
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Caused by Mold Mycotoxins

Multiple chemical sensitivity caused by mold Multiple chemical sensitivity is a condition that is not well-known amongst the scientific community. Because it is so difficult to understand, it is ignored and people are left to suffer. One of those people was my daughter, who was sick for six years, experiencing extreme symptoms until we found the root cause.

In this article, I will discuss my experiences with multiple chemical sensitivity and its connection to mycotoxins, specifically trichothecenes. For those of you who don’t know, mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by molds. They have been shown to be extremely hazardous to human health and implicated in various chronic illnesses, including autoimmune diseases. Though they are rarely thought of as a primary cause, they are now being considered far more seriously.

Understanding the Basics of Mold Mycotoxins

Each type of mold produces a specific type of mycotoxin. These mycotoxins are secreted to discourage other molds from growing in their environment. In essence, the mycotoxins are used to gain a competitive advantage over other molds in the area. This sounds harmless, but the problem is they’re quite hazardous to humans.

Of the various types of mycotoxins, one is the most damaging. This is the infamous class of mycotoxins called trichothecenes. These nasty substances can cause a host of symptoms. For my daughter, it was seizures, extreme eczema, learning disabilities, behavioral issues, convulsion in sleep, eye crossing, dyslexia, and more. The ironic thing was that I was blaming the chemical sensitivity for all of these symptoms when, in fact, it was mycotoxin exposure.

Connection between Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

For years, I thought that my daughter’s symptoms were being exacerbated because of her exposure to various synthetic chemicals. This was true, but it wasn’t the root cause. The reason she was having these extreme reactions to things like cleaning chemicals and fragrances was that she was living in a house with Stachybotrys, the type of black mold that creates the trichothecene mycotoxin.

Unlike other mycotoxins, trichothecenes cause the immune system to have exaggerated reactions to nearly anything it encounters. This includes chemicals, foods, supplements, medication, stress, and EMF. An example of a reaction would be having anxiety, itching, elevated heart rate, coughing or throat closing up shortly after exposure. This is what happened to my daughter for years before we discovered the missing link. I have also seen it occur in plenty of clients I have worked with were exposed.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Symptoms Disappeared

I had heard about mold, but I never took it seriously enough. Though my daughter had been diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity, we still had yet to meet with someone who claimed to understand why. This all changed when I met with a Functional Medicine practitioner from Cleveland Clinic. Within minutes of reviewing the case, she was convinced this was all driven by mold exposure.

From there, I went on a full-out anti-mold campaign. I moved out of our place and sold nearly everything we owned. We temporarily moved into a hotel because we could not risk signing another lease and getting locked into a place my daughter would react to. We had 4 air cleaners in the room and multiple box fans pushing air out of the room. Within three weeks or so, I noticed progress in some of her more severe symptoms. Most importantly, she started to tolerate various binders and gut supplements for the first time in six years.

Within less than six months, she was not only symptom-free but unreactive to chemicals as well. Keep in mind, this was after 6 YEARS OF SUFFERING. In the past, she would have had neurological symptoms, or seizures, or something that would occur. Now, after eliminating exposure to the mold mycotoxins, she can tolerate fragrances and cleaning products without having noticeable reactions.

Mycotoxins were Root Cause of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

My perspective on this topic is unique because I suffered from multiple chemical sensitivity, saw my daughter struggle with it, and have seen clients deal with it as well. I know for a fact that mold exposure is linked to multiple chemical sensitivity. I noticed that I would smell these chemicals much stronger when I lived where my daughter had the most issues. These were the same places that I later found out had mold issues.

After realizing the connection between mold and chemical sensitivities, I started using this understanding to help my clients. When they mentioned their heightened sensitivity to smells of various types, in most cases, this meant there was a mold issue in their current place. There were notable improvements once they reduced exposure and started binding with supplements.

Mycotoxin Exposure Causes Countless Symptoms

Multiple chemical sensitivity is just one of a long list of conditions caused by mycotoxins. What is unique about mycotoxins is that they affect everybody differently. In one person, they may cause multiple chemical sensitivity; in another, they may cause migraines and sleep issues.

