
Synthetic Supplements Trigger Mast Cell Activation

Synthetic supplements trigger mast cell activationIf you are struggling with mast cell activation, the last thing you need is for your supplements to trigger you. This is why I created this article. After years of working with clients with MCAS, I realized that most people are using several synthetic supplements together in an attempt to mask symptoms. Unfortunately, most of the time, this backfires and makes their symptoms even worse.

In this article, I will discuss the differences between plant-based and synthetic vitamins. I will also cover several reasons why plant-derived supplements are better for those with mast cell activation. Afterward, I will address common questions about using supplements for mast cell activation.

Difference between Synthetic and Plant-Derived Supplements

Synthetic supplements are designed to mimic molecules found in nature. In essence, the lab is trying to make a perfect replica of the vitamin, mineral, or whatever it is. Though this seems feasible, it is VERY difficult to fool the immune system. During the first couple weeks, the body may appear to agree with it, but at some point, it can turn on you. The reason is, eventually, the mast cells realize that it’s not the real thing. Once this happens, they then start to create inflammatory molecules in response to it. 

With plant-derived supplements, you are getting the nutrients in their original form. As long as the quality is good and you choose a single-ingredient supplement, they should be tolerated better by the immune system. My favorite types of plant-based supplements are phytonutrients, binders, prebiotics, full-spectrum plants, and plant extracts. All of these can be helpful when recovering from mast cell activation. Learn more via the links provided.

Why Plant-Derived Supplements are Better

Plant-Derived Supplements are the Real Thing

Plant-derived supplements come from plants, while synthetic nutrients come from labs. If you were the body, which one would you prefer? The reality is, the human body has interacted with plants for countless generations. For this reason, they are more well-tolerated than synthetic substances.

Even though synthetic nutrients can trick the body initially, eventually, your immune system realizes that they’re NOT the real thing. Unfortunately, this is when they typically start to cause a reaction in people with MCAS. If there’s anybody who understands it, it’s me. I took synthetic vitamins for years until I finally realized what was happening. 

Plants Modulate Immune Response

Most plant-derived supplements have a calming effect on mast cells. Be careful though, because this is not always the case. Regarding synthetic supplements, most irritate the mast cells if they are already aggravated. Even synthetic substances proven to calm the immune system down can eventually cause problems. The reason is, the body is much more likely to develop a sensitivity to something that is not organic. 

Synthetic Nutrients Can Become Toxic

Plant-derived nutrients are utilized like food, while synthetic nutrients are absorbed like drugs. If you are using synthetic supplements, you must be very careful with your doses. Keep in mind, you should only use them as a rescue and never as a daily preventative. Your goal should be to take the least amount as infrequently as possible. I have had plenty of people with mast cell activation who were overdosing on synthetic nutrients. Once they got off of them, there were noticeable improvements.

Lower Chance of Allergy with Plants

Plant-based supplements have a lower chance of causing immune sensitivity reactions. This is because most of the ingredients naturally contain compounds that calm down the immune system. In addition, all fillers are derived from plants rather than being synthetic. These are just a couple of the reasons that plant-based supplements work better with my clients with mast cell activation. If you are looking for plant-based supplements to assist you in healing mast cell activation, use mycotoxin binders, prebiotics, and phytonutrients. Click on the link to learn more.

Plant-Derived Better for Gut Health

Most plant-derived supplements positively impact the gut microbiome. This is because they contain phytonutrients, which increase the growth and replication of beneficial bacteria like bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. In contrast, most synthetic supplements eventually irritate the gut lining and immune system. This creates an environment where beneficial bacteria cannot flourish. To heal from mast cell activation, you must restore your gut. You don’t need synthetic supplements in the way of your goal.

Plant Derived is Easier to Absorb

Plant-based supplements are always absorbed deeper into the body. In addition, many plant-based extracts contain various compounds which increase the absorption rate of the primary ingredient. When you take things in their most natural form, they tend to agree better with the immune system. When it matches with your immune system, it also absorbs at a higher rate. Regardless, if it agrees with the immune system, then it is the right choice for people with mast cell activation.

FAQ- Synthetic Versus Plant-Derived Supplements

Should I avoid all synthetic supplements?

No, SOME synthetic supplements can provide benefits if used temporarily. Good examples are magnesium, B12, and vitamin D. Even with those, I wouldn’t take them daily. Other than these supplements, I would be very skeptical of using any synthetic vitamins if I had mast cell activation or ANY chronic illness. Remember, you CAN get plant-derived versions of nearly any supplement nowadays. There is no real reason to take synthetic supplements unless you are using them infrequently as a rescue. 

Can you heal from MCAS without synthetic supplements?

