
11 Secrets to Overcoming MCAS Symptoms

11 secrets to overcome MCASHave you been struggling with MCAS and are starting to lose hope? If so, you found this article just in time. The information within it will help you uncover the causes of your symptom flares. This will allow you to finally take control of MCAS once and for all. 

In this article, I will review the 11 most important things you can do to beat MCAS. These strategies were discovered while healing myself, my daughter, and others. Look below to see what I’ve learned.

11 Secrets to Beating MCAS

Eat from Hypoallergenic Food List

When people have MCAS, they typically have issues breaking down fats and proteins. Some foods, like gluten, have more complex protein structures than others. If you eat them too often, you can easily develop sensitivities. On the other hand, if you eat the foods which have the simplest protein structures, you reduce the likelihood of food sensitivities. In short, if you are consuming foods that keep triggering you, there is no way to ever heal a leaky gut.

To learn which foods are the best for your gut and immune system, take a look at the hypoallergenic food list. I break down the plant-based foods into categories based on their level of risk. This will help you create a diet that is founded upon foods that agree with your immune system (“green foods”). From there, you can conservatively diversify but beware of your cravings. What most people don’t understand is, what you crave is what you are sensitive to. This is the biggest trick you must be aware of when battling MCAS. 

Rotate Your Foods Consistently

Some foods are fine to eat every day, and others need to be consumed on a rotation. For example, apples can be eaten every day, while nuts should not exceed twice per week. Look at the hypoallergenic food list to see how often you should consume different plant-based foods. This will be helpful if you are trying to create a diet that suppresses inflammation and strengthens the immune system.

If you are following your own dietary strategy, let me ask you one favor. Can you stop eating the same thing every day? This reduces the diversity in your gut, weakens your immune system, and sets you up for food sensitivities. Your goal should be to eat 20 to 30 different types of plants per week. This variance in plant fiber is what feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Even though you may have your favorites, remember, it’s always important to rotate any chance you can.

Identify Environmental Irritants

If you have MCAS, there is clearly an environmental issue in your home. 99% of the time, there is a sensitivity to mold mycotoxins which is present. If you doubt this, I understand. I didn’t believe it when I heard it for the first time either. In fact, I neglected to address the concept of mold it for years. Over that time, my daughter suffered significantly from her mold intolerance. Eventually, once it became too clear to deny, I then pursued the mycotoxin angle and followed my mold illness recovery protocol. Within eight months of doing so, my daughter was symptom-free for the first time in her life.

Though it may sound intimidating to deal with mold sensitivity, the reality is that it’s the best news you could get. The reason is, by changing your environment, you can make significant progress in a short period of time. Both my daughter and I were dealing with “lifelong issues” in the eyes of physicians. Once we changed our diet and environment, things got much better. After we detoxified with binders and restored the gut with probiotics and colostrum, the battle was finally over. Learn more about how mold mycotoxins trigger MCAS symptoms in the article linked.

Restore Gut Bacteria with Prebiotics

Mold mycotoxins disrupt the gut microbiome by suppressing the growth of beneficial bacteria and enhancing the activity of pathogens. In addition, Many mycotoxins can cause inflammation of the gut lining, which leads to food sensitivities and leaky gut. To rectify this issue, you have to eliminate all foods that could be causing a problem and restore your good bacteria. Though probiotics can be helpful, the best way to restructure your gut is through prebiotics.

Believe it or not, prebiotics are better than probiotics for MCAS because they feed a wide variety of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria produce byproducts that calm the mast cells down. Some other benefits are that you can take much larger doses of prebiotics, they have nutritional properties, they stabilize blood sugar, and they even eliminate toxins.

Learn more about why prebiotics are better than probiotics via the article link. My favorite prebiotics are apple pectin, açacia senegal, arabinogalactan, inulin, bee propolis, and wolfberry extract. Though these are all great products, I would not take them all simultaneously. I would start with one and slowly move up to the maximum dose, and then try to implement the next one, and so on. This will ensure you are responding well to each of the supplements. 

Avoid Synthetic Supplements

If you have MCAS, I would avoid any supplements which are not derived from plants. The reason is, if they aren’t derived from plants, they are actually synthetic. Even though they are made to mimic the real thing, they aren’t. In all reality, they are a lab replica of the nutrient. Over time, your immune system eventually recognizes that this nutrient is not genuine. If you are someone with MCAS, this can happen instantly or up to two weeks later. For these reasons, it is extremely important to AVOID all synthetic vitamins and supplements.

