
The Histamine Intolerance Recovery Guide

Histamine intolerance recovery guideHistamine intolerance was one of the most frustrating conditions I ever dealt with. I still remember what it felt like to have histamine issues and have no idea what to do. This frustration led me into a place of desperation where I made poor decisions that exacerbated my HIT symptoms. For years, I remained trapped in this nightmare until I learned some important information, and eventually recovered. 

Since reliable information was so hard to find, I vowed that one day, I would beat histamine intolerance and teach people how to overcome it. Well, today is the day I have been envisioning for years. Now, I will share my secrets for beating histamine intolerance so you can heal too! 

In this article, I will cover the steps to beating histamine intolerance in great detail. I will also cover several common questions about beating histamine intolerance. This will give you all the information you need to escape the suffering and live a symptom-free life. Scroll down to get started!

Histamine Intolerance Recovery Guide

Mold Testing in Your Home

If you have histamine intolerance, you likely also have mold hypersensitivity. The problem is, you can’t see this toxic mold most of the time. I know it all sounds crazy, but it isn’t. Unfortunately, I ignored the idea of mold while I watched my daughter suffer until I finally took it seriously. Within eight months of targeting mold, she was symptom-free after seven years. It was a complete miracle.

I have seen plenty of clients with histamine intolerance who are living in homes that have toxic mold. The best way to rule this possibility out is to perform an indoor ERMI and EMMA test in your home. This will tell you exactly what type of molds are living there, what amounts, and if any of their mycotoxins have saturated your living space. If you get a positive reading, then it is time to perform a mycotoxin urinalysis. This will help you identify if you are full of mycotoxins. If you come back with high levels, read my mold illness recovery protocol. It has everything you need to heal from mycotoxin illness.

Follow the Elimination Diet Process

If you have histamine intolerance, it is best to start with the plant-based elimination diet. This is based on the concept that you want to start with the foods that are easiest to break down. This will allow the gut to heal itself so that you can then tolerate foods with more complex protein molecules. Initially, you start with the foods in the green category and then move on to the yellow and orange foods. From there, you can determine which foods work for you and which do not. After you figure this out, you now have a diet that does NOT trigger you. 

In my experience, the elimination diet has been far more effective than the low-histamine diet. It removes the hidden food sensitivities that trigger the mast cells to release histamine. In addition, it contains fewer animal products and, therefore, less histamine. Also, the foods on the elimination diet feed the bacteria that degrade histamine. When eating a diet high in animal products, most people have a large amount of histamine-producing bacteria in their gut. To change the bacterial balance, you must emphasize plants over animal products. 

Increase Fiber/Reduce Protein

To beat histamine intolerance, you have to reduce your protein intake. Whether this is meat, whey protein shakes, eggs, fish, or yogurt, it’s all the same. The reason this is important is people with histamine intolerance typically have a difficult time breaking down proteins. If they do not digest a portion of it, it rots in the stomach, causing the release of various toxic compounds. These then trigger mast cells which release histamine into the blood. 

In addition, people with histamine intolerance often have leaky gut, which allows proteins to seep into the blood. In this situation, the last thing you want is undigested meat in the stomach. This will not only aggravate the mast cells but will also worsen the leaky gut. Rather than focusing on protein, increase your plant-based fiber. This fiber is the fuel for good bacteria, which will calm down your mast cells and effectively reduce your histamine levels. In short, the more fiber, the better!

Simplify Everything in Routine

When recovering from histamine intolerance, it is critical to have minimal ingredients in your meals so you can determine what is agreeing with you and what is triggering you. In addition, it’s important to only use supplements that are one ingredient. This allows you to understand how you match with it and reduces the probability of a reaction occurring. 

The truth is, the supplements are the last step in the process. First, you must identify which foods are aggravating your symptoms. You can accomplish this by following the elimination diet, creating a dietary/symptom log, and noting any time you feel different. Next, you must make sure your environment is free of toxic mold. This can be done by performing an ERMI test. Remember, you don’t have to see mold to get sick from it. If mold is an issue and you don’t address it, you will be stuck in the mud with everything else you do.

Lastly, you must introduce stress-reduction activities like slow deep breathing. This is critical to stabilizing the reactivity of the mast cells, which are the main culprit behind high histamine levels. Once you have done all these things to their fullest extent, you can add some immune-modulating supplements. This is the smart way to approach histamine intolerance recovery.

Eliminate Synthetic Supplements

When you have histamine intolerance, it’s important to recognize that you have some degree of chemical intolerance. With this in mind, you do not want to consume any chemicals. Unfortunately, that is what a synthetic vitamin is. It is a replica of the real thing, but not organic. For this reason, it is important to eliminate all supplements that aren’t derived from plants. If you don’t, they will aggravate the mast cells at some point.

