The Original “Liver Flush Recipe” by Hulda Clark
I’ve personally used the “Hulda Clark Liver Flush Recipe” 20+ times. This liver flush was absolutely ESSENTIAL to my recovery. It has many benefits, but most important of all, it removes gallstones which increases circulation, and calms down mast cell reactivity.
Here are a few things I noticed after every good liver flush:
1. Feel much lighter on my feet, and can breathe easier than prior (improved circulation after removal of stones)
2. FAR LESS REACTIVE to foods, environmental irritants (due to less toxic burden which effects mast cells)⠀⠀
3. Much better digestion of fats, and food in general, and less pressure under right rib cage
4. Better mood, better sleep, AND more energy after eating meals
The Original Liver Flush Recipe by Hulda Clark
1. Purchase extra virgin olive oil, organic lemon juice, epsom salt, and 2 apples
2. Eat light diet, high in fiber for a couple days prior, then stop eating anything within 12 hours of the flush⠀
3. At 6pm drink first cup of epsom salt (2+ tbsp w/ 8oz of warm water)⠀⠀
4. 8pm drink second cup of epsom salt water, DO NOT DRINK ANY EXTRA FLUIDS! Mix olive oil/lemon juice solution
5. At 10pm, drink 4-5 oz. of olive oil/lemon juice mix ALL AT ONCE, and then IMMEDIATELY lay on right side in fetal position, DO NOT MOVE until next sip!
6. Take long deep breaths as you feel gallbladder start to “PUMP ERRATICALLY”- do NOT move, go to sleep asap
7. Wake up, and monitor your next 3 bowel movements to view stones
8. After done with first major bowel movement, eat apples then return to normal life!
The picture below is of REAL gall stones extracted using this liver flush. Typically the darker the color, the longer they’ve been in there. Believe it or not, in a fatty liver, there can be up to 6000 stones inside! Want to see other people’s results, click on these liver stone pics.
If you’re struggling with fibromyalgia, mast cell activation (MCAD), autoimmune disease, or FOOD/ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES, this could be your ticket! By reducing toxic burden, your immune system become far less reactive, which in turn reduces symptoms.
I hope this liver flush recipe changes your life as much as it did for me. If you haven’t tried it, GIVE IT A SHOT! It’s WELL WORTH it! Happy healing everyone!
Matt Nedin
Phone: (734) 846-8619