
From Sickness to Wellness – The Story of Matt Nedin

Matt Sikora - Sickness to Wellness

AT TIME OF PICTURE BELOW: 6’1″- 138 lbs. (80 lbs lost) – 26 Years Old – Been to 50+ Doctors – 100K+ Spent on Medical Bills/Supplements – 6+ years SICK EVERY SINGLE DAY – dealing with SEVERE PAIN/WEAKNESS/BRAIN FOG/MENTAL BATTLES. At this point, doctors had given up on me, there was no real progress, 🙏BUT I still had family support and the Internet to research a cure. 


Diagnosed with ALL OF THESE CONDITIONS : Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s Disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, severe lead/mercury poisoning, Celiac Disease, depression, chronic sinusitis, eczema, severe food allergies. multiple chemical sensitivity, systemic candida, leaky gut, Klebsiella overgrowth, phase 2 detox impairment, ADHD, PTSD, CATARACTS, ohhhh yeah and best of all… a PARASITE in the same family as malaria (dientamoeba fragilis) that was HIDING INSIDE MY LIVER. On top of that, it was tricking my body into thinking ALMOST EVERY FOOD was an “allergen”. They tried several bouts of anti-malarial medication, and of course, no substantial improvement. 👎🏻

Could it get any worse? I didn’t think so, but it did. I was forced to rotate ONLY 9 different foods for 2+ years due to the severity of my food/environmental sensitivities. Well, it couldn’t get worse than that right? Of course it could. I stopped being able to go to the bathroom on my own due to the severe inflammation in my intestinal area. This forced me to do multiple enemas per day to keep the toxins flushing out. If I didn’t do the enemas, I would have severe migraines./muscle pains etc. This was the REAL ROCK BOTTOM of my life.


How did I get IN and OUT of this mess? Well, I created a step by step explanation as I see it. It covers everything, from the origin of my condition, all the way back to wellness. Take a look below:


My family grew up in Pittsburgh, right next to the steel mills. This meant toxic metals were everywhere in their daily environment. In fact, my mom’s childhood chore was to sweep the porch every day; if she didn’t, there would be tons of metal residues all over. At one point here in Pittsburgh, it was so bad that there was a state mandate to keep headlights on during the day. Why? Drivers could barely see through the thick pollution.


This extreme metal toxicity blocked KEY MINERALS like magnesium, zinc, calcium, etc. from absorbing in my mother, forcing a metal-dependent gene mutation/expression to occur. That gene mutation, mineral deficiency and bacterial imbalance was then passed on to me. Without the ability to get minerals from my mother’s milk, I was fed formula. This made the mineral and bifidobacterium deficiency even worse. With low trace minerals, undermethylation, low bifidobacterium and low sulfation, I was now prone to accumulating heavy metals.


Early in life, I was exposed to lead/mercury somehow. As of the age 4, I developed neurological symptoms, but no one could explain why. Now I believe it could have been due to the lead pipes in our old house, and possibly the SEVERAL mercury fillings my mother had. No matter what it was, I found out later in life why my hands had been mildly shaking for 22 years, it was HIGH LEVELS of lead/mercury.


Severe trauma occurred for me around the age of 5. After my parents divorced, my mom and I relocated out of state. I left all my friends, and had a lot of emotions I bottled up. I didn’t know how to deal with my feelings so I sought an outlet.


I started to eat a poor diet of mostly processed foods, which I consumed in excess. This gave me an escape from the emotional conflict I was experiencing. Little did I know, I had several food sensitivities at the time (wheat, sugar, etc.). This led to digestive complaints and hyperactivity early in life that fueled more internal conflict. If that wasn’t enough, I got pneumonia in 7th grade and mononucleosis in high school. I just couldn’t catch a break.


