
Organic Acids Test (OAT) – Markers Indicating Mold Exposure

Organic acids test OAT mold markersLet’s talk about mold, the invisible menace that’s quietly turning your life upside down. If you’ve got chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, allergies, or that constant feeling of “blah,” maybe it’s not all in your head. Maybe it’s all being driven by mold mycotoxins. 

Enter the Organic Acids Test (OAT), the ultimate detective for figuring out if mold is secretly sabotaging your health. The OAT test pulls back the curtain on those sneaky organic acids, revealing what’s happening inside your body. The results can tell you if there is a problem with mold, bacterial overgrowth, detox, cellular health, and more.

In this article, we will focus just on the markers that indicate a potential mold exposure. If you’re living in a moldy place or are colonized with mold, there are certain markers that should light up like a Christmas tree. Want to know which these are? Well, let’s dive into the list of the organic acids that scream mold exposure.

Top Mold Markers on Organic Acids Test (OAT)

1. Arabinose: The Yeast Whisperer

  • High Levels: If your arabinose levels are high, congratulations—you’ve probably got a fungal party happening in your gut, courtesy of Candida. But here’s the kicker: mold exposure makes you way more susceptible to Candida overgrowth. So, those high arabinose levels? They’re practically a flashing neon sign saying, “Mold’s been here, and it’s not done messing with you yet.” If you’re feeling bloated, tired, and just plain off, mold could be calling the shots.

2. Furancarboxylic Acid: Mold’s Calling Card

  • High Levels: Furancarboxylic acid is the mold detective’s dream. This stuff shows up when Aspergillus or other mold species are hanging around. Got high levels? You can bet your mycotoxin load is off the charts. This acid doesn’t just hint at mold, it practically waves a red flag in your face. Chronic exposure? Oh yeah, furancarboxylic acid knows all about it. Respiratory problems, headaches, endless fatigue? Mold’s been having a field day with your health.

3. Tartaric Acid: The Fatigue Factory

  • High Levels: Tartaric acid is a fungal byproduct, and when it’s high, it’s like mold saying, “Surprise! I’ve been wrecking your mitochondria.” You can expect your energy levels to tank, your muscles to ache, and your brain to take a vacation. High tartaric acid = high fungal load. If you’re dragging through the day, can barely remember what you had for breakfast, and feel like you’re running on empty, this acid might just explain it all. Chronic fatigue sufferers, this one’s for you.

4. 5-Hydroxy-Methyl-Furoic Acid: The Mold Heavyweight

  • High Levels: Aspergillus and Penicillium species (the usual mold suspects) produce this bad boy. When 5-hydroxy-methyl-furoic acid is high, it means your body’s been fighting mold exposure, and you’re not winning. Mycotoxins are circulating, making you feel like your immune system’s been hijacked. Moldy environment? This is the confirmation. Expect brain fog, immune dysfunction, and maybe even unexplained weight gain or loss. Mold’s influence knows no bounds.

5. 3-Oxoglutaric Acid: Mitochondria’s Nightmare

  • High Levels: Mitochondrial dysfunction, anyone? High 3-oxoglutaric acid means mold’s been sabotaging your energy production. This organic acid interferes with your body’s ability to generate energy, leaving you exhausted and foggy. If you’ve got high levels, don’t be surprised if you’re experiencing chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and maybe even some neurological symptoms like poor concentration or mood swings. Mold exposure has a way of doing that.

6. Citramalic Acid: Gut’s Distress Signal

  • High Levels: You know how mold exposure wrecks everything? Well, your gut doesn’t escape unscathed. High citramalic acid can mean gut dysbiosis, and Clostridia species (yes, the bad bacteria) start having a field day when mold lowers your defenses. If your gut is bloated, gassy, and just plain miserable, mold exposure might be the reason. Citramalic acid shows up when things are out of balance, and it’s usually not a pretty picture.

7. Carboxycitric Acid: The Mold Marker

  • High Levels: Carboxycitric acid might as well be the mascot for mold toxicity. When this organic acid is high, you’re looking at serious exposure to mold, especially from water-damaged buildings. This acid shows up in people who’ve been living in moldy conditions for way too long. It’s not just about fatigue and brain fog anymore—it’s the whole mold toxicity package. If you’ve been feeling off for months or years, carboxycitric acid will tell you why. High levels? Time to check your living environment ASAP.

