
Raw Colostrum Helpful for Leaky Gut Syndrome

RAW COLOSTRUM HELPFUL FOR LEAKY GUT SYNDROMEColostrum is the most important substance I have ever encountered. After using it for several months, I made more progress than I had in the last several years with other supplements. Though raw colostrum isn’t a miracle cure across the board, if there’s one thing it does well, it’s heal a leaky gut. The bioactive components in colostrum change the gut environment, stimulate the repair of the lining, fight off pathogens, and more. This is why I refer to colostrum as the “miracle milk.”

In this article, I will cover 15 ways that colostrum helps you heal a leaky gut. Afterward, I will address several common questions about using colostrum and share some of my experiences using this miraculous substance. Scroll down to get started!

How Colostrum Heals Leaky Gut

Strengthens Intestinal Barrier

Colostrum contains unique growth factors like EGF(epidermal growth factor) and TGF-b (transforming growth factor beta). These important substances promote the growth and repair of intestinal cells, strengthening the gut barrier and reducing intestinal permeability.

Supports Tight Junction Proteins

Studies show that colostrum helps to maintain and repair the tight junction proteins along the gut lining. These proteins seal the gut lining by tightening the cells closer together. By keeping these proteins intact, colostrum prevents the leakage of pathogens, toxins, or food particles into the bloodstream. 

Rich Source of Immunoglobulins

Raw colostrum is a good source of IgA, IgM, and IgG immunoglobulins. These act as antibodies and neutralize pathogens along the gut lining. By providing a protective coat along the intestinal barrier, they limit the invasion of harmful microbes and enhance gut health. This is one of my favorite properties of colostrum. When your immune system is a complete wreck and not functioning correctly, these immunoglobulins can save the day.

Antimicrobial/Antibacterial Properties

Colostrum contains lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein that strongly affects bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other pathogens. By reducing the microbial load in the gut, you reduce the production of inflammatory substances, which leads to an environment where a leaky gut can heal. Other than lactoferrin, colostrum contains additional antimicrobial compounds that produce a similar benefit.

Reduces Gut Inflammation

Colostrum contains growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines that block certain inflammatory pathways, reducing inflammation in the gut. This is critical because inflammation is the number one cause of leaky gut. If you can control the inflammation in your gut, you can provide the environment for the epithelial barrier to repair itself.

Enhances Gut Mucus Production

Raw colostrum contains mucins, which stimulate the production of the gut’s mucus layer. This mucus layer protects the intestinal barrier from being irritated by things in the gut, such as food particles, toxins, and more. This is critical because if any of these things reach the intestinal wall, it can trigger inflammation and cause damage to the epithelial barrier.

Promotes Growth of Good Bacteria

Raw colostrum contains beneficial bacteria and prebiotics that support their growth. When you have a leaky gut, typically, there are not enough beneficial bacteria and too many pathogens. This is where colostrum really shines. By suppressing the growth of the pathogenic bacteria and enhancing the growth of the good bacteria, it changes the gut environment. This is essential if you want to heal your leaky gut for good.

Reduces Oxidative Stress in Gut

Colostrum contains important antioxidant properties which protect the gut lining from being irritated. When free radicals accumulate, it can trigger inflammation, which will exacerbate leaky issues. Fortunately, colostrum provides the body with unique compound which reduce the oxidative stress and control the gut inflammation.

Improves Nutrient Absorption

By improving the gut environment, colostrum increases nutrient absorption. Using colostrum promotes healing of the gut lining, which dramatically increases the capability to assimilate nutrients. I experienced this firsthand. at one point, I was skinnier than a pole and sicker than ever. Within several months of drinking the colostrum, I was looking like a normal person again.

Modulates Immune Response

Using colostrum has been shown to calm down the mast cells and increase levels of regulatory T cells. these are the two immune cells which are most critical when attempting to overcome leaky gut. The reason is, they dictate your level of reactivity to all the things you are exposed to. This includes food, toxins, and plenty more. Before Colostrum, I was having severe reactions to nearly everything. Within 90 days of drinking it daily, my reactions were barely noticeable.

Growth Factors Promote Cell Repair

Growth factors in colostrum, like IGF-1, promote the repair and regeneration of gut cells. This process of cellular regeneration helps the gut lining repair much quicker, whether it’s aggravated by food sensitivities, pathogens, toxins, or other irritants.

Balances the Gut PH Levels

Colostrum contains bioactive compounds that help maintain a healthy pH level in the gut. These compounds support the growth of beneficial bacteria and discourage the growth of pathogens. This ensures proper digestion and helps the body resist infections from pathogens.

Inhibits Pathogenic/Bacterial Adhesion

One of the most exciting benefits of colostrum is that it inhibits pathogenic and bacterial adhesion to the gut lining. This is critical because once the pathogen gets a hold of the gut lining, it can send messages throughout the body that trigger immune dysfunction. In addition, it can cause inflammation of the gut lining, which increases the likelihood of leaky gut syndrome.

Stimulates Autophagy of Gut Cells

Colostrum has been shown to stimulate autophagy in gut cells. This is a process where the cells clean up the mess. In essence, autophagy causes the dysfunctional cells to die off and creates new ones in their place. Also, colostrum activates stem cells, which assist in the restoration process. This leads to a healthier gut environment, where the cells are functioning properly and producing anti-inflammatory compounds. As you can expect, this makes a big difference when trying to heal from a leaky gut.

