
Using Divine Intervention to Overcome Chronic Illness

Using divine intervention to heal chronic illnessAre you starting to believe you won’t be able to beat this chronic illness? Do you feel like you might be stuck in this sick body for the rest of your life? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, it might be time to seek something greater than yourself. In fact, it may be the only way you can beat this illness once and for all.

In this article, I cover the steps I used for implementing divine intervention in my illness recovery. Since there is no formal step-by-step process for something like this, I thought it would be a good topic to cover. Hopefully this will open your mind to the possibility that spiritual guidance can help you heal much faster. Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s first talk about how easy it is to lose your way in modern society.

Losing your Way is Easy in Modern Society

Nowadays, it’s easy to prioritize things over your relationship with your higher power. Most people prioritize the approval of others and the acquisition of wealth over finding true meaning and purpose in their life. They are so caught in “reality” that they forget the spiritual realm even exists.

Though this is OK for some people, others have callings from a higher power that they must fulfill. If they choose to go a different direction with their life, they may eventually become mentally/physically sick because what they’re doing contradicts what they were meant to do. If they could just realize that the illness is their spirit calling them closer, they could welcome it rather than fight against it. This would allow them to find their true purpose, and eventually become the person they were destined to be.

Finding God is Easiest When Things are Hardest

There were multiple instances where I felt reunited with my higher power. In all of these situations, I was at rock bottom. I was willing to admit that I could not accomplish what I was trying to do without the assistance of something greater than myself. Though these were the darkest times in my life, they also were the most crucial. If I had not sought the help of my higher power, I would have gotten lost in the darkness forever.

When things are going good, it’s easy to forget that they’re only going well because of your higher power. On the other hand, when things aren’t going well, people often blame their higher power. Don’t fall into this trap like I did for 20 years. There is no divine power in this way of thinking. Make the decision to use this illness as your opportunity to reconnect with your inner being. If you do, it will make the illness a blessing.

Decide to Use this Illness as Opportunity for Growth

If you remain in the victim role, you will not be in control of your destiny. It will lead you to a life of resentment and unfulfilled potential. In contrast, if you decide that this illness will be your greatest blessing, it will become exactly that. Rather than looking at this illness as a challenge, look at it as an opportunity for growth. This will help you to become grateful for the illness. I will discuss this later when I cover the steps for implementing divine intervention.

My Experiences with Divine Guidance

Why am I writing an article like this? I have seen my higher power guide me towards the right decisions on my healing journey. When I was not connected to my higher power, I would intuitively make counterproductive decisions. In fact, I would even attract myself to the wrong choices.

Once I lined up with the purpose my higher power had for me, I was intuitively led to people, places, and things that would guide me. This is when I realized that having spiritual clout is critical to overcoming chronic health issues. With the support of my higher power, anything is possible. Without it, I am likely to chase my tail and seek immediate gratification to fill the spiritual void.

Are you interested in getting a little “help from above”? Wondering how to initiate something like divine intervention? Well, I have provided the steps I went through during my spiritual evolution. Hopefully this will be helpful if you choose to go this route. Take a look below to get started.

Steps to Implement Divine Intervention

Admit you Need Help from your Higher Power to Heal

The first step is admitting that you cannot do this on your own. This is extremely important because you are at least acknowledging that the only option is to depend upon something greater than yourself. This will cause you to seek help with a sort of desperation and sincerity that is needed to attract the divine. From there, it will allow you to take the next big step, revising the storyline.

Change the Story Surrounding your Illness

Your story must be changed to overcome your chronic illness. No longer should it be something that happened to you, but rather something that happened for you. By reframing the story surrounding the illness, it allows you to manifest benefit from it. If the story is a negative one, the illness will continue to create more problems in your life. If the story is a beneficial one, it will lead to great things in your life.

Become Fully Convinced the Illness is an Opportunity

On the other side of this illness, you have the opportunity to become the best version of yourself. This is a version you would have never encountered if the illness didn’t inspire you to make changes. Though it may be difficult to make some of these changes, they are necessary to beat the chronic illness.