Unfortunately, we know little about mycotoxins due to the lack of studies and funding in that area. I can tell you from my personal experience, though, that it’s a critical consideration when someone is battling a chronic illness.

Didn’t Believe the Mold Mycotoxin Theory at First

I’ll be the first person to tell you, I didn’t believe my daughter’s chemical sensitivities were due to mold. I was resistant for YEARS before coming around to see the truth. If you are having symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity, don’t trick yourself like I did. The reality is, you are living in a house that has mold. It doesn’t matter if it’s not affecting everyone else in the house. Your response to mold depends more on your level of sensitivity than how much of it is there. One person may be completely fine, while the other person may have seizures. Sounds scary right? Well, it is, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me, I’ve been through it.

FAQ – Mycotoxins and Chemical Sensitivity

How quickly can mycotoxins cause symptoms?

Developing symptoms could take weeks or months if you have never been exposed to that particular mycotoxin. If you have a history of prior exposure, it can take as little as 3 to 5 days.

What conditions commonly involve exposure to mycotoxins?

There are countless conditions that are more than likely connected to mycotoxin exposure. Everything from migraines to sleep issues to autoimmune diseases is to be linked. The important part to remember is, if you don’t at least rule out mycotoxins, you are making a mistake.

Which mycotoxin is the most damaging to human health?

Trichothecenes are a group of mycotoxins, which are extremely toxic to humans. I have seen it firsthand, from the damage it caused me and my daughter. The dubious effects were subtle but cumulative. These scary toxins are produced mostly by Stachybotrys and Fusarium molds.

What is the best way to test for mycotoxins in my house?

First of all, do NOT use a box air collection test. These are highly unreliable. I have found more success with petri dish and the mycotoxin swab test. For the petri dish test, I use a fan to provoke mold spores into the air. I move the plate around eight different places per room, keeping it for about an hour in each spot. Then, I incubate it in the dark for 5-7 days and check the results. For more information on interpretation, get in touch with me.

What is the mycotoxin urinalysis?

If you suspect you have been exposed to mycotoxins, you can have a urinalysis to test your levels. The mycotoxin urinalysis can be very helpful in confirming whether there has been past or present mold exposure.

Are there typically gut issues in those with chemical sensitivities?

Though mold is the main cause of chemical sensitivities, it is not the only one. If you have an unbalanced gut, your immune system becomes highly overreactive to things it shouldn’t. If you have multiple chemical sensitivity, you must not only address mold but also rebalance the gut microbiome to beat the health issues for good. This can be done with prebiotic supplements and a plant-based diet.

Is mold sensitivity something you have for life?

That is a tough question to answer. If you have a history of becoming sick from mold, you probably should avoid it for the rest of your life. Yes, as your immune system gets stronger, you may react less and less, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious. The last thing you want to do is flair yourself up again years later because you didn’t take the necessary precautions when vetting out a place. I believe that once someone has a full-blown mold sensitivity, it doesn’t fully go away. But as the immune system heals, it does become much less noticeable. The good news is, you can live a symptom-free life by being aware and making the right decisions.

Mycotoxin Exposure Leads to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Before reading this article, your strategy for multiple chemical sensitivity may have simply been avoidance. Hopefully, after reading, you now know that there is something that can be done about this. by treating multiple chemical sensitivity like mold exposure, you give yourself a chance for a full recovery.

I personally overcame multiple chemical sensitivity, saw my daughter do it, and have witnessed clients accomplish the same. The main similarity among all of us was that our immune systems were highly sensitive to mold mycotoxins.

To close, learning about your sensitivity to mold may feel like bad news. Though I understand this, the most important thing is that you may have identified the root cause of your chemical sensitivities. Even if you are extremely sensitive to mold, it is possible to improve rather quickly if you are in the right environment, following the right diet, and taking the right supplements.

If you need help navigating the murky waters of multiple chemical sensitivity, please get in touch. I’ve had extensive first-hand experience dealing with this and feel confident in my ability to help.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin, B.S.
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619