You must also put your supplements through a vetting process. They have to be plant-derived, and more importantly, they MUST calm down the mast cells, improve the gut microbiome, and enhance detoxification. If they fit into all of these categories, then in my experience, they are a safe bet. On the other hand, if they don’t, then they are likely to become irritants at some point. Even with supplements as safe as these, you still want to create a rotation plan. You NEVER want to take any supplement daily when you have MCAS. If you do, it will gradually lose its effectiveness and put you at risk for developing a sensitivity to it.

Lower Your Meat/Protein Intake

People with MCAS often have a deficiency in stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Despite this, they continue to consume meat daily. Though some of the meat may be digested, there may be a large portion that is not. This then creates toxic metabolites in the gut, which signal the mast cells to send out inflammatory molecules. Trust me, the last thing you want is to have meat rotting in your stomach. Over 10 different toxic compounds are released when this occurs. These can affect everything from your good bacteria to the gut lining, liver, kidneys, and of course, the immune system.

Over the years I’ve been coaching, I’ve had a lot more success with MCAS clients who reduced the animal products. In some cases, meat had to be eliminated for people to FULLY heal. In fact, I have seen this in myself, my daughter, and plenty of clients. Do not get sucked into the concept that carnivore living is a healthier way to approach MCAS. Though it can produce some symptom relief initially, the immune system becomes more aggravated over time. To learn more about why a plant-based diet is the best choice for MCAS, read the article link. It is extremely valuable if you are suffering from this frustrating condition.

Increase Intake of Plant Fiber

If you have MCAS, you are likely to be consuming too much meat or animal products. Though it seems like the only food that digests well, it is slowly feeding histamine-producing bacteria in your gut. In addition, the undigested proteins are severely impairing your detoxification capability. Even though it seems like a meat-dominant diet is a good short-term solution, it is not over the long-term.

To restore the immune balance in the gut, you must tolerate different types of fiber. This is because plant fiber is the primary food source for beneficial bacteria. If you feed your body high-fiber plants, you are selectively enhancing the growth of bacteria like bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. These bacteria then create metabolites which signal the mast cells to send out anti-inflammatory molecules. If you constantly have fiber in your gut, the good bacteria are always sending out these beneficial metabolites. This eventually reconditions the immune system to calm down and respond normally to the environment.

Start Slow Deep Breathing Practice

When people have MCAS, they typically have a mind that can’t stop. This is because the immune reactions are triggering them into a state of fight or flight. Eventually, this leads to stress buildup and symptoms that manifest. The limbic system is the main area that retains the stress memory. If you want to overcome MCAS, and transform into the best version of yourself, then you have to reprogram the limbic system. Without doing so, you are likely to return to the lifestyle/though pattern that made you sick in the first place.

The best way to calm down the the limbic system and exit fight or flight IMMEDIATELY is to take a slow deep breath. This is something that everyone has done since they were young. Please NOTE: You must follow a specific slow breathing technique to use this as a healing tool. This strategy is explaining great detail in the article link above. I would not be mentioning this unless it was absolutely life-changing. For over a decade, I suffered from PTSD and invasive thoughts, and within three weeks of doing this breath work one hour daily, I was symptom-free. Since then, I have also seen similar benefits in the clients I work with.

Eliminate Pathogens Safely

Most people with MCAS have some degree of pathogenic issues. Despite this, the goal is not to kill the pathogens. In contrast, the goal is to build the good bacteria, strengthen the immune system, and suppress pathogenic growth. Over time, the environment will stabilize without risking our progress with antimicrobials. Even if these things are natural, you must be careful. The truth is, many of them disturb the gut microbiome and trigger the mast cells. This is the last thing you want if you are trying to heal from MCAS.

Some of the best ways to discourage the growth of pathogens are switching to a plant-based high-fiber diet, drinking raw colostrum, taking high doses of bifidobacterium and bee propolis, using Japanese knotweed root powder, diatomaceous earth, mimosa pudica, olive leaf extract, and plenty others.

The key point about the supplements above is that they all calm down the immune system. If you have a chronic infection, you must chip away at it while keeping the immune system calm the entire time. Otherwise, you will flare, which will call the pathogen out of hiding and back into a stage of replication. This is how a chronic infection works. Don’t make the mistake of treating it like an acute threat. Your recovery depends on your immune system a lot more than the pathogen. 

