
Top 33 Mistakes Made While on Healing Journey

TOP 33 MISTAKES MADE WHILE HEALINGSo many people are looking for the answer to their illness in a bottle, but the question is, how many are really willing to change? What if someone told you exactly what to do to heal, but it required plenty of change? Would you make those changes? Well, that is exactly what is happening in this summary I have provided. I will give you the tools, the question is, will you implement them? I think you will because if you found my page, I believe in your healing. 

In this article, I will cover the top 33 mistakes I made during my 20 year journey that prevented me from healing. These are mistakes I not only made myself, but also saw with plenty of clients. I have learned that these are just part of going through the healing process. Though this may be my longest article, I believe it’s also the most important. Take a look below to get started.

Top 33 Mistakes Made While Healing

Failing to Identify Food Sensitivities

When people consume the same foods every day and have a chronic illness, there’s a high probability of developing a food sensitivity. These food sensitivities can intensify the symptoms they were already experiencing. They become convinced it is their illness when in fact, it’s something they are eating. To learn about which foods best agree with you, it is necessary to go through an elimination diet process. This helps you identify which foods trigger your symptoms and which ones agree with your immune system. Learn more in the link.

Using Trigger Foods as Coping Mechanism

The foods that trigger you often are the ones that comfort you as well. Whenever stress occurs, people typically resort to the foods that have the most inflammatory potential. This helps them to drift away from the stressful moment at hand. Unfortunately, it is an unhealthy way to deal with stress and trauma. This leads people in an endless cycle of trying to consume the right foods, then being triggered by a stressful event, which leads them to consume a trigger food to cope. This cycle must be broken to escape the chronic illness.

Thinking Pathogens are Main Cause

There is no doubt that pathogens play a role in chronic illnesses, but the fact is, the immune system is the one causing the symptoms. This means that you can control the symptoms by keeping the immune system calm. When you target the pathogen, you often trigger the immune system or disrupt the gut microbiome. Both of these then allow the pathogen to gain control, which defeats the entire purpose of the antimicrobial treatment. In most cases, it’s two steps forward and three steps back. Learn more about this in my article target immune system not the pathogens to heal chronic illness. Take a look, it will be a paradigm shifter. 

Rushing the Process of Healing

Everybody wants to get better as quickly as possible. Though this is understandable, it also is a recipe for disaster. Whenever some progress is made, they get a taste of what it feels like to be normal again, and then people try to fast-forward it by changing something so they “heal even faster.” Essentially, they become impatient with the healing process and are unwilling to learn the lesson the illness is trying to teach them: to keep everything stable, steady, and consistent. In addition, people often start with the approach that requires the least change. For example, they try medication or supplements rather than changing their diet. Their focus is on what will get them their quickest, not how they can modify their behavior. 

Prioritizing Other Things Over Health

Nearly everybody with a chronic illness became sick because they prioritized other things over their health. This could’ve been their career, social pressures, acceptance of others, family or various other things. Once you become sick, you MUST prioritize your health over everything AND everyone. Ideally, you want to make the decision that is best for your health, no matter what the circumstance. In the end, if you don’t have good health, it’s hard to enjoy anything you’re doing. Make it the priority. This is one of the lessons to learn in the illness.

Failing to Create the Right Storyline

If you are the victim in your story relating to the illness, you are unlikely to heal. In contrast, if this illness is somehow benefiting you in your head, then you can beat it. The reason is, whenever you see things that remind you of the illness, it will inspire you rather than traumatize you. Make this illness your blessing in disguise, not a stroke of bad luck. Read more about this concept in the article linked. It is crucial to create the proper perspective for healing.