I developed bad acne which hurt my self-esteem as a teenager. For this reason, I tried topical medication and it’s effects were limited. After that, I tried oral acne medication, and it worked better. I continued to take this medication for 4 years EVERY DAY not knowing there were side effects. Unfortunately, I was NEVER TOLD that tetracycline kills your good bacteria. Also, I was never told how much damage it could do to your liver.


Over the 4 years on acne medication, I got sinus infections 2-3x per year, and bronchitis 2x per year. I was put on antibiotics at least 20x over that 4-year span, IN ADDITION to my daily acne medication. At the time, I had no clue how much damage I was doing to my gut! In fact, I didn’t even understand the concept of good bacteria.


Not knowing of the ticking time bomb within, I stopped acne medication at the age of 20. At that point, I had increased from tetracycline to minocycline, but I still had acne. Within 3 months of stopping the medication, I became VERY sick. Eventually I woke up one day and couldn’t even get out of bed. I thought it was just the flu, but this time, it was different.


Sicker than ever, I went to several doctors who diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, severe allergies, and allergic rhinitis. My gut feeling was, they were wrong. None the less, I played their game until they put me on Levaquin. After that, I was sicker than I had ever been before. Soon thereafter, I started to experience widespread body pain, unrelenting brain fog, food sensitivities and more.


Knowing this could not be a sinus infection, I saw THE BEST rheumatoid specialist at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. He diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia, said it was strictly due to insufficient REM sleep, and then ordered a sleep study. Since he read a research study recently, he thought EVERYONE had REM sleep issues with Fibromyalgia. I completed the test, and NO REM SLEEP ISSUES. He had no explanation but proceeded to prescribe me antidepressants and sleeping pills.


The symptoms got even worse, and I started to lose weight rapidly. I was a 215 lb. athletic man, and now had lost over 80 lbs., down to almost nothing. I was 6’1″, weighed 135 lbs., staring in the mirror every day looking at my rib cages asking “WHY ME”? I went to over 50 specialists, got hundreds of blood tests, and was diagnosed with 20+ different conditions. Despite that, I refused to believe their prognosis, and hoped to find a doctor that would actually WORK WITH ME.


By the grace of my higher power, I met Dr. Neuenschwander, M.D., in Ann Arbor while in college. He was the lead physician at the BioEnergy Medical Center, and one of the smartest people I’ve ever met! Though he didn’t cure me, he helped me believe I could find a way out AND vowed to never give up! This meant everything to me. In addition, even more importantly, he allowed me to call him with question anytime. This allowed me to research ideas for treatment plans, and get his feedback without paying tons of money! This man truly was a life saver!


We completed several tests. The most important of these was the diagnostic stool analysis. Initially, it showed SEVERE CANDIDA OVERGROWTH, so that’s what we attempted to treat. After trying every antifungal in the world in excess, we theorized that maybe it was something other than Candida. We completed a darkfield microscopy of my blood and though he couldn’t see parasites, he could see signs of cellular stress consistent with a parasitic infection. With this in mind, we started to treat my condition as such.


I was treated for worms for a long period of time, and had great success in terms of what was expelled from my body. The problem was, my health didn’t get much better. Why was this? We theorized that maybe it was an amoeba, not a worm. He then tried to treat me with anti-malarial medication, and BAM, I could actually notice SOME improvement for the first time in years. The problem was, the medication was SO TOXIC, it couldn’t be used long enough to kill the infection. I refused to take no for an answer and took 3 extended courses of it, almost losing my mind. I finally gave up on traditional anti-malarial medication and sought other options.


We figured out that it was an amoeba but didn’t know which. My doctor explained to me that if we knew which parasite it was, we could use the medication it’s most susceptible to. I then had an idea to do another stool analysis after performing a Liver Flush, since it sounded like the parasite was hiding in my liver. He agreed it was a good idea. I tried it and BAM… WE FOUND THE ROOT CAUSE… DIENTAMOEBA FRAGILIS in extremely high levels on the test results…


I thought this would change things, but it really didn’t. Reason being, my acne medication was in the same family as the preferred treatment for this parasite, doxycycline. Soon, I got worse and worse, trying every possible remedy along the way. I even bought an ozone generator and was doing ozone rectal insufflation, ozonated water, H202 IV’s, UVB therapy, etc. Despite all this, everything kept getting worse. I couldn’t eat any more than 9 different foods due to severe food allergies, I had rashes all over my body, severe mood swings, and I couldn’t even go to the bathroom on my own. For this reason, I was forced to do enemas daily.


