
The Ultimate Parasite Cleanse – Kill All Worms!

The Ultimate Parasite CleanseI fought with parasites for 15 years, and finally won the battle after endless trial and error. I was lucky enough to have 3 different types of parasites: dientamoeba fragilis (test confirmed), roundworms (had all symptoms), and a tapeworm (saw segments in stool)! These infestations I believe were the root cause of the all the “diseases” I was diagnosed with.

Before I go over the cleanse, I want to mention something very important. Parasite cleanses are only as effective as your body is clean. Take time to clean out your colon, liver, gallbladder, etc, and switch the right diet before cleansing. Failing to do either will dramatically reduce effectiveness. Refer below for the step by step of what I did to rid myself of parasites.

The Ultimate Parasite Cleanse

1. Followed low histamine diet with strict removal of all common food allergens (wheat, dairy, corn, egg, processed sugar), removed ALL foods I craved for entire cleanse!

2. Took supplements to reduce histamine like bifidobacterium (1), liposomal colostrum, vitamin d3/k2 (2), magnesium glycinate (3), etc.)- this was essential to reducing inflammation pockets in body where parasites hide, improving bowel function, etc.-

3. Purchased Diatomaceous Earth (4) and worked way up to 3-4 tablespoons, 2x daily, followed this for a total of 7 days on, and then went off as soon as I noticed slight discomfort in large intestine – experienced significant die off effect but wasn’t unmanageable, noticed MAJOR DIFFERENCE!

4. After the 7 days of DE was completed, I purchased Pyrantel Pomoate (5), fasted for 16 hours, and then took a triple dose each day for 3 days– it did not make me feel well, but the goal was to kill the parasite! Noticed less tension in the body overall, and less reactivity to foods.

5. Took 5 days off to repair gut lining, restore stamina – used bifidobacterium ONLY product, raw bovine colostrum, l-glutamine, kefir, liposomal colostrum, etc. – evaluated remaining symptoms – noticed huge improvement but still thought it could get feel better.

6. I then completed 3 more cycles of the ultimate parasite cleanse. Each cycle I noticed less drastic improvements and less die off, but steady overall increase in well-being. During that time I also practiced good hygiene to prevent pinworm reinfection. This was essential because pinworms can act as vectors (6) for reinfection of more dangerous parasites like protozoa.

7. After months with no symptoms I pronounced myself parasite free, BUT I still follow a low histamine diet, take the histamine modulators mentioned prior, and eat as much plant fiber as possible. Here is the before and after pic to show you how sick this parasite made me!

Frequent Questions about Parasite Cleansing

Can you get rid of all parasites at once?

If you have had a persistent infection, you probably won’t get rid of them all at once. In this case you want to go through cycles to reduce the population. These cleansing periods should match the parasite’s life cycle which is typically 10 days.

Does the diatomaceous earth taste bad or hurt the stomach?

The diatomaceous earth tastes like nothing at all, but it can irritate the colon in higher doses for extended periods. I did 3-4 heaping tablespoons 2x daily for about 7 days before noticing the slight discomfort. Once I drank colostrum or kefir following it’s use, the discomfort disappeared.I used this discomfort as a good indicator for when my body needed a break from cleansing.

Why use the pyrantel pomoate?

Pyrantel pomoate is known to be 96% effective in killing pinworms (7). Though pinworms do not typically cause chronic illness, they can act as vectors for reinfection of more harmful parasites like protozoa. In addition, they can rob your body of nutrition and control your food cravings.

What are the die-off reactions like?

Typically the die-off reaction will occur around 3-4 hours after your dose of diatomaceous earth since most infestations are in the colon. If it occurs before that, the parasites have worked their way up to your small intestine. Die-off effects can range from emotional swings to skin rashes to extreme exhaustion. The good news about diatomaceous earth is, it also pushes stuff through your intestine so the feelings of die-off come and go, unlike other parasite cleansing treatments.

Will I feel tired when cleansing parasites?

If you have an infestation that has taken over your small intestine, you should feel MUCH better each day after dosing heavy on the diatomaceous earth. If you have primarily an infestation of the colon, you will notice slower gradual progress with DE. Please note though, higher doses of pyrantel pomoate can make you slightly tired so don’t judge the effects until medication is complete.

Will I see parasites come out in my stool?

You may notice your stool has more of a “threaded” look to it (pinworms). You may also see rice/seed like objects in your stool even though you didn’t eat anything like it (tapeworms). Lastly, you may actually see real worms come out a couple inches long. Don’t freak out if you notice any of these things, this is actually GREAT news!

How often do you complete this parasite cleansing process?

I personally complete this at least once every 3 months. Once you do through the first few cycles of cleansing parasites, you will notice less benefit. At that point, it’s really up to you as to how far you want to take it.

Summary of Parasite Cleansing

Believe it or not, parasites are EVERYWHERE. Due to the globalization of the food industry, and meat quality issues, those with compromised immune systems are at risk. I am living proof these things do exist! I lost over 80 lbs and was sick for 16 years!

For these reasons, I choose to complete “the ultimate parasite cleanse” anytime I notice even the slightest of symptoms. After battling parasites for over 15 years, I know one thing for sure, this is NOT something you want to play with!

Hope this article serves you in your wellness journey. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Matt Sikora
Phone: (734) 846-8619