Increases Secretory IgA Levels

Using colostrum has been shown to increase levels of S-IgA. Secretory IgA is produced along the gut lining and is essential for eliminating pathogens and other harmful toxins. Higher levels of IgA prevent food particles, harmful bacteria, and other toxins from entering the bloodstream. This is critical for keeping the gut barrier intact and fully functional.

Binds to Harmful Toxins in Gut

Colostrum has been shown to bind to different toxins, such as mycotoxins and endotoxins. In addition, it has been shown to bind to harmful bacteria and other pathogens that produce inflammatory byproducts. Eliminating these reduces overall inflammation in the gut and supports a healthy intestinal lining.

Enhances Production of SCFA’s

Colostrum indirectly supports the production of short-chain fatty acids by increasing beneficial bacteria. By boosting bifidobacterium and lactobacillus, SCFA levels can return to normal. Increasing SCFA’s is an absolute must if you want to heal leaky gut. These short-chain fatty acids nourish cells in the colon, enhance the function of the intestinal barrier, and reduce inflammation.

FAQ- Using Raw Colostrum for Leaky Gut

Is raw colostrum safe to drink?

There is a possibility of contamination in any raw dairy product. Let’s be real: there’s a possibility of contamination even from pasteurized products. If you look into it, more people have died from pasteurized milk than from raw milk. If you doubt me, you can view the studies linked on this page. Nonetheless, you must be cautious when choosing a raw milk farmer to purchase from. Generally, everyone I have met on has been a good source. 

I have drank thousands of gallons of raw colostrum in my life and have never had an issue with food poisoning. Of course, these things are possible, but I wouldn’t have it stop you from trying raw colostrum. Sometimes, the only way you can heal is by being open to trying new things, even if they seem completely outside the box.

Can I use powdered colostrum instead of raw?

Powdered colostrum is often pasteurized, which reduces the benefits dramatically. Also, it doesn’t contain the beneficial microbes that raw colostrum does. If powdered colostrum is the only option, I would try something with the highest IGG content. Don’t be surprised if you are unable to notice significant benefits. This was my experience, and it’s what I hear from others. For this reason, I would spend most of my time finding farmers in your area versus sourcing the best colostrum supplement.

Any other changes I can make to heal leaky gut syndrome?

There are plenty of changes you can make to heal leaky gut syndrome. First, you want to remove the foods with the most complex protein structures. These are things like milk, eggs, nuts, and even meat. From there, you focus primarily on high-fiber plant-based foods to nourish the gut bacteria and reduce inflammation. The most common mistake people make is overeating animal products and not consuming enough fiber. This leaves them with high levels of pathogenic and histamine-producing bacteria in their gut. In this situation, a leaky gut is inevitable.

Other than dietary changes, you also want to make sure there are no mycotoxins present in your environment. This could be done by performing an IgG/IgE mycotoxin blood test. This will show you if you have been exposed and developed a significant immune sensitivity. Remember, addressing your diet and environment are the most critical steps, but other ways to promote healing exist. Read my detailed article about healing leaky gut syndrome to learn more about it. It has everything you need to overcome this frustrating situation once and for all.

How do you dose raw colostrum for leaky gut syndrome?

When you first start, you want to try 4 ounces on an empty stomach every other day. Keep in mind that the fewer animal products you eat, the better the colostrum will agree with your stomach. After getting used to 4 ounces, move up to 8 to 10 ounces for two days on and one day off. You must keep in mind that more is not necessarily better. If you have impaired detoxification or strange reactions to things, you must take it slow.

On the other hand, if you have a very serious gut issue, you need to drink the right amount to make a difference. If your gut is a complete wreck, you probably want to be consuming 8-10 oz., 4 to 5 days per week. If you do this, you MUST combine it with a plant-based diet. Since colostrum is so thick, you don’t want to add it to a diet high in animal products. This will further impair your detox system and feed the wrong organisms in your gut. 

Have you used raw colostrum to heal leaky gut?

As I mentioned, I have drank thousands of gallons of raw colostrum from at least 20 different farmers. Initially, when I first started using it, I was 140 pounds and had lost over 70 pounds of body weight. Also, I had rashes all over me, severe food allergies, never-ending constipation, and plenty more. Within six months of consuming colostrum nearly every day, I gained over 40 pounds. Though it took a lot of eating, finally, my body could put on the weight. Take a look below at my picture to see how sick I was. My life was a complete nightmare until colostrum came along and gave me hope!


Conclusion – Raw Colostrum is the Leaky Gut Healer

When my back was against the wall, colostrum saved the day. Let’s be honest: How many other substances have all the properties described in this article? The truth is, colostrum is a one-of-a-kind gift from God and was meant to be used for healing.

Though colostrum may not fix all your issues, it can help you overcome a leaky gut, which is a critical part of the healing process. If you are struggling with a leaky gut, put all your effort into finding raw colostrum. It may take time and effort, but the payoff could be PRICELESS.

If you have any questions about raw colostrum or leaky gut, get in touch. I have drank thousands of gallons of raw colostrum, so if anyone knows its potential, it’s me.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp/Telegram: +17348468619