When choosing plant-based supplements, keep everything extremely simple. Your goal is to find supplements that calm the mast cells, boost the gut bacteria, and improve detoxification. If they check all three of these boxes and are plant-based, then they are worth trying. In the following sections, I will list some of my favorite products that fit the criteria listed above.

Implement Binders for Toxins

Most people with histamine intolerance have a buildup of toxins in their bodies. Whether these are mycotoxins, heavy metals, or other chemicals, you must get them out of your body. If you don’t, the immune system can remain dysfunctional, sabotaging your healing.

My favorite binders are carbonized bamboo, bentonite, clay, micronized zeolite, apple pectin, humic acid, bifidobacterium, and colostrum. If you identify and remove all of your triggers and then add the supplements, histamine intolerance will be a thing of the past. To learn more about the best mycotoxin binders, click on the link. 

Phase in Prebiotics Supplements

If you have histamine intolerance, you usually have an overgrowth of histamine-producing bacteria. To stabilize your histamine levels, you must change the makeup of your gut microbiome. The best way of accomplishing this is through using specialized prebiotic fibers. These are the favorite foods of the beneficial bacteria in your gut. If you feed them often enough, you can regrow the population and reap the benefits.

I’ve tried countless prebiotic substances, but only a few stand out. Most importantly, if you can find raw colostrum, that is the ultimate prebiotic. In addition, there is acacia senegal, inulin, arabinogalactan, apple pectin, humic acid, bee propolis, and cocoa powder. To learn more about the best probiotics, visit the link provided. It covers the top probiotics in great detail.

Create Bifido Bomb Probiotic

Early on, I realized that bifidobacterium was critical to beating histamine intolerance. This realization occurred when I took 6 Probiota Bifido pills by Seeking Health and noticed relief. From there, I was hooked! I was determined to find a way to make these strains work even better and to reduce the cost. I worked on various ideas for months until I came up with the recipe for the Bifido Bomb.

With the Bifido Bomb, I have greatly increased the number of live bacteria. In addition, I have activated them in a way that makes them far more aggressive when ingested. This gives them a higher chance of surviving, and it has a stronger effect on the immune system because it contains short-chain fatty acids. To learn more about how to make the Bifido Bomb, click the link provided. I also provided a video to show you how strong this stuff can get! You won’t believe it! It may take some time, but trust me, the results are well worth it.

Find Raw Bovine Colostrum

What can I say about raw colostrum besides the fact that it is liquid gold? If it weren’t for colostrum, I would have probably been sick for the rest of my life. Not only does it calm down mast cells, but it also feeds good bacteria, heals leaky gut, regenerates tissue, and much more. Honestly, I think this is the most miraculous substance on earth.

Keep in mind, raw colostrum is most beneficial for people who have severe gut issues. The only problem with colostrum is it is hard to get. For this reason, I created an article with some tips on how to find raw colostrum. Click on the link provided for more information. If you still can’t find it, reach out to me.

Use Slow Deep Breathing Technique

To fully heal from histamine intolerance, you need to recondition the limbic system. There are various ways that people claim they do this, but my favorite is slow deep breathing. This tells your brain to calm down because everything is OK. If you combine this ultra-slow deep breath with a visualization technique and healing frequencies, you can really see a difference. 

Do yourself a favor and try this for 30 minutes a day, twice per day. It sounds like quite a commitment, but the rewards are priceless. I was unable to overcome my PTSD for nearly a decade before trying this slow deep breathing technique. After practicing it for a few months, my episodes had disappeared entirely. Learn more about the slow deep breathing technique in the link provided.

Remove Anything Synthetic from Home

When you have histamine intolerance, you have an aggravated group of mast cells. With this in mind, it is intelligent to remove anything that would aggravate these cells further. Examples would be cleaning products, fragrances, personal care products, and more. Anything made out of synthetic chemicals can potentially aggravate the immune system. The reason is, it can be absorbed into the body, and often, the immune system must remove it.

Removing everything made of chemicals from your home may sound tough, but it isn’t. Nowadays, there is a natural form of everything. Not only is it good for your health, but the last people you want to support are the chemical companies. The reason is, they are responsible for most of the diseases people are suffering from. If you choose to go fully natural, trust me, you won’t regret it!

Start Dietary/Symptom Journal

To beat histamine intolerance, you must document all of your flares very closely. The simplest way to do this is by creating a symptom log that contains everything you eat/took, what symptoms you experienced throughout your day, where you were, and other key details. Over time, you start to see correlations between your choices and the symptoms you experience. This allows you to make important changes that are necessary for healing. To learn more about using symptom journals for mast cell activation, click on the link. It will give you all the details you need to create an effective symptom journal. 

Rotate All Foods and Supplements

When you’re struggling with histamine intolerance, often it’s comfortable to eat the same things every day. Unfortunately, that’s the last thing you want to do. Ideally, you want to rotate through as many plant-based foods as possible. The goal is to eat 20 to 30 different plants per week. This gives your gut microbiome plenty of fuel for growth and diversification.

