
How to Find Raw Bovine Colostrum


Bovine colostrum is not allowed to be sold for money in the United States. For this reason, I can NOT tell you where to find it. What i can do is this… I will give you tips on how to create relationships with people who would potentially have raw colostrum. In addition, I will provide information from my experiences which should increase your chances of success.

Keep in mind, the more farmers you can find who are willing to part with their colostrum, the better. This will allow you to eventually get the best quality colostrum at the closest possible distance. For this reason, I have gone into extensive detail on how to build a network of organic farmers. If you can’t find it after following EVERY ONE of these steps, honestly, I would be shocked!

How to Find Bovine Colostrum

– Visit, and go to the state by state raw milk directory. Check your state, and each of your neighboring states as well

– Open a word document, cut and paste list of farmers from ALL states, this will be the beginning of your master list, the goal now is to build the list not find the colostrum – stay focused

– Create a list of the all of the big cities in your home state, and the neighboring states

– Next, type in Google “raw milk farm cheese (city state) organic” ex. raw milk farm cheese cleveland ohio organic; do for ALL of the cities; collect all names and numbers of farmers and add to your MASTER list/word document

– This time, search on google “raw unpasteurized cheese (state name)“, ex. “raw unpasteurized cheese michigan” and scour the first 50 results to get all the names, numbers, and emails you can, add them to your MASTER list

– Tired of searching yet? Congrats you are almost done! This time, type into Google “organic grass fed beef milk farm (state name)” ex. organic grass fed beef milk farm pennsylvania, collect all names from first 50 results and add to MASTER word document

– Copy and paste all of the emails, create an MASTER EMAIL LIST, and get ready to have some fun! Now we create a template something like this:

“Hello, I found your website online regarding raw milk cheese and other all organic foods you offer. I am interested and do not live far from your farm. Please get in touch when you can. I would love to start a relationships with someone who has quality food, such as yourself. Look forward to hearing from you. (Name) – Use Email Subject Like – “Interested in Organic Foods” or “Interested in Raw Cheese Products”

– Now send the email out to every single email address, one at a time, so it doesn’t hit their spam, I would send to about 30 prospects per hour or so, switch up the titles to avoid spam filters

– Once they respond to your email, try to get them on the phone to go over some questions you had. This is important, because you will need to create a sense of rapport before farmers will offer colostrum to you.. If you can’t get them on the phone, ask them by email: “Do you freeze the extra colostrum/first milk you get when the calf is born? I really need to find someone to help me find more of this colostrum. It has really helped with my health and was looking for another farmer. Can you help me or refer me?”- from there, you do your best again to get them on the phone, this is unlikely to happen all by email

– Now that you have people who have responded to your mass emails and gave you phone numbers, AND you have your initial MASTER list of numbers, YOU ARE READY FOR THE FULL COURT PRESS- time to create your 10 second elevator speech – in this pitch you MUST sound trustworthy, desperate, vulnerable, and willing to do anything for it… practice for a few minutes and now my friend, it’s game time!

– The time has come, you call ALL THE FARMERS with your elevator speech and hope for the best, always remember, IF THEY DO NOT SAY YES, ask them for a few numbers of dairy farmers they know because trust me, they know other farmers, keep in mind, THESE REFERRALS THE MOST VALUABLE NUMBERS OF ALL, because you can now call that new farmer and use the one who referred you to them as a reference… this way, rapport is built instantly

– Eventually, if you network hard enough and modify your pitch, you WILL FIND RAW COLOSTRUM, just keep adding numbers and names to the list, and follow up! Once you find a contact, if they agree to ship, have them send pics first then compare those to the pics I have provided below.

Pictures of High Quality Colostrum

Raw Colostrum

Bovine Colostrum

What else do I need to know to find raw colostrum?

Some farmer lingo helps to establish rapport. When speaking with a known dairy farm, you want to ask them- “do you save the first milking when your cows freshen, and if so, would you be willing to freeze it for me?“… if you use this exact phrase, they should believe you know what you are talking about. Just so you know, “cow’s freshening” meanings giving birth, and “first milking” means the best colostrum (collected in the first 12 hours).

How do I know if the colostrum is good quality?

The thicker the colostrum, the better. Also, the more golden the color, the better. If it is frozen, you should notice that at least 40% of the container is cream.

In rare cases, colostrum can have a salty flavor due to the cow getting mastitis. It SHOULD NOT be drank if you notice this taste. in addition, you do NOT want colostrum with a serious pink tint to it. A very slight pink is ok, but ideally, you want golden colored colostrum like I showed in the pictures prior.

Why can’t I find raw bovine colostrum?

You aren’t trying hard enough. There are thousands of raw dairy farms all over the USA. Trust me, it’s out there. You just need to make sure you create the biggest list possible before starting to contact anyone. This will make you believe that out of the hundred numbers or so you find, someone will be happy to help you. If I can find colostrum in several different states, I don’t see why you can’t as well given I have shared EVERY secret I know!

What else can I get from these organic farmers?

Many of these places are allowed to ship their organic fresh/raw products across state lines. This includes meat, cheese, butter, eggs, maple syrup, apple cider, raw honey, kombucha, kefir, nuts, fruits, veggies, etc. The best part about building an organic farmer list is you can have the FRESHEST, cleanest and most nutritious food, sent right to your door. This is invaluable in a world of food additives and mass production.

Summarizing the Hunt for Bovine Colostrum

Remember, since people can’t see you on the phone, your tone of voice is EVERYTHING. You must do your best to sound innocent, non-threatening, and educated with your “farmer lingo”, etc.

I know it seems like a lot of effort, but trust me, it’s worth it. Raw bovine colostrum was a miracle for me. It was instrumental in healing me from multiple “incurable conditions”. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this pic below of how I looked before drinking raw colostrum, and then after!

Colostrum Before and After

I hope you get as much benefit out of this article as I expect you to. I know if I had found this years ago, it would have saved me endless time, heartache, and suffering.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Phone: (734) 846-8619

P.S. Google Millers Organic Farm, they are Based in PA – if you can’t find it through the steps above