
Best Probiotics for Mast Cell Activation (MCAS)

Best probiotics for mast cell activation MCASWhen you’re battling MCAS, you must be ultra-picky about your supplements. With probiotics, this is even more critical. The reason is, many of these strains can actually increase histamine and irritate the immune system. This is the last thing you want when you are trying to recover from this complex condition.

Since there is so much mixed information about which probiotics are best for mast cell activation (MCAS), I figured I’d write this article to provide some guidance. In the section below, I will list the probiotics that have been most helpful for me and my MCAS clients. This will give you somewhere safe to start when trying probiotics. 

Best Probiotics for Mast Cell Activation (MCAS)

Probiota Bifido by Seeking Health

Bifidobacterium is the most important species if you have MCAS. The reason is, they secrete anti-inflammatory compounds that REALLY calm down the mast cells. They also compete for space on the gut lining with histamine-producing bacteria and other pathogens. This reduces the chances of leaky gut and inflammation. In addition, they encourage the growth of other friendly bacteria through “cross-feeding”. All in all, these are the most important species if you want to calm down the immune system. 

This brand has several different patented strains of bifido. In my experience, the product stands out from any other bifidobacterium supplement I’ve tried. My experiences with Bifidobacterium have been life-changing. It was one of my most effective tools to overcome histamine intolerance and mast cell activation.

When I noticed that higher doses (6 capsules) were producing noticeable benefits, I chose to grow the bifido with inulin to save money. I did this for years and it was instrumental in my recovery from MCAS. For this probiotic, you should take as much as you can tolerate/afford. Start slow and increase your dose over time. If you take enough of this and eat a plant-based diet, you should be able to greatly reduce your MCAS symptoms. If you take too much, the worst I’ve seen happen is loose stools. 

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is a patented strain that has demonstrated significant effects on mast cells and histamine. Studies have shown that it stabilizes mast cell activity in the gut, reducing histamine and inflammatory chemicals. This is huge for anyone dealing with MCAS. In addition, LGG strengthens the gut barrier, reducing the likelihood of food allergies or leaky gut. This can make a big difference with the mast cells since they react strongly to foods that cross the leaky gut barrier. Lastly, LGG improves the function of regulatory T cells (Tregs). This is very important because these cells dictate how your immune system reacts to anything that enters the body. 

My experience with lactobacillus rhamnosus has been good. I have noticed it can calm down your level of reactivity if you use high doses. It can also assist you in digesting heavier foods. I have tried doses as high as six capsules at a time. Though I wouldn’t take that much every time, I would NOT be concerned about taking too much. In terms of dosage, I would use it 4-5 days per week at 4 capsules per dose if I wanted to notice improvements from it alone. 

Lactobacillus Plantarum

Lactobacillus plantarum has been shown to modulate mast cells, which reduces the release of histamine and other inflammatory molecules. It also breaks down dietary histamine and inhibits histamine-producing bacteria. As if that weren’t enough, it strengthens the gut lining, fights off pathogens, and helps to balance the gut microbiome. 

My experience with lactobacillus plantarum was mostly good. Though it helped with bowel movements and digestion, the only problem was, I felt a little strange when I took larger doses. At first, I thought it might be me, but then I noticed the same thing in my daughter. Though this strain is important, it should NOT dominate your probiotic plan. To see benefits, I would take 1-2 capsules per day, 4-5 days a week.

Keep in mind, there are several different patented versions of lactobacillus plantarum, so it’s best not to judge your experiences based on the first product. If you don’t like it, try another. I used Jarrow and liked it, but there may be better strains out there. 

Bacillus Subtilis DE 111 Blend by Revive Herbs

I am typically not a big fan of multistrain probiotics for MCAS, but I do like this one. Though there are several Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains in this probiotic blend made by Revive, the real star of this product is the DE111. Bacillus Subtilis DE 111 does not directly affect mast cells, but it discourages the growth of histamine-producing bacteria. It also encourages the growth of Bifidobacterium and strengthens the gut barrier. Though it doesn’t directly break down histamine, it reduces the inflammatory molecules, allowing DAO levels to remain stable. DE 111 also enhances regulatory T-cells (Tregs), which are critical in preventing immune sensitivities to foods, environmental triggers, and other stressors. 

My experiences have been great with this product. I noticed better digestion of proteins and fats, improved bowel movements, a calmer state of being, and a higher absorption rate of supplements. Though there were several benefits, it did NOT sit as well at higher doses. You must keep in mind that DE 111 is a spore-based probiotic. These can grow much faster than normal bacterial strains. For this reason, you want to take only 1-2 capsules every OTHER day.  Even with that low dose, you can still notice some benefits. If you want to increase it from there, feel free to do so, but just be aware that there is a tipping point. 

Epic Pro Probiotic Blend by Swanson

This probiotic blend contains 25 different patented strains. I usually do not like probiotics with so many strains for people with MCAS, but this one has been well tolerated. Though there may be a few strains in there that I do not LOVE, 90% of them are immune-modulating. 

My experiences with this product have been good, but I did have to take higher doses to notice the benefits. In my experience, 4 capsules about 3-4 days a week was ideal. Feel free to start slow, but avoid taking it daily. I do not recommend taking any probiotic blend daily except for the Probiota Bifido. The reason is that most probiotic blends have lactobacillus, and we don’t want to be overpopulated with this species if you have MCAS. The goal is to restabilize the Bifidobacterium population above all things. This will get your immune system under control, which will improve your symptoms. 

Raw Bovine Colostrum

Raw bovine colostrum is the first milk produced after a cow gives birth. It contains probiotics, prebiotics, growth factors, immunoglobulins, and cytokines that help modulate the immune system. These components can stabilize mast cells, leading to an improvement in MCAS symptoms. Raw colostrum can also help the gut lining repair itself in situations where nothing else can. It contains growth factors that increase the repair rate and calm down inflammation in the area. As it soothes the inflammation, it also implants beneficial bacteria, and feeds those good bacteria that are already there. It really is a game-changer from all angles. 