Use Binder Supplements

People with MCAS often have a buildup of mycotoxins and heavy metals. Unfortunately, both of these toxic substances can make the mast cells ultra-reactive. In addition, they can compromise the production of enzymes, which are necessary for digestion and other critical processes. My favorite binders are carbonized bamboo, bentonite clay, apple pectin, humic acid and zeolite. Keep in mind, I have only had success with certain brands. To learn more about this topic, read my article on the best mycotoxin binders. It covers the supplements, brands, and exactly what doses we took to heal.

Utilize Food/Symptom Journal

To beat MCAS you must first identify what is flaring you up. If you try to figure it out on the spot while you’re in the middle of a reaction, you are unlikely to be successful in identifying the cause. On the other hand, if you document everything you are doing/eating/taking, and how you are feeling, it could help you connect the dots.

For example, you can look in the data at the last few times you consumed a certain food to see if it produced the same response. This gives you hard data which cannot be overlooked. If you don’t have this information in front of you, you will likely go back to what you “crave”. The problem is, in most cases, what you like crave is also what is triggering you.

FAQ- Overcoming MCAS Symptoms

Why is meat bad for MCAS symptoms?

Yes, meat often contains histamine and even feeds histamine-producing bacteria. In addition, most of the time, a portion of the meat is undigested. This leads to the production of toxic metabolites, which further aggravate the mast cells. If you want to learn more about how a plant-based diet helps MCAS symptoms, read the linked article. Trust me, it will be eye-opening. 

Is leaky gut common in people with MCAS?

Yes, leaky gut is VERY common in people with MCAS. Because of this, it is very important for them to consume foods that are easy to digest. This is why I recommend the hypoallergenic food list to MCAS clients. It ranks foods based on how simple their protein structure is, which dictates their reaction potential. Also, look into raw colostrum in your area. This was an absolute game-changer for my leaky gut. When nothing else worked, this was the one thing that did.

Is it really possible to beat MCAS?

Yes, I have overcome MCAS in myself, daughter , and clients. Though it is an extremely complex condition, it is definitely possible. The key is to identify the irritants and make changes. Typically, most triggers fall into one of three categories: something you consumed, inhaled, or some form of stress. This is why it’s so important to document what you’re eating, where you were, and any stress triggers. This will help identify the triggers so you can stop the MCAS flares.

What are the main causes of MCAS flareups?

MCAS flareups are caused by something you consume, inhale, or some form of stress. If you can document everything that happened, you can determine what caused the flare-up and eventually prevent it from occurring again. In cases where symptoms are constant, mold is likely to be the issue. If they fluctuate up and down throughout your day, then I would explore your dietary and stress triggers.

How do I vet out supplements when I have MCAS?

All supplements must be proven to calm down the mast cells, improve the gut microbiome, and not impair detoxification. Make sure your supplements check all these boxes, or they could be a risk. In addition, it is best if the supplement is plant-derived. I have seen countless occasions where synthetic vitamins eventually trigger people with MCAS.

Can mold sensitivity be driving my MCAS symptoms?

Absolutely! It is the most common cause of MCAS. Typically, people with MCAS are eating a low-fiber diet, and are surrounded by mycotoxins. This is a recipe for disaster and detoxification impairment. Eventually, people reach a saturation point where the immune system can no longer tolerate the presence of the mycotoxin. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to run and hide because they are inhaling this for the majority of their day. This constant exposure is why MCAS symptoms get so out of control from mycotoxins. 

Conclusion – Must Make Changes to Beat MCAS

With MCAS, supplements can only get you so far. In some people, there may be noticeable relief. In others, supplements cause reactions that make them even worse. In both cases, you can’t fully heal until you change your lifestyle and environment. If you have stress or mycotoxins present around you, this will prevent your recovery. In addition, if you are consuming dietary irritants, your healing will be stunted.

The key to MCAS recovery is accepting that you must make many changes. Once you realize that, the next step is increasing your awareness of what makes you feel worse and coping with the difficulty of these changes in a healthy manner. After identifying these things, then you do the best you can to make the right decisions in your life.

Though I would love to pop a pill and beat my MCAS symptoms, the reality is that it’s just not possible with this condition. Things have to be pretty bad internally to be in this situation. You will heal one day at a time, one decision at a time. Over the course of several months of making the right decisions, you may be set free from this condition once and for all. The only way to know is to try!

If you’re struggling with mast cell activation or histamine intolerance, contact me. I’m more than willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619