Thinking Spirituality Isn’t Relevant

The illness is your spirit trying to get your attention. It is trying to direct you towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life like you always intended. If you move towards the spirit, you will become healed and fulfilled in your future life. If you don’t use the illness as an opportunity to become closer to your spirit, you are at risk for a life of suffering. Don’t trick yourself, there is a component of illness which is absolutely spiritual. Until the last few hundred years, people believed that all illnesses were of spiritual origin. Don’t neglect thousands of years of belief because of recent medical paradigms. Learn more about how to use divine intervention to heal faster in the article linked.

Ignoring Potential of Mind Body Connection

It is undeniable that what goes on in your mind affects how you are feeling. This is why it is of critical importance to implement things that slow your mind down or require your full attention. This will take your mind away from the fearful thoughts and observation of what is currently going wrong. If you focus on things that make you grateful, happy, and interested, you will experience less recognition of symptoms. My favorite method is slow deep breathing while you visualize the release of stress. Learn more about this slow deep breathing technique in the link provided.

Focusing on Future Not Present Moment

To be at peace, you must be fully present in the moment. Most people with chronic illnesses have a tendency to think about something in the past or the future far too often. Even when doing something, they often think about what they need to do next. Over time, this way of thinking becomes normal, and you become less and less present in the current moment. This is what happened to me for years when I was sick. Thankfully, the suffering was greatly reduced once I finally learned how to stay in the present moment. This was achieved after months of slow deep breathing and meditation. 

Seeking Stimulation Over Balance

When someone has a chronic illness, the body is used to being stressed. Because of this, it is conditioned to seek stimulation rather than relaxation. This was the story for all of my life. It led me to overdo things and then eventually flare up because of it. Please remember, it is extremely important to force relaxing activities into your life so you can recondition your stress response. If you do this often enough, you can exit the state of fight or flight so your body can heal. As I’ve mentioned before, my favorite method for relaxing the body immediately is slow deep breathing. I did this as often as 3x per day to get over the hump. If done properly, it can be a life changer. 

Using Synthetic Supplements

Using synthetic supplements typically backfires within a few weeks if you have a chronic illness. The problem is, when the body develops a sensitivity to the supplement, it just exacerbates the current symptoms. This makes it hard for the person to identify the supplement has turned on them. Instead of using synthetic vitamins, use only plant-derived supplements. There are herbs, vitamins, minerals and plenty of other healing substances derived from plants, so don’t worry. In addition, these are much easier on the gut and immune system.

Ignoring the Lesson of the Illness

There is a lesson to learn from your illness. Once you learn this lesson, you can become a better version of yourself. This is one of the reasons that the chronic illness manifested in the first place. If you look for the MAIN lesson to learn from your mistakes, you will see the common thread. After you see this, it becomes easy to understand what behaviors led you to become sick in the first place. From there, you can make changes and REALLY overcome your chronic illness once and for all. In contrast, if you choose to avoid acknowledging this CRITICAL lesson, your healing journey may never end.

Believing in the “Diagnosis”

If you are diagnosed with a “disease,” don’t buy into it. Remember, diseases are simply words that were created to represent a group of symptoms. Focus on the symptoms, not the condition you were told you have. Remember, all symptoms are caused by inflammation, no matter what type of condition you are diagnosed with. If you identify what you are doing that is triggering the inflammation, and then take supplements to support your healing, you can beat your chronic illness. Don’t believe what they tell you. Anything is possible with the help of your higher power. I am living proof of it! 

Neglecting Mold and Indoor Air Quality

If you have a chronic illness, you cannot rule out mold. I have seen it drive the symptoms of many of my clients. In addition, I saw mold literally cause my daughter to become disabled. Once we eliminated exposure and detoxified her body, she became symptom-free. You will not find someone who is a bigger believer in mold illness. The key point to remember is, environmental irritants are often more problematic than anything else. These environmental toxins can supersede pathogens, food sensitivities, emotional stress, and more in terms of their destructive potential. Learn more about my daughter’s healing story in the link provided. 

