
Liver Flushes Helpful for Mast Cell Activation

Liver flushes helpful for mast cell activationOver a decade of dealing with mast cell activation will make you try just about anything. When I first heard about the liver flush, I thought to myself, there is no way I would ever do that. After a few more months of suffering, I wondered, why not? So, I gathered the courage to give it a shot, and after just one flush, my mind was blown. I had over 60 stones in various shapes and sizes. In addition, I noticed improvement in my energy, digestion, and smell sensitivities. After that experience, I knew one thing for sure: I was HOOKED on liver flushes!

In this article, I will cover the steps of the liver flush and discuss several reasons why it can be beneficial to those with mast cell activation. Afterward, I will address common questions in detail so you have the entire picture. Take a look below to see the process for performing this unique flush. 

How to Perform Liver Flush Properly

1. Purchase extra virgin olive oil, organic lemon juice, epsom salt, and 2 apples

2. Eat a light diet, high in fiber for a couple days prior, then stop eating anything within 12 hours of the flush⁣⠀

3. At 6pm drink first cup of epsom salt (2+ tbsp w/ 8oz of warm water)⠀⁣⠀

4. 8pm drink second cup of epsom salt water, DO NOT DRINK ANY EXTRA FLUIDS! Mix olive oil/lemon juice solution

5. At 10pm, drink 4-5 oz. of olive oil/lemon juice mix ALL AT ONCE, and then IMMEDIATELY lay on right side in fetal position, DO NOT MOVE until next sip!

6. Take long deep breaths as you feel gallbladder start to “PUMP ERRATICALLY”- do NOT move, go to sleep asap

7. Wake up, and monitor your next 3 bowel movements to view stones

8. After done with first major bowel movement, eat apples then return to normal life!

Here is an image of what the stones look like when they come out of you. They will be floating, so look for them at the top of the toilet bowl. 

liver flush stones for MCAS

How Liver Flushes Help Mast Cell Activation

Removes the Stones

By removing stones from the gallbladder, you increase circulation to the organ. The boost in blood flow allows the immune system to function better in this area. In many cases, the biliary tract is a favorite place for parasitic infections to hide. Not only is there a steady food supply there, but the immune system is less active there.

By removing the stones, the gallbladder should be able to operate more efficiently. If it can produce sufficient bile, it will help to push waste through the intestinal system and eliminate toxins. This is critical because if bile production becomes insufficient, the domino effect occurs. Before you know it, the liver is stressed, which then causes the kidneys to be stressed. This eventually aggravates the mast cells, which is the last thing you want if you have MCAS.

Improves Fat/Protein Breakdown

By removing gallstones from the gallbladder, your bile production should increase. This will help with the digestion of fats and proteins. In addition, when your gallbladder produces most of the bile, it takes significant stress off your liver. Since the liver is responsible for protein/amino acid assimilation, this is very important. If the liver had to produce most of the bile, it could compromise its ability to assimilate proteins. 

All in all, if you have a healthy gallbladder, then your digestion of fats and proteins should be pretty good. If you don’t, then you need to significantly reduce animal-derived protein/fat and move to a fiber/carbohydrate-dominant diet. This is what I did and it was crucial to my recovery from mast cell activation. Since then, I have seen this strategy help plenty of others as well. Learn more about why the plant-based diet is best for people with MCAS in the link above.

Removes Built Up Stool

Often, people with mast cell activation have issues with constipation. Even if they don’t, there is typically built-up stool in the intestines. When you consume the epsom salt, it flushes out the built-up stool from the small intestines. Unlike other laxatives, it literally liquefies it. After the stool is completely eliminated from the intestines, the liver and gallbladder sense it, and start to dump waste into the stomach. 

By eliminating the stool that has built up in the small and large intestines, you also reduce the recirculation of toxins, which takes stress off the detoxification system. Though liver flushes aren’t something I would do frequently, it is helpful for mast cell activation if done every few months. 

Flushes Out Pathogens

Parasites are very tricky because they find the places with the least immune activity. This helps them avoid detection and survive. Their favorite places to hide are the liver and biliary tract. This is because the liver has hepatic immune tolerance, which makes the immune system less active in that area. In terms of the biliary tract, it is also an ideal place for protozoans to hide because of the minimal immune activity. In addition, when there is plenty of sludge and stones, there is far less circulation. The less circulation potential, the less likely the immune system will find and remove the pathogens.

I speak about this scenario above because I went through it. After doing three G.I. maps to assess my stool for pathogens, no parasites showed up. Since most of my symptoms matched liver amoeba, I thought to myself that maybe the