
The Secret Supplement List

secret list of supplements matt sikoraThis is my most USEFUL ARTICLE to date.  After spending $150,000+ dollars on supplements and researching for 15+ years, I FINALLY found the BEST OF THE BEST! Hopefully, this will save you as much time/money as it did for me!

Before I get to the supplements, let me go over what conditions I was diagnosed with. Keep in mind, many of these are thought to be “incurable”. Refer below.

Diagnosed with : fibromyalgia, crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue, asthma, severe lead/mercury poisoning, celiac disease, depression, chronic sinusitis, eczema, severe food allergies. multiple chemical sensitivity, systemic candida, leaky gut, phase 2 detox impairment, klebsiella overgrowth, low testosterone, ADHD, PTSD, CATARACTS, etc.  and best of all… a PARASITE in the same family as malaria (dientamoeba fragilis) that was HIDING IN MY LIVER/GALLBLADDER. Look at the picture of me below!!!

Matt Sikora

Before I reveal the list, PLEASE NOTE, I am NOT recommending these products to you. I am merely informing you of which supplements I used to heal myself of these diseases.

Secret List of Supplements⁣

Raw Colostrum⁣

I used colostrum for bacterial(1) and fungal infections (2). It also helped with leaky gut (3), modulating immune response (4), stamina, and overall recovery (5).

Real Kefir Grains

I used raw milk kefir to help balance the lactobacillus and beneficial yeast population (6) in my gut. It also helped with leaky gut symptoms because kefir contains a biofilm (6).


I used bifidobacterium to reduce histamine levels in the gut (7), help eliminate allergies (8), increase GABA (9), modulate immune response (10,11), stabilize the gut environment, and crowd out bad bacteria.

Vitamin D3/K2⁣

I used vitamin K2/D3 to help stabilize mast cells (12), greatly reduce allergies (13), improve sleep (14), and increase  testosterone levels (15).

Magnesium Glycinate

I used chelated magnesium glycinate to help stabilize my stress response (16), increase DAO enzyme production (17), improve mood (18), initiate GABA/histamine shift (19), and reduce inflammation (42).

Broke Cell Wall Chlorella⁣

I used chlorella to remove heavy metals from my gut (20, 21)shift PH balance, improve bowel movements and quality of life (22).

Fulvic Minerals

I used water extracted fulvic minerals to restore mineral deficiencies , increase stamina, improve energy, and help build good bacteria in gut (23).

Humic Acid

I use humic acid to detoxify the body of metals (24), increase nutrient uptake (25), improve bacterial balance in gut (26), remove inflammation in body (27), control appetite and more. This stuff is so potent it has been shown to suppress breast cancer growth.(28)

Liposomal Glutathione⁣

I used glutathione to increase energy and antioxidant defenses. It was also helpful in stabilizing mast cell response (29), clearing the fog after heavy metal detox, and improving overall well-being. I choose liposomal because it has been shown in studies to increase serum GSH levels and improve immune function.(30)


This was VERY helpful with neuroinflammation (31), mast cell symptoms (32), liver detoxification, reduction of histamine levels, and more.


This was helpful for reducing stress in the body, increasing GABA levels (33), improving stress response (34), reducing histamine levels, and restoring amino acid deficiency.

Silver Nanoparticles⁣

I used silver nanoparticles for their anti-viral (35, 36, 37) and anti-bacterial properties (38).

Monoatomic Gold⁣

I used monoatomic gold to broaden my perspective, increase my sensitivity to “vibes”, connect with my inner being, and more.

N-Acetyl Tyrosine⁣

I used n-acety tyrosine to restore dopamine levels (39) when my adrenals were drained. It also helped with motivation, concentration, alertness, quality of life, immune health, and more.

Diatomaceous Earth⁣

I used diatomaceous earth to kill parasites (40), and detoxify heavy metals from the body (41). It was extremely effective at both but is VERY hard on the body.

Pyrantel Pamoate

I used pyrantel pamoate as a broad spectrum anti-helminth medication (43). In my case, it was effective against a tapeworm (44) and pinworm infestation.

Apple Pectin

I used apple pectin to chelate metals (45), increase bowel movements, increase growth of beneficial bacteria (46), take stress of the liver, and more.

Whey Protein

When I couldn’t digest protein properly, I used cold filtered grass fed whey protein isolate as a supplement. This helped increase glutathione (47)

Secret Supplement Conclusion

Please note, I did NOT take all of these supplements at once. I used different combinations based upon the phase of healing I was in. If it worked for me, I don’t see any reason why it can’t work for you too.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks for reading!

Matt Nedin
Phone: (734) 846-8619