Rather than treat it as a challenge, look at it as an opportunity for growth. Remind yourself that you wouldn’t have made these changes if you never had been challenged by this chronic illness. Start to realize that this challenge can produce plenty of beneficial things for you if you rise to the occasion. Don’t let it break you, rather, let it make you. Trust me, it will all make sense in the end.

Make a Deal with your Higher Power

Imagine yourself speaking to your higher power. Explain that you are willing to do anything to get better. Tell it, if there is a purpose it has in mind for your life, you are 100% willing do it. Then you make the deal with your higher power. You in essence say:If you help me become healthy again, I will dedicate my remaining time to fulfilling your purpose for me.If you make this statement with FULL SINCERITY, the spirit will listen. From there, it will start guiding you back towards health. Sound crazy? It would to me too, if it wasn’t something I saw work in my own life.

When you have this conversation with your higher power, it cannot feel forced. In contrast, it has to be something that is spontaneous and natural. Keep in mind, you’re only going to make this statement one time. Once you do, you have to live up to it for the rest of your life. Make sure that you want to do this before making the statement. After you do, start planning on how you’re going to fulfill the promise well before you are better. The more action you take to fulfill your promise, the quicker you will heal.

Ask for Guidance from Higher Power with Full Faith

Whenever you are stumped about something relating to your health, ask your higher power for guidance. Specifically sayplease show me the things I have not been willing to see. I am ready now to see them”. Then follow the statement by simply thanking your higher power. I have tried this on various occasions and it always works. The less doubt you have, the quicker the guidance will come. Keep in mind also, sometimes your higher power uses bad situations to produce great things. Be patient, you can’t always see the point of things in the moment.

Make Changes in Diet, Lifestyle, Behaviors, Beliefs, etc.

When you ask your higher power for guidance, it will show you the things you’re doing that are counterproductive. This can be the foods you are eating, the air you are breathing, the people you are surrounding yourself with, the stories you have created about things, and more. The key point to remember is, once you are shown that these things are hurting you, you must make changes.

Keep in mind that your higher power will communicate with you in many different ways. One of these ways is through your body’s reactions to things it encounters. To be fully connected to the spirit, your body cannot be irritated by anything it consumes, inhales, or thinks. This is why it is so important to identify the things that are throwing you off balance.

Identify Life Purpose and Lesson from Illness

If you are convinced that you will find your true purpose during your recovery from this illness, it will happen. The key is to not seek it, just let it fall into your lap. This will allow it to happen like it was intended to. Once you figure out what your purpose is, now you can start to restructure your life so that it can be accomplished.

There are countless lessons to be learned during your recovery from chronic illness. The most important thing to remember is, you must be willing to learn these lessons and make changes because of them. You don’t want to attempt to go back to doing things the way you did. If you ignore the things you learned, this a recipe for disaster and spiritual disconnection. When it becomes hard to make the right decisions consistently, ask for strength from your higher power. In my experience, your higher power will help since it wants you to fulfill purpose it has for you.

Become Truly Grateful for the Illness

Once you become truly grateful for the chronic illness, then the rest is easy. This removes the stranglehold this illness has on your subconscious. No longer will you react to symptom flareups in such a traumatic manner. With this new perspective, you can observe your symptoms in a much calmer manner. This will help you identify what caused the problem so you can make changes.

The key is to remind yourself of the things you have gained from experiencing this illness. It could be a new relationship, a fresh perspective, a healthier way of living, an improvement in symptoms, and more. If you remain focused on the things you are grateful for, you will stay out of the victim role. This is absolutely essential to healing.

Stick to Divine Promise and Keep Feeding into Story

Once you are close to being completely better, it’s time to really fulfill your promise. The good news is, as long as you put the effort in, the rest will be taken care of. Since your higher power has guided you to this purpose, obviously it’s not going to let you down. Your goal is to simply put in enough effort to be right with yourself, and then let your higher power do the rest. If you are inspired, take action. If not, relax in full faith that the spirit is working on your behalf.

No matter what happens in your life, keep feeding the story you have created. In this story, you see everything working out for you in the end and you are grateful this all happened. If something happens in life that you don’t want to have happened, ask yourself –how can I benefit from this“? This will help you to see the purpose of this event from a higher spiritual plane.