Choosing Fear Over Faith

Anytime you’re in a state of fear, you have lost faith. Keep dwelling in that fear, and your symptoms will get worse. If you have strong faith that you will get better, and that something bigger than yourself will guide you, then you can focus on the present moment without fear. If you have a chronic health problem, your goal should be to live in the moment as much as possible. Remember, you have two choices at any point in time: to have 100% faith, or not. To heal from chronic illness, you must make the conscious decision to choose faith over fear every chance you can. This will be the protection you need during the toughest of times. 

Ignoring Childhood Trauma

Often, the feelings that we had when we were children follow us throughout our lives. If there was some trauma from that time, you must be willing to revisit it. In addition, you must examine the story you have surrounding it. If that story sounds familiar in your current life, it must change for you to heal. You cannot be a victim of your past childhood trauma and beat chronic illness. You will unknowingly see reminders of this trauma in situations in your life. If your childhood was great, then try to identify where the life-changing stressor occurred in your development. Then, try to dive into how it made you feel at the time, deconstruct it, and change the story surrounding it.

Eating Too Much Protein

This is the most common dietary mistake for people with chronic illnesses. They think that they need more protein than their body actually needs. The reality is, they need more fiber and carbohydrates than they do fat or protein. Undigested proteins, cause a host of problems with the kidneys, liver, immune system and gut. The best strategy for recovery from a chronic illness to implement a plant based diet that is high fiber. This feeds bacteria which keep the inflammation under control.

Seeking Answer from Outside Self

The answer to your chronic illness is increasing your awareness of what is happening and what role your behaviors play in it. If you seek resolution from only supplements/medication, you fail to observe your role in the symptom creation. Rather than research for more and more supplements to fix your problem, create a dietary/symptom log to observe your flare-ups. Over time, you will start to notice correlations. For example, you will see what you are doing on your best days and what was done on the days when you felt your worst. This will give you the information you need to create a solid foundation for your recovery. 

Forgetting about Limbic System

Most people focus on the gut, pathogens, toxins, and other things, BUT neglect the limbic system. The reason is, reconditioning the limbic system requires a lot of effort and willingness to change. You must become a different person who lives in a state of relaxation versus chronic low-grade stress. This is not easy for most people who are used to being chronically stressed. They have become dependent on the neurotransmitters which are released when stressful events occur. To recondition the limbic system, you must be willing to perform a stress reduction technique like slow deep breathing. For more information, click on the link.

Returning to Old Behaviors

As soon as you have symptom relief, the first thought usually is, I want to do what I used to do before I got sick. This is understandable, but it’s also risky. I lived this way for several years because I defined health as being able to eat the wrong foods, do the wrong things, etc., without obvious problems. Be aware that once you make a substantial leap in progress, you will have the desire to do something that puts your progress at risk. Stay focused, keep your head down, and remember the end vision of you being healed. This will allow you to escape the situations that risk your healing.

Not Listening to Your Body

People who have chronic illnesses are often really good at ignoring symptoms. The problem is, this prevents them from understanding why the symptoms are occurring in the first place. To be able to heal, you must be willing to observe how all of your actions and thoughts affect the way you feel. In addition, you must be willing to document these things and make changes. If not, you will be on an endless search for supplements or medication to mask your symptoms. 

Following Your Food Cravings

When people have chronic illnesses, often they have strong food preferences or cravings. Little do they know, these cravings are indicators of an underlying immune sensitivity to this food. This was a hard lesson for me to learn when I was recovering from various conditions. I eventually realized that if I craved the food, then there was something about it that’s wasn’t healthy for me. This concept proved itself over and over again with me, my daughter, and plenty of clients. Do yourself a favor and cut out the things you crave for just a few weeks, and try the elimination diet. You will see just how much symptom relief can come by removing irritants and adding immune-friendly plants. 