I met Dr. Casselberry in Richmond Heights, Ohio who helped me realized I had SEVERE HEAVY METAL POISONING. Though he couldn’t treat it, he at least ordered the tests that confirmed it. As he expected, the tests had come back with very high lead, mercury, nickel, and cadmium. I attempted EDTA intravenous chelation but it was too hard on my body. The toxins were being drawn out but not excreted. Why? I had severely compromised elimination pathways. For this reason, he believed I should try colonics, and I did, but there was little to no relief.


Luckily, I came across the HULDA CLARK LIVER FLUSH. I did my first flush and TONS of green stones came out. I was absolutely shocked! Almost overnight, my extreme environmental sensitivities were eliminated and I could digest food better. I was convinced this was the key to healing. I did several flushes and though I had improvements, I definitely hit a plateau. Frustrated as ever, I went back to the drawing board.


Finally, I made a promise to myself, that somehow, someway I would get rid of these heavy metals within 90 days. LUCKILY, shortly thereafter, I stumbled upon Chlorella. I read about people who had used it successfully, so I figured why not give it a shot! I took over 30 capsules per day for 80 days AND FINALLY SOME RESULTS. I could use the bathroom on my own again, and I was digesting food a lot better. All of a sudden, my colonics became productive, and 90 days later metal toxicity tests were rerun. 90+% LESS METALS IN THE PROVOCATION TEST I was extremely grateful, but I hit yet another plateau.


Though I could go the bathroom again (major victory), I was still sick. Then all of a sudden, a miracle occurred, I met a farmer who had RAW BOVINE COLOSTRUM! I had a severe milk intolerance so I put it in the freezer for when I got better one day, hoping I didn’t still have a milk intolerance. Months later, I developed severe stomach ulcers as a result of medication use, and had blood in my stools. I knew colostrum was proven to heal ulcers rapidly due to epithelial growth factor. For this reason, I drank it, simply trying to get rid of my pain!


Upon drinking raw colostrum for the first time, BAM, it hit me in the face! My symptoms started to slowly get better, I could see color in my urine again after YEARS of clear pee. Also, my food intolerances lessened greatly. I KNEW I’D FOUND IT, THE MIRACLE I HAD ASKED FOR! I proceeded to call every farmer within 500 miles and store 40+ gallons all in a chest freezer. I started to drink this daily and my quality of life started to increase significantly. I had gained over 60 lbs. back, could eat foods without severe reactions, and felt like I could endure the day once again.


I got tons of HIGH-QUALITY COLOSTRUM from all over the USA, and went back to enjoying life as I once knew it. I was eating normal food again, going out with friends, able to share extended activities with family, etc. It felt like a little miracle had happened. I was so excited to do all the things I once couldn’t, that I started to actually forget about my remaining symptoms. I believe this was critical at the time for psychological healing. I had been battling disease, and “noticing” symptoms for so long, I just couldn’t handle it anymore. This honeymoon went on for a while until I realized I was hitting a road block over and over again. This forced me to start paying attention to the symptoms/illness that still existed.


I drank colostrum for years and battled self-destructive habits/eating patterns. It seemed as if I was getting better, then would have the inclination to overeat or over exhaust myself. This patterned happened over and over!! I convinced myself that it was my brain telling me to do these things, but later learned it was the parasite/infections influencing my actions to either feed or create additional inflammation. When I came to this conclusion, I realized I still had an infection but I couldn’t detoxify/eliminate the “die off” quick enough. I felt trapped and had to come up with something.