Give All Credit to Higher Power, Deflate the Ego

When you experience progress in your health or life, give ALL of the credit to your higher power. Every time you do this, it humbles you and probably makes your higher power pretty happy too. This has been absolutely essential for me because it prevents me from forgetting who is in charge. In the past, I would let these positive events inflate my ego which would lead me further away from my higher power.

Make Decisions Now with Intuition and Faith, not Rationality

Once you have removed your ego from the equation, you are able to really sense your intuition. Now you can start to act more on intuition and less on rationality. The more faith you have that everything is always working out for you, the more you can trust your intuition. Though rationality can produce good things, intuition produces the greatest things of all.

Realize Illness was Higher Power Trying to Get Your Attention

Once you make it this far, you will realize your illness was your greatest blessing. This hopefully should teach you that the things which are most difficult in life often have the opportunity to produce the most fulfillment. In addition, sometimes the only way that we will change is if we are forced to. If the change was necessary to become this better version of yourself, then the illness was also necessary since it inspired the change. 

Sometimes our higher power uses difficult circumstances to inspire us to make changes. These changes then allow us to connect with the true version of ourselves. In this new version of yourself, you allow the spirit to flow through you, inspire you, and guide you. This makes life feel effortless. Because of your connection with your higher power, now you can get better results with less effort. 

Frequently Asked Questions – Healing with Help

What if I don’t believe in God?

You don’t have to believe in a specific God. The only goal is to believe in something greater than yourself. In my experience, when you don’t have a higher power, you are much more likely to play the victim role. This will prevent you from extracting any benefit from this illness. In addition, when there is no higher power present, you are likely to return to the things that made you sick in the first place.

How can spirituality accelerate your healing?

If you have faith in something greater than yourself, it provides you with protection from fearful thoughts. Your faith reassures you that everything will work out like it’s supposed to. This takes a huge weight off your shoulders when you are looking at daily circumstances which are not ideal. For these reasons, faith in something greater than yourself can be priceless.

How can a chronic illness be a blessing?

After recovering from a chronic illness, you will have a new lease on life. Now, the simplest things can provide you with happiness. No longer are you seeking approval from others. Now, you just need to be right with yourself and your higher power. In addition, sometimes you can have great things happen as a result of getting sick. Don’t rule this out. Trust me, your higher power WILL surprise you if you stay true to your promise.

Do I have to make a promise to my higher power?

You should only do what you are comfortable doing. I chose to make a promise to my higher power so that it knew I was 100% serious. If this meant for me to follow a new vision that it had created for me, so be it. All I wanted was to end the suffering, and start a life where I was healthy and happy with myself.

Will your level of faith dictate your success?

Yes, your level of faith will dictate your success. If you are always questioning if this approach is a good idea, it is unlikely it will pay off. If you believe in every ounce of your being that you will be well, then it’s only a matter of time. Remember, the less faith you have, the more fear and doubt will be present. The more fear and doubt, the less likely you will attract yourself to what you want.

Can I be healed without making any changes?

Though it has happened, I would not recommend taking this approach. Instead, ask your higher power to guide you towards making the right decisions which will improve your health. In addition, ask for the strength it takes to make these decisions. You will beat your chronic illness by paying attention to how you are feeling, and making changes. This journey you’re on is about transformation, not returning to old habits. If you want to know more about the first step in healing from a chronic illness, read about the plant-based elimination diet. It is a complete game-changer. 

Conclusion – Healing is Faster with Faith

There is no doubt in my mind that you can heal faster with the assistance of your higher power. The reason is, your faith will attract you to the circumstances that will lead to your healing. Without faith in something greater than yourself, your only choice is to rely on medicine. The problem with that is, you can’t fix a spiritual deficiency with pharmaceuticals.

Do yourself a favor and take a different approach to your healing. One that relies on things that are not seen, rather than things created in a lab. Though your high-power may not be able to formulate your cure, it can definitely lead you to it.

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to reach out. I’m always open to discussing something as important as this.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin, B.S.
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619