histamine Diet Critical to MCAS Recovery

Battling MCAS and don’t know what to eat anymore? In this article, I will discuss why the low histamine diet is a MUST when recovering from MCAS, autoimmune disease, or nearly any chronic health condition. The reason being is, histamine is the MOST IMPORTANT signaling molecule in the body. It is not only a neurotransmitter, but it also plays a critical role in inflammation , allergy response (1), gene expression (2), mast cell reactivity, protein digestion (4), and plenty more.

Low Histamine Diet Theory

The theory behind the low histamine diet is that by eliminating food sources of histamine, you will gradually reduce the levels of histamine in the gut, blood and brain. This reduction in histamine levels then leads the mast cells in the body to become less reactive. So in effect, the low histamine diet calms down the mast cells, which translates eventually to a reduction/elimination of many inflammatory related symptoms. This then allows you to determine the root cause behind the MCAS symptoms, and potentially beat it once and for all.

In this article, we will discuss why the low histamine diet is the MOST EFFECTIVE way of eating for ANY chronic illness. I will discuss the basic rules of the diet, what to expect after implementation, and lastly, how it can benefit those with MCAS. Refer below for details:

Rules of Low Histamine Diet

– Eat the foods described in this article – the low histamine diet
– Avoid ALL foods which contain histamine or liberate it internally
– Eat everything as fresh as possible, avoiding leftovers due to histamine content
– Do not eat within 2 hours of bed to prevent putrefaction of food while sleeping
– No spices, herbs, condiments, strong flavors until most symptoms have resolved
– Any supplements without mast cell modulation properties should be paused until symptoms resolve
– EVERYTHING must be eaten in moderation, no matter how tempting it is to do otherwise
– All foods must be rotated, do NOT eat the same food more often than once every 3 days
– Do not go into this feeling deprived of certain foods, focus on symptom relief ONLY, not what you CAN’T eat

What to Expect with LH Diet

– Many of the foods you “loved” or craved are likely to be on the high histamine list
– You will attempt to convince to eat these foods for “good reasons” (ex. calories, temporary relief, etc.)
– You should typically feel a lot calmer, with less ups and downs due to re-balancing of neurotransmitters
– Your blood sugar should and appetite should improve, and your gut should seem less inflamed
– During the 3rd through 5th day on the diet, you may find yourself to need more sleep than usual
– You should be sleeping a lot more soundly, and waking up less often during the night
– After 10 days, you should notice a significant difference in how you feel overall
– You will have cravings to start eating something you shouldn’t, just when you feel better

Benefits of the LH Diet for MCAS

– reduces the severity of any food/chemical/environmental reactions that are occurring
– gives you the opportunity to actually address the root cause of these MCAS symptoms
– helps to remove food cravings, moderate food consumption and eliminate post meal fatigue
– skin issues and itching should generally improve due to decreased histamine level
– helps control hyperactive thoughts and anxiety due to decreased histamine/increased GABA
– eliminates excessive mucous production in the body due to reduces histamine intake
– indirectly reduces inflammation, which is the cause of most chronic disease symptoms
– allows you to identify foods that irritate you when you eventually reintroduce them

Summary of Low Histamine Diet

In my experience, the low histamine diet is the optimal place to start for anyone with MCAS. Even if you the best histamine modulators available your success will be limited. I know you may feel restricted initially by this diet, but take it from me, it’s really not that bad. When it gets tough, just remember how much better your symptoms are and hold off. The day will come when you can live a normal life, but remember, your health is your main focus right now.

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to contact me. I am ALWAYS happy to help!

Matt Sikora
Office: (949) 444-2111