In addition to the infection, I noticed my liver was showing symptoms of SEVERE detoxification impairment. I could eat a BEET and NOT notice the stained coloring in my urine for 48 hours, when it should appear within 12. I was starting to have muscle cramps, food sensitivities, fibro symptoms and believed liver impairment was the problem. Though I could now handle daily life, I still couldn’t exercise or stand a sauna. I believed circulation would allow me to heal and increase the chances of killing the parasite. The problem was, any significant increase in circulation set me back for days.


I had fasted for 26 days prior on vegetable juice, and still was very sick. For this reason, I created a strategy to fast/starve out the parasite with even a longer liquid diet. I planned on consuming just colostrum, REAL KEFIR GRAINS blended with colostrum, and fresh veggie juice for 90 days. After doing this for 87 days, I started to eat again and could finally tolerate the sauna. From that point on, I stopped “sweating it” because I knew the power of sweating out toxins and the healing nature of circulation. After this fast, though I was not healed entirely, my liver seemed a whole lot better and the infection symptoms were minimal.


After years of various synthetic supplements, I was more energetic but there were always ups and downs. I would be on a great run of energy then crash for days. My eating habits, behaviors, and thought patterns were all obsessive, hyperactive and definitely not “Zen”. I finally made the decision to push further with my health. Though nothing happened immediately, I kept my eyes and ears open, waiting for the next sign!


Luckily, I ran into a doctor named “Brittany” who offered me a free consultation at her practice in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. I went there and was evaluated using muscle testing. I was a little weary but she said the results were clear, I WAS SENSITIVE TO WHEAT, nuts and various other high histamine foods. In addition, I still had issues with inflammation, parasites, yeast, and heavy metals. I refused to believe it at first, but per her orders, I removed wheat and started a food journal.


I started asupplement plan, followed her diet, removed highly allergenic foods and began living my life again. Though I definitely noticed an increase in clarity, I now attribute that mostly to the removal of foods which triggered me. I felt better than before but still was tired all the time, had severe brain fog, aches and pains, etc. I continued on fighting these symptoms, until one day I came down with a VERY BAD SINUS INFECTION.


I was put on Augmentin, and though it killed the sinus infection, it also destroyed the beneficial bacteria in my stomach. Attempting to fix the problem, I started to take tons of probiotics, not knowing of the dangers of overdoing it with the wrong strains. I then found myself 2 months later exhibiting strong signs of food reactions again. I was getting itchiness all over my skin, a weird/dark feeling after consuming certain foods, dry skin, compulsive thoughts, etc. I had no clue what was going on, so I just adapted.


By the grace of my higher power, I found the “game changer”. One night at 3 am, after researching nightly for weeks, I came across “histamine intolerance”. I looked at all of the symptoms, and it mirrored my current state. Then there was a link explaining “histadelia/histadelics”, histamine’s effect on personality, and then I saw one more link…… it said “HIGH HISTAMINE FOODS”… I click on this link, and guess what? 90% OF THE FOODS I WAS EATING WERE ON THE HIGH HISTAMINE LIST. I thought I was eating healthy, but my entire diet was promoting inflammation. I thought, how could this be? I then discovered the addictive nature of histamine inducing substances/foods.


The foods on the high histamine list were my FAVORITES, THE ONES I CRAVED MORE THAN ANY OTHERS. I then started researching histamine and realized there are studies which show histamine has addictive properties, and that some foods may become preferred due to histamine content. Why you may ask? Because histamine wakes you up IMMEDIATELY, and controls the signaling of all other neurotransmitters. I finally realized that I was addicted to EVERYTHING that increased histamine, foods and other substances/activities (drugs/exercise/food/sauna/etc.).


With this in mind, I started to try to eliminate histamine in all forms. First, I implemented the low histamine diet. Though this worked to some degree, its benefits were limited. I then looked into histamine modulation and found that the DAO ENZYME was the main degradation tool in the body. I took it and though it helped, I still had issues. I tried CBD Oil, quercetin, etc… and though they helped temporarily., there was always a rebound effect.