8. Oxalates: Mold’s Secret Weapon

  • High Oxalates (Especially Glycolic and Oxalic Acids): Mold doesn’t just wreak havoc directly. It also has a sneaky side hustle of producing oxalates. These crystals can accumulate in your tissues, causing joint pain, kidney stones, and other nastiness. Aspergillus species are notorious for ramping up oxalate production. Got joint pain that seems to come out of nowhere? Mold might be flooding your system with oxalates, and your kidneys are paying the price.

9. Glucaric Acid: Detox in Overdrive

  • High Levels: When mold gets in, your detox pathways go into overdrive, and glucaric acid levels soar. Your body is fighting the good fight, trying to clear out the mycotoxins, but if you’ve got chronic exposure, it’s a losing battle. High glucaric acid means your liver’s working overtime, struggling to keep up. Expect a host of symptoms, from fatigue to hormonal imbalances, as your body tries to eliminate the moldy mess.

10. Ochratoxin A (Indirect Marker)

  • High Levels of Other Mold Indicators: While Ochratoxin A isn’t directly measured in the OAT test, markers like 5-hydroxy-methyl-furoic acid and others scream that this mycotoxin might be at play. Ochratoxin A is a major mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium and is linked to kidney damage, brain fog, and weakened immunity. If the usual mold markers are lighting up, odds are you’ve been exposed to this particularly nasty toxin.

Frequently Asked Questions – Organic Acids Test

Is the organic acids test worth the money?

If you suspect mold could be an issue, the OAT is worth the money. However, it is not a conclusive test regarding mold exposure. Your OAT results can come back normal, and you could still be getting sick from mold. The reason is the markers on this test don’t cover all molds (Stachybotrys, etc.). If you want to see if you have mold issues, you should get the OAT, a mycotoxin urinalysis, and complete an indoor mold test. My favorite is the petri dish test, ERMI, or the mycotoxin swab analysis.

Is mold an issue if these acid markers are high?

If the markers are slightly high, then I would not be convinced you have a mold issue. If the markers are very high, like 10x the reference range or more, then yes, you likely have an issue. This is where the OAT is useful, as it helps you spot those significant abnormalities. These will help formulate your hypothesis on what the root cause of the person’s illness is.

Can mold really be causing my health issues?

Mold sensitivity is FAR MORE COMMON than you would ever realize. In fact, I would say that most people who have chronic illnesses have some degree of mold intolerance. If you have a chronic illness, you must rule it out. You may waste years like I did with my daughter if you don’t. Thank god we finally took it seriously because now she is healthy after six years of suffering. To read about her story, click the link.

What binders are best for removing mycotoxins?

I created an article with a list of the 22 best mycotoxin binders. Keep in mind, it is best to remove yourself from the place of exposure before starting the binders. If you can’t, just start slow and move your way up.

Are there any cheap mold tests you can do at home?

Yes, my favorite is the mold petri dish test. If you do the collection process correctly, then you can get an accurate result. If you just do the normal sample collection process, the test is of far less value. Learn about the process here – mold petri dish test – collection process.

Do you have an example of what a sample OAT test looks like?

Yes, you can download a sample report from mosaic. It will give you an idea of what it looks like, though it may be difficult to understand. The hardest part is finding a doctor who can order these tests AND knows what they are talking about. This is why many people end up contacting me for assistance.

Bottom Line: Mold is Everywhere, But So Are the Clues

Mold exposure is no joke, it can trigger everything from brain fog to chronic fatigue. Hopefully, your OAT test will be the key to figuring out how much the mold issue is contributing to your symptoms. High levels of these organic acids are your body’s SOS signals, letting you know that mold is messing with everything from your gut to your mitochondria. The sooner you figure it out, the sooner you can start detoxing and clearing out the chaos. Take it from me: I’ve seen mold wreck the health of my daughter and plenty of clients.

If you’ve got high levels of these markers, mold is likely the culprit. Time to throw out that moldy couch, check for hidden leaks, and get serious about detox. Mold may be sneaky, but your body’s cries for help are loud and clear.

If you have any questions or need any help, get in touch. I am well-versed in mold illness and would love to share my experiences.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin, B.S.
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619