Regarding supplements, rotation is the key to maintaining effectiveness and eliminating the possibility of developing an immune sensitivity. No matter what the supplement is, it should not be taken every day. Depending on the supplement, some should be taken a few days a week and others up to five days per week. It all depends upon their use and potential for triggering the mast cells.

Keep Making the Right Decisions

Typically, people tend to make the wrong decisions as soon as they make progress. This was the story for me. As soon as I started to feel a lot better, I felt like it was a license to return to doing what I did before I got sick. Unfortunately, this pattern led to plenty of internal conflict and symptom flare-ups. At that time, I didn’t realize that the point of the illness was to teach me how to live a healthier life.

I have seen this pattern in nearly every client I have worked with. At this point, I think it’s part of human nature. When you are deprived of something for so long due to health limitations, as soon as you feel like you can do it again, you want to dip your foot in the water. Unfortunately, before you know it, you can be completely submerged and back in the middle of a histamine reaction if not careful.

Embrace Low Histamine Lifestyle

To overcome histamine intolerance, you must embrace this new lifestyle you have to live. Rather than push against it, appreciate all the benefits that come along with it. The reality is, by eating and living this way, you are improving your quality of life both now and in the future. If the foods start to get boring, try new recipes. If interested, you can access hundreds of breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes by clicking the links. These recipes contain only foods that are safe for people who have histamine intolerance.

Remember, the goal is not to cure yourself of histamine intolerance. The goal is to be symptom-free and happy. Don’t get too caught up in trying to live the life you did before developing histamine intolerance. This can lead you to make decisions that cause your histamine intolerance symptoms to worsen. In contrast, be creative within the limitations to remain happy and free of symptoms. The reality is, after the first several months, you will be used to the lifestyle you need to live. The hard part is making the right decisions for those first few months.

FAQ – Histamine Intolerance Recovery Guide

What probiotics are best for histamine intolerance?

The bifidobacterium species is the most important by far. It has a calming effect on mast cells, degrades histamine in the gut, strengthens the intestinal lining, produces short-chain fatty acids, and more. Before moving on to other probiotic strains, you must have sufficient bifidobacterium levels. If you don’t, you could create an imbalance, which could further disrupt the mast cells and increase your histamine levels. Learn more about how bifidobacterium helps mast cell activation in the article linked.

Do I need antimicrobials to beat histamine intolerance?

No, you don’t need antimicrobials to beat histamine intolerance. Even though you may have plenty of histamine-producing bacteria in your gut, pulling out the big guns is unnecessary. All you need to do is stop feeding the harmful bacteria with animal products/processed foods and transition to a plant-dominant diet so you can feed your beneficial bacteria. After that, you can supplement with prebiotics and binders to restore balance in the gut. Keep in mind that pathogens rarely cause histamine intolerance; it is caused by the mast cells. If you forget this, you are likely to experience setbacks.

What are the main causes of histamine intolerance?

The main cause of histamine intolerance is hyperactive mast cells. Since they are the main source of histamine production, you must figure out why they are so hyperactive. In most cases, this is because of something we are consuming, inhaling, or some form of stress. After you stop eating the foods that are causing you issues, eliminate toxic mold from your home, and implement stress reduction activities like slow deep breathing, you should be mostly symptom-free. At that time, you can start adding plant-derived supplements if needed. Remember, all supplements must calm the mast cells, boost good bacteria, and support the detox pathways. If they don’t, then the supplement is a risk. 

Can you beat histamine intolerance for good?

Absolutely! I used to have histamine intolerance, and now, I am symptom-free. In addition, my daughter and many of my clients have overcome it. Although it can be complex to identify the underlying irritants, it is very possible to beat histamine intolerance. The best thing you can do is pay close attention to the information in this article and implement one change at a time. If it becomes too overwhelming, reach out to me. We will work as a team to beat histamine intolerance once and for all.  

Do genetic abnormalities cause histamine intolerance?

Studies show that some people may be at risk for reduced DAO enzyme activity due to their genetic predisposition. Despite this, environmental stressors typically need to be involved for it to occur. For example, someone may have a genetic predisposition, but it is not triggered until they use multiple antibiotics while living in a moldy house or get vaccinated. In short, a significant inflammatory event must occur to modify genetic activity. Though it sounds complex, it is quite possible. Take my word for it; it happened to my daughter and me. 

Conclusion- Healing Histamine Intolerance is Possible

If you have histamine intolerance, don’t be concerned. You can overcome this condition by making the changes I have listed above. It may be hard to make some of these changes, but if you do, your recovery is inevitable. How do I know? Well, I have used this process on myself, my daughter, and many clients. The reality is, if you put in the work, you can beat this frustrating condition. 

If you have any questions about histamine intolerance, please contact me. I’m willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp/Telegram: +17348468619