Stating You’re Doing Better Now

If you notice yourself doing well, don’t tell everyone you know about it. Simply just pay attention to what you have been doing, and continue to do it. Don’t tell yourself that since you’re doing better now, you can go back to riskier decisions. I have noticed that it becomes harder to make the right decisions after I made a lot of progress. Also, it seems like just when you claim you are better, something comes out of left field to challenge/tempt you. Do your best to keep your head down and stay focused so you can maintain progress. There is NO REASON to declare your success before the battle is truly over. 

Seeking Perfection Over Progress

Don’t make the mistake of comparing where you are presently to where you want to be. Instead, compare your current health to where you were at your worst. Make sure you notice the progress and do not attempt to compare your efforts to perfection. This is a sure way to beat yourself up and feel like you are not making progress quick enough. This feeling typically leads people to try to rush the healing process, which causes them to make decisions that set them back. Remember, you can’t control how long it takes to heal. You can only control your perspective and the decisions you make every day. 

Inconsistent Routine/Schedule

If you have a chronic illness and are inconsistent with your schedule, this aggravates the immune system. For example, if you are going to sleep late, waking up early, eating before bed, changing your eating schedule, etc. These things can put stress on the body, which can trigger inflammation. You must try to stay on the same schedule and be as consistent and balanced as possible. This is essential during the healing journey.

Believing Condition is Strictly Physical

There is no denying that chronic illnesses have an emotional and stress component. In addition, typically there is spiritual disconnection when someone has a chronic illness. You cannot simply focus on what is wrong physically with the body, and ignore your emotions, spirituality, and stress. If you want to heal, you need to acknowledge these things and make whatever changes you need to get right with yourself. If you don’t, it will follow you where ever you go, leading you to unhealthy decisions and thoughts. 

Ignoring the Power of Perspective

Your perspective will determine the outcome of your chronic illness. If you believe that you will become a better version of yourself once you are healed, then it will happen. On the other hand, if you are a victim of this illness and feel like this has all been a stroke of bad luck, then it will continue to be. The truth is, your perspective determines the trajectory of your healing journey. 

Not Paying Attention to Stress Triggers

If you really want to overcome your stress, you have to look it right in the eye. You have to be willing to observe the points in your day where you become stressed. After that, you need to identify the stories surrounding these events that make you become stressed. The key to avoiding the stress is changing the story surrounding the event itself. The next time you are reminded of it, then you will refer back to this new story where it is not a threat or as serious.

Eating the Same Thing Every Day

If you eat the same thing every day, you have a higher probability to develop a food intolerance. The problem is, it becomes extremely hard to recognize that this food is causing you the issue after you’ve been eating it for an extended period of time. If you want to discover which foods agree with your immune system and which ones do not, try the elimination diet. It starts you off with foods which are the lowest in terms of immune risk, and then moves you up gradually from there. This allows you to determine your sensitivities and create a diet that is founded upon foods that agree with your immune system. 

Rationalizing Wrong Choices

If some certain foods or activities put you at risk, you must be firm about these things. Often people give into social pressures around them, and then rationalize their decisions afterward in their mind. If they suffer consequences, they then beat themselves up for making the decision. If they don’t, they keep pushing with that thing until it backfires. This is a recipe for internal conflict and counterproductive manifestation. In the end, you must be real with yourself. Define the things that are good for you and then do the best you can.

Ignoring Your Role in Symptoms

The last thing you want to do is tell yourself your “condition” or pathogen is the sole reason for you feeling the way you do. Instead, you need to simplify it. You must identify what is contributing to your symptoms in your dietenvironment, or lifestyle. Don’t get lost in the prognosis associated with your diagnosis, because all symptoms are caused by the same thing, inflammation. To be able to overcome this chronic illness, you must identify the causes of the inflammation and be willing to make changes. Though supplements can be instrumental in your healing, they can only be partially beneficial if you are still making counterproductive decisions. 