I researched further and HYPOTHESIZED there were two real causes to mast cell activation disorder/ histamine intolerance: severe mineral deficienciesand deficiency in Bifidobacterium. Why? Because minerals produce the enzymes which break down histamine, and because Bifidobacterium are the primary intestinal flora responsible for breaking down histamine.


After completing my research, I started treating histamine intolerance with Magnesium Chelate. This produced AMAZING EFFECTS for 10 days. I felt like I was in the greatest mood of my life. I was convinced this was the key, but though it was VERY IMPORTANT, the honeymoon started to wear off as the effects diminished. I then turned to Bifidobacterium, not knowing about trace minerals yet.


I researched and found a few probiotics with Bifidobacterium, but they all had lactobacillus as well. From what I read, those who are VERY SENSITIVE SHOULD AVOID LACTOBACILLUS. With no other options I tried a Bifidobacterium only product I found online. When it got there, I took 8 pills at once to see what it did. BAMM! I actually felt great, it was unreal! I could really notice the difference! On top of that, I broke out in a minor rash over my stomach. I knew this was a sign my immune system had turned on. The crazy thing was, the histamine intolerance symptoms were pretty much gone as long as I took a handful of those per day. The only problem was, they were VERY EXPENSIVE.


With limited funds, I designed a way to get the most out of my probiotics. I learned about secondary fermentation years ago when culturing my own kefir, so I came up with a plan. I was going to turn these Bifidobacterium pills into an ULTRA-POTENT LIQUID PROBIOTIC. After months of trial and error, BAMMM! I discovered the perfect environment, food source, and other factors to create a strong master culture. Though I still follow the low histamine diet by choice, the symptoms of histamine intolerance/mast cell activation have not returned. I credit this partly to my BifidoBomb idea.(16*)


So I had my colostrum, BifidoBomb probiotic, low histamine diet and I was ready to roll — but I still felt psychological symptoms. My mood was erratic at times, and though I felt the best I ever had, I knew I could still feel better. Why? Because when I was extremely strict with my diet, and focused on low histamine living, life was complete bliss. When I wasn’t, it was now VERY EASY to notice the difference. With this in mind, I searched for more answers. I really didn’t want to walk this fine line anymore.


I looked into trace minerals further since magnesium had produced such a strong effect for me. I found mixed information online so I just purchased the top reviewed liquid trace mineral on Amazon. BAM!!! I could tell a difference immediately, my mood got better, thoughts slowed down, and muscle relaxed. I thought I had finally found the answer, trace minerals! Though I did in a way, it was not the final piece of the puzzle!


After greatly improving my health with trace minerals, I noticed a plateau. I theorized that heavy metals were blocking mineral absorption in my brain. I theorized this because when I would take cilantro/chlorella, I got strong “psychiatric” detox reactions like I used to when chelating. For this reason, I went through 20 bottles of chlorella combined with 4 bottles of cilantro extract. I experienced pretty strong detox reactions, skin rashes, bouts of psychosis, etc… then it all stopped… no more reactions to the chelating supplements… At that point, I knew metals were no longer an issue.


Even with all of the changes I made, I knew I could still feel better. I was on top of the world, but there was still something missing, I just knew it. I looked further into research studies and found one of last pieces of the puzzle, GLUTATHIONE! Little did I realize, glutathione controlled the “tipping point” in your body. If there were more toxins than antioxidants, your body would signal shut down to restore itself. If it became worse, it could then eventually cause autoimmune conditions and sensitivities. I thought by taking care of the trace and essential minerals, I would be fine, but the next step was building up the antioxidant defenses.