Yes, absolutely! If you can identify what is in your diet that is triggering you, and eliminate it, many of your symptoms will disappear. The simplest way to do this is to follow an elimination diet. This starts with foods that have no allergy potential and gradually introduces new foods based on their risk potential. If there’s a problem with the food, the person can clearly tell. This helps them create a diet founded upon foods that agree with their mast cells/immune system.

While mastering your diet, you must identify if there is an environmental irritant in your house. The most common immune irritants for people with mast cell activation are mycotoxins. These are toxic substances produced by certain molds. In all honesty, you can see more progress by addressing this than with any supplement. If your condition is driven primarily by environmental irritants, you will not recover until your air is clean. I have seen this myself, with my daughter and plenty of others. After you find a safe place to live and follow the diet to a tee, you may not even need supplements. Despite this, I still believe binders and prebiotics are necessary for a FULL recovery.

Which plant-derived supplements are best for mast cell activation?

I would say that there are two groups of supplements which are very important. First you want to use natural binders, like clay, zeolite, carbonized, bamboo, apple pectin, humic acid and others. This can help you remove various types of toxins while also feeding the good bacteria in your gut. After that, I would consider prebiotics like inulin, acacia, arabinogalactan, bee propolis, and wolfberry extract. If you have access to raw colostrum, I would take advantage of that as well. Even though it isn’t plant-based, it’s still a natural superfood.

Can synthetic supplements trigger the fight-or-flight response?

Yes, that is one of the things that synthetic vitamins can do. Unfortunately, being pushed into fight or flight can initially feel like an energy boost to people with mast cell activation. Eventually, this energy becomes nervous, and the mind becomes more fast-paced. By this time, the person already thinks they understand how this supplement affects them. They continue to take it daily, which aggravates their mast cells and pushes them further into a state of fight or flight. As things get worse, the last place they look is their supplements. This is the story for nearly everyone who come to me for help with mast cell activation. 

Remember, synthetic supplements may provide energy or neurotransmitter boosts, but that is not what you are really looking for. In contrast, you want something that is going to BALANCE all of your neurotransmitters and inflammation molecules. You never want too much or too little of anything. This is where plant-based supplements come in. Many of them have modulatory properties which keep everything in balance, rather than stimulating the production of certain things like synthetic nutrients do. To heal, you must remain balanced for an extended period of time. This is why I use plant-based supplements 99% of the time with clients. 

Can I heal mast cell activation with supplements alone?

No, that is impossible. If you truly have mast cell activation, you must comb through your diet, environment, and lifestyle to identify your triggers. Supplements can be very helpful, but ONLY after you complete this detective work. If you are still being triggered by things you are eating or inhaling, the supplements are likely to be ineffective or even trigger you further. I know these changes are hard to accept, but they are worth the relief. From someone who has been through it, stick it out for a few weeks, and then it becomes easier every day.

What is the key to overcoming mast cell activation?

To overcome mast cell activation, you must first identify if you are being triggered by something in your residence. In most MCAS cases, mycotoxin exposure is occurring, which sets off the immune system. You can perform an ERMI test or mycotoxin urinalysis, or you can leave the house for a few weeks and stay in a SAFE environment with PLENTY of ventilation and outdoor time. During this period, you want to keep everything in your diet as consistent as possible. If you notice improvement, then return to the house and see if things get worse. If they do, you know you have something in there that’s irritating your immune system. 

After addressing environmental concerns, you must identify all irritants in your diet. Typically, the best way to accomplish this is by implementing an elimination diet. By doing so, you will clearly identify which foods trigger your mast cell activation symptoms and which ones are safe for you. Lastly, you must create a strategy to reduce your stress and retrain the limbic system. My favorite approach is SLOW deep breathing with binaural beats/bilateral stimulation. Learn more about all of these things via the links provided.

Are all plant-based supplements safe for people with mast cell activation?

No, they are not. For it to be useful, it has to check these three boxes: it must calm down the mast cells, benefit the gut microbiome, and not impair detoxification in any way. If it does all three, then it might be helpful for you on your journey back to health.

To identify what products to take, you must first determine your goal. Once you do, just make sure there are studies that prove this plant-based ingredient helps the gut, mast cells, and detox pathways. If you need help finding products like this, review my website. There are plenty of options. 

Conclusion – Plant-Based is Always Safer than Synthetic

It took me years to realize that synthetic supplements were NOT a good fit for my body. After I finally switched to plant-based supplements, things became more steady and consistent. Even though I didn’t get the rush that I was used to from synthetic supplements, it was fine with me. I realized that to heal, I must seek relaxation, not stimulation. This is one of many reasons why plant-based supplements are a better choice for someone with mast cell activation.

Do yourself a favor, and the next time you try a new supplement for MCAS, look for the plant-based version. Trust me, it’s easier to find than you think. After all, would you rather have something made by a lab, or god? It’s an easy choice for me. 

If you have questions about mast cell activation, get in touch. I am more than willing to help and am blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp/Telegram: +17348468619