Eating a Diet Low in Plant Fiber

If you have a chronic illness, then you have chronic inflammation. To be able to stop this inflammation, your immune system must be calmed down. The number one way to do this is by changing your gut microbiome. To increase the population of bacteria, you must consume plenty of plant fiber. The reason is, plant fiber is the main source of fuel for beneficial bacteria. These bacteria then create SCFA’s which signal the immune system to calm down. Without fiber, your gut signaling becomes distorted eventually, and inflammation ensues. Learn more by reading my article plant fiber- the secret weapon against chronic illness. It has plenty of useful information on the topic.

Giving Yourself Credit for Healing

It is important not to build your ego up while you are healing. You must remember, you were guided by something greater than yourself. In my experience, if you start to take too much credit for your healing and forget your divine partner in the matter, you will slide backward. It is much easier to be proud of your effort and willingness to change, and then let your higher power take care of the rest. Though you may have been the one who made the changes, NEVER FORGET; it’s the one that guided you. Maintain this humble approach, and trust me, everything will fall into place.

FAQ- Top 33 Mistakes Made During Healing Process

What is the most important change to make?

You must believe that there is something in your diet, environment, or lifestyle that is contributing to your symptoms. Remind yourself that you are not helpless in your situation, and the answer will come from within, not outside of you. You cannot think your way out of this illness, you have to feel your way out. Just do your best to notice what makes you feel worse and be willing to make changes. This is the recipe for true healing. If you are having a tough time identifying these triggers, get in touch. 

How common is mold sensitivity?

Mold sensitivity is extremely common in people with chronic health issues. I would say that at least 2/3 of my clients with chronic health conditions have some degree of mold sensitivity. How significant it affects them depends upon many factors. For one person, it can cause migraines; for the other person, it can cause seizures. Since the symptoms vary so much, mycotoxins MUST be ruled out for anyone with a chronic health issue.

What is the number one dietary mistake?

Eating too many animal products and processed foods is the most common dietary mistake. In addition, preferring convenience over quality. If you want to be healthy, you need to have a diet that primarily consists of plants. To learn more about which plant-based foods are the least likely to trigger the immune system, read the hypoallergenic food list. It will give you all the direction you need.

Which types of testing are most helpful?

When someone has a chronic illness, it is best to know what is going on in their gut, and their environment. The best test for the gut is the comprehensive digestive stool analysis. This measures various beneficial bacteria, pathogens, and other important molecules. For environmental testing, you can perform an indoor ERMI test for mold levels. You can also do a mycotoxin urinalysis/tox screen. This will tell you if you are being exposed to mycotoxins by assessing their levels in your urine. Since a disrupted gut and moldy environment are the two most common causes of chronic illnesses, it’s the best place to start.

What is the best way to retrain the limbic system?

The best way to retrain the limbic system is slow deep breathing. By performing a slow deep breath for 30 minutes straight, you send continuous signals to your brain that everything is OK. Once this is performed consistently at the same time each day, the body expects it and eventually becomes reconditioned Into a state of relaxation. Don’t neglect the breath work, or you may never fully recondition your stress response.

What are the main causes of chronic illnesses?

Nearly all chronic illnesses are caused by what we are eating/taking, something we are inhaling, or some form of stress. When you feel triggered, think about what you ate, where you were, and if anything stressful happened. If you can identify why your flare-ups occur, then you can eventually prevent them. The key is, you must be willing to look at how you play a part in your symptoms. If you don’t, you will just claim your “disease” is the cause of your problems.

Conclusion – Learn from My Mistakes

I hope this article has provided you with plenty of tips that will help you avoid unnecessary suffering. Remember, I made every single mistake on that list, but by rectifying each, I became healed of various “incurable conditions.” 

The only thing in your way of success is your resistance to making changes. If you tell yourself that you are willing to do anything you need to improve, then you will control your destiny.

Don’t let this illness break you. Instead, let it make you. Do not rush the process. You can only heal one decision at a time

If you have any questions about your chronic illness, please get in touch. I am more than willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619