My focus now was to restore my trace minerals, build up beneficial bacteria, get rid of all hidden sources of histamine (inflammation) and increase antioxidant defenses. With these goals in mind, I supplemented with liposomal glutathione and its precursors from only the best brands. Then, I found a liquid mineral supplement to add to the fulvic/humic acid I take. Lastly, I perform a BifidoBomb one day per week. All supplements are rotated and taken based upon research studies and how I feel at the time.


Feeling great, I chose to focus on the next logical step, getting my proteins in the easiest digestible form. For this, I purchased grass-fed whey protein, colostrum, and other green proteins and pre-digested them by fermenting them with beneficial bacteria. Even with low stomach acid, I can break these proteins down to extract the amino acids and energy in them. This has been a novel approach to protein digestion that has really helped with energy/sleep/recovery/stamina, etc.


Just when I thought I had completely healed, a friend recommended I try this new product, diatomaceous earth. After reading it was used for parasites, I told myself I didn’t need it because I killed all the parasites. None the less, I ended up purchasing it just to see what happened. I started off with a high dose, and wow were the effects noticeable. At that point, I realized I actually still had parasites! After completing an extremely aggressive protocol, I refer to as “The Ultimate Parasite Cleanse“, I felt better then ever!


I had no idea that mold was causing me to feel less than my best until I went through what I did with my daughter. She was severely mold sensitive to the point where it caused her seizures, asthma attacks, eczema, learning disabilities, eye crossing, and plenty more. Once I finally realized that mold was the main thing driving her symptoms, I made significant changes. As I saw her get better, I started to even feel better myself as well. This is when it clicked to me, I have been dealing with a mold sensitivity most of my life and didn’t even know it.


This was the final and most important piece to the puzzle. Though I was physically well, I did not know how to deal with certain emotions without performing self-destructive actions. For example, I would over-eat healthy foods, take too many supplements if they made me feel good, over-exercise, over-do anything I could! Finally, I admitted the actual origin of my condition, excessive actions caused by spiritual conflict within. I then became focused on identifying things based upon “feeling”, rather than rationale, knowing my thoughts were controlled by subconscious preferences. I knew one thing for sure! By giving into these subconscious urges, I would remain stuck at the same vibration, unable to transcend to perpetual wellness.


I then realized that some things in my diet/environment led me to want to indulge in excessive actions. Well aware of this, I removed ALL THINGS I CRAVED. It took about 10 days until the cravings ceased BUT finally, I was set free! From that day on, I’ve lived craving free! To get here though, I had to REALLY LOOK IN THE MIRROR, admit I was wrong 1000 times, and then keep moving forward until successful!


16 YEARS LATER, I finally realize my illness was all a blessing in disguise. Without this “misfortune”, I’d still be living an unhealthy lifestyle, never able to reach my full potential. Most importantly, without this battle, I would have never found my true calling in life, helping others heal themselves. Hopefully this story inspires others to realize THERE IS HOPE, no matter what 50+ doctors tell you. Thankfully, you’ve found a website where all the information is filtered for your protection, saving you time, money, confusion, and heartache.


Emotional turmoil can NOT be ignored. If you have a problem, address it asap. The longer you ignore these emotions, the bigger the problem becomes when it manifests. Find a good outlet for your emotions or you may end up engaging in some type of self destructive activity (ex. drugs, alcohol, overeating, sweets, junk food, any addiction, etc.).

Though “short term solutions” fix the emotional imbalance at the time, it creates a long term behavioral pattern of “CRAVE, INDULGE, GUILT, SHAME”. This becomes a trap that is VERY HARD TO ESCAPE! I personally experienced this for 30+ years until being set free! How did I do it? I used spirituality and support groups to stay on the right path.

For those still suffering, remember, you didn’t get sick overnight. I know you want to become healthy RIGHT NOW, but appreciate the JOURNEY. This isn’t bad luck, it’s just a WAKE UP CALL! Life is too short, TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR, and grow spiritually. After all, that’s what this is all about now, isn’t it?

Matt Nedin
Phone: (734) 846-8619