
Turn your Chronic Illness into “Blessing in Disguise”

Chronic illness blessing in disguise When I first got sick at the age of 20, I thought to myself, why did this have to happen to me? This all is so unfair! Why aren’t the doctors able to help me? Why does everything they recommend seem to make me feel worse? I was utterly lost and becoming more and more broken as time went on.

In the section below, I will discuss the emotional transitions I experienced during my 15-year healing journey. This should help you see the bigger picture and modify your perspective so you can attract the situations that will lead to your healing.

Perspective Shifts During Healing Journey

Victim Role Easiest to Play

When I was first diagnosed, I went straight into the victim role like most people would. This way of thinking went on for several years. I did believe that I could make myself better, but I was unable to get over the hump. I felt stuck in this sick body like I was serving a prison sentence. What did I do to deserve this I thought? What’s the point of living? The thoughts became so intense that I had to find some way out of this mental trap or I would lose my mind. Even though I knew I had to change something, I just didn’t know what to do. I felt trapped in nearly every way possible in my life.

Stuck in the Victim Role in Life

After lots of practice, I became stuck in this reality where I was the victim. It seemed like this chronic illness was just bad luck. I was always looking for sympathy and understanding anywhere I went. The problem was, even when it was there, it was rarely to my satisfaction. This is when I realized that there was no benefit in being a victim of this illness anymore. If I chose to go that route, there would be suffering for as long as I can see forward. This was when I started to have the thought that maybe this was all happening for a reason. Maybe there is some purpose to all of this? Maybe something out there was trying to get my attention.

Changing the Story Surrounding the Illness

At this point in my illness, I realized that I was at a pivotal moment. I was going to either believe that this is how it would be forever, or I was going to create a new story. This story would end with me victorious, overcoming challenges that others thought were insurmountable. Though it seemed far-fetched, it was a lot more pleasant to think about than being sick the rest of my life. For this reason, I started to believe there has to be a purpose to all this suffering. There has to be something out there trying to inspire me to do something beneficial with this experience.

Believing there is a Purpose to the Illness

Once I started to think about the possibility that there was a purpose behind this illness, I felt the darkness lift. Finally, I could see that if I found purpose in this experience, then the traumatic nature of it would be reduced greatly. I started to try to rack my brain for any way I could benefit from this illness. What was the purpose behind all this? Why did all of this happen if it was supposedly helping me?

My mind went on and on until I had a major realization – this illness was meant to teach me something that I could then teach others. If I overcame this illness, I could help others do the same. This would help me turn the trauma of the illness into something I was grateful for. This was a game-changing realization that colored the rest of my life.

Becoming Grateful for the Illness

The healthier I got, the more grateful I became for my illness. I started to realize how it was necessary for me to grow into the person that I always wanted to become. Without the challenges presented by the illness, I would’ve never had the desire to make the changes that were so important. By making these changes, I experienced a greater clarity and a sense of well-being that I would’ve never found. I consciously thanked my higher power for using the illness to transform me into this new person whenever possible. It made it feel like this was all meant to be, and I did not need to control anything anymore because it was destiny.

Realizing the Blessings that Came from Being Sick

There were countless blessings that came from with the illness. First, it made me appreciate simple things in life. Before getting sick, it took a lot for me to be happy. Afterwards, the simplest of things started to make me happy.

Even more important, the illness allowed me to truly get right with myself. It provided me with the opportunity to have an internal dialogue about what I needed to do in my life to be happy with who I am. If I had not experienced this, I may have been chasing the affirmation of others or the acquisition of more possessions, thinking that these would fill the hole inside me.

Looking Back On it All Now

I’ll be honest, if I didn’t adjust my perspective about my illness, I may not be here talking to you today. The thoughts of suicide entered my mind on several occasions, and the only thing that kept me from pursuing it was this belief that the illness was my greatest blessing. By believing this, I started to look for opportunities in the situation. I created a story about how this illness would be the most beneficial thing in my life. I would be more thankful for it than anything else in my entire life. Everything I experienced from there on just fed into that story, which protected me from becoming depressed during my healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions – Chronic Illness is Blessing in Disguise

What is the proper perspective on the healing journey?

Many people make the mistake of comparing their present symptoms to their idea of perfect health. This makes them feel like they are still not well yet and reinforces their feelings of illness. Instead, they should try to compare where they are today to where they were at rock bottom. This will make you feel optimistic about improvements.

Will a negative attitude attract circumstances that reinforce the illness?

Yes, there is something called the a law of attraction. If you are frequently thinking about your symptoms, you will attract circumstances that put you at risk for further symptoms. You don’t want to ignore your body, but you also don’t want to remain stuck on the symptoms. Try to involve yourself in things in life that take your attention away from the illness. If your body tells you something is wrong, figure out what caused this flare-up and make changes. Then, you simply return back to normal life with full faith in your recovery. This is the recipe for natural healing.

Can I recover from chronic illness without a higher power?

Of course you can, but as humans, we are likely to just automatically return to the things that got us sick in the first place. In my experience, illness is your higher power calling you toward your true self. Most people waste their lives chasing the approval of others and material things that are of little importance to the divine. At some point, they become sick because of this desire for approval and their high-stress lifestyle. When you are a person of faith, these things matter much less. This insulates you from the stress that comes with them.

How do I find the purpose of my illness?

Look for the places in your life where you have become a better person because of this illness. It may be hard to see it now when you’re still in the middle of it, but as you recover, you will see the progress in your personality and character. These are the benefits of getting sick that are priceless. In addition, look for the things in your life that would have not been there if you had never gotten ill. If you are grateful for these things, then you should be grateful for the illness that spawned them to originate.

What is your favorite tool for adjusting your perspective?

Slow deep breathing is my favorite tool for calming down my mind and body. It changes my perspective about current life events, and makes me feel like there is less to be concerned about. Though slow deep breathing takes some effort, it has been more beneficial than any supplement or medication I have tried. If you don’t believe me, try it for 30 minutes twice a day for two weeks. I have no doubt you will be a believer like many of my clients are.

My Experiences with Chronic Illness Recovery

If you are struggling with a chronic illness, this can either make you or break you. What happens next all depends on your perspective about the illness itself. If it feels like a prison sentence, it will continue to feel that way. If it feels like there is some meaning to it all, then there will be at some point. The reality is, you must frame the story surrounding the illness in the correct manner or the trauma of the situation will control you. Trust me, I was there for 15+ years myself, and then had to go through it with my daughter again for six years. The only reason I overcame both situations is my perspective about why they were happening.

Do your best not to get caught up in the realities of the moment. Remember, there is a bigger plan for all of this. Though you may not be able to see it right now, your higher power is guiding you toward the version of yourself you always wanted to be. Once you overcome this, you will finally see the meaning of it all. It may be rocky along the way, but that will make it even better when you get to the other side. Have faith, take action inspired by faith, and appreciate all the challenges in your life. These things make you who you are and fuel you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

If you are having a tough time on your healing journey, then reach out to me. I can help you create a plan and perspective to put you on the right path.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin, B.S.
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619