Colostrum is BY FAR the best probiotic, but it’s also the hardest to get. When nothing else worked, this did. It literally saved my life. I tried over $100,000 of supplements/treatments, and nothing could compare to colostrum. Within 6 months, I gained 50 lbs back, bowel movements had normalized, rashes were gone, I was sleeping well again, and food sensitivities had reduced dramatically. It was literally a miracle. Learn more about using colostrum for MCAS in the article link. 

Balancing Probiotics Properly

If you are trying to recover from mast cell activation, you want to emphasize the Bifidobacterium over all other strains. In my experience, they are less likely to cause reactions in people with MCAS. Over time, bifidobacterium can eventually reduce the severity of immune reactions because of their effect on mast cells. In short, increasing bifidobacterium is your main priority, so adjust your doses accordingly.

Keep in mind that it is possible to experience a cleansing response with Bifidobacterium. This typically happens in meat-eaters with a history of environmental sensitivities. If this occurs, increase the dose gradually while decreasing meat intake. Over time, the severity of the response should lessen after each dose. 

If you are taking the probiotics listed in this article, make sure to take more Bifidobacterium than anything else. All of the blends listed have bifidobacterium, but you still need to take probiota bifido to ensure that the Bifidobacterium species dominates your gut. This will keep your immune system as calm as possible, which is the main goal is MCAS. 

Prebiotics Even More Important

Probiotics are important, but you cannot forget about prebiotics. The reason is, prebiotics can feed VARIOUS beneficial strains in your gut, while probiotics only supply the strains listed on the bottle. In addition, you can try to implant bacteria all day, but if you’re not feeding them the proper prebiotic substances, they are unlikely to propagate. For even more reasons why prebiotics are better than probiotics, read the article linked. This will help you devise a prebiotic plan to accompany your probiotic strategy

Frequently Asked Questions – Best Probiotics for MCAS

Which probiotic is best for reducing MCAS symptoms?

Probiota bifido and raw colostrum are the two products with the strongest effect on mast cells. These were instrumental in my healing journey. Without them, I would’ve never got better. I did see benefits from the other probiotics, but not as much as these two.

Do I take all of the probiotics/prebiotics at the same time?

No! I would try one probiotic from the list at a time so you know what it is doing. Then, you can add another and create a plan for rotating both. If I was in dire circumstances, I would use a maximum of 3-4 probiotics in a rotation. None of them would be taken every day. Once I found the right probiotics for me, I would move on to the prebiotics. I would then try one prebiotic at a time to make sure I understand its effects, and if I liked it, I would take it 4-5 days a week. 

Is it possible to have a reaction to any of these probiotics?

When battling MCAS, it’s possible to react to anything. If you are having an immediate reaction to any of these probiotics, you are probably dealing with mold sensitivity and/or food intolerances. This is the only time I have seen people respond paradoxically to these products. Since they are designed to calm the immune system down, they rarely trigger clients unless there is a significant environmental issue or they are eating something daily that is REALLY irritating their immune system.

Do I need to change my diet for probiotics to work?

Consuming a diet high in plant fiber is best if you want your probiotics to survive. Plant fiber is the preferred food source for good bacteria. If your diet is high in animal products and low in plant fiber, you are much less likely to be successful with your probiotics. The meat will feed the inflammatory bacteria, and there will not be enough fiber(food) for the good bacteria to thrive. In short, the more plants you eat the better your chances are.

What are the main causes of MCAS?

In most cases, there is a bacterial imbalance in the gut that makes the immune system overactive. In addition, most people with MCAS are sensitive to mycotoxins and mold. Both of these cause limbic system dysfunction, putting the patient in a chronic state of fight-or-flight. The patient then has food sensitivities and reactions to environmental irritants, which make the symptoms persist. 

What changes can I make to improve MCAS symptoms?

You can identify your hidden food triggers by implementing a plant-based elimination diet. Next, you can determine if you have an indoor environmental issue. Most of the time, people with MCAS have a mold intolerance. Last, you can take the bull by the horns regarding stress. Instead of being a victim stress, implement a daily slow deep breathing practice to insulate yourself from it. This was truly a life-changer for me. Learn more about slow deep breathing from the link above.

How do I find raw colostrum?

Finding raw colostrum can be hard, so I created an article with some tips. If you still can’t find colostrum after trying the things mentioned, try harder! It can be an absolute game-changer, so don’t give up until you find the source! If you cold call enough farmers from the list, you will find someone. Trust me, I have found this stuff in several states. 

Conclusion – Using Probiotics/Prebiotics to Beat MCAS

By using probiotics/prebiotics, you can start to reestablish the gut and calm the immune system down. With MCAS, your success WILL depend on whether your diet, environment, or lifestyle are still triggering you. When recovering from MCAS, supplements are important, but you must identify the underlying cause of your immune irritation. If you don’t, you will be seeking supplements forever in a desperate attempt to mask the root cause. 

This is what happened when my daughter and I were sick. In both cases, we had underlying dietary irritants making our symptoms worse. In addition, we had a hidden mold sensitivity which was driving our immune system crazy. Until we identified the actual causes of the immune irritation, no supplement could provide lasting relief. Consider this when you think about adding more supplements to your regimen. Instead of adding more, investigate what you are already doing to see what worsens symptoms. If you can identify what is making things worse, then you can get better. 

If you are battling this complex condition, get in touch. MCAS is my area of expertise. I overcame it personally and have helped my daughter and clients to do the same. If interested, you can read about my story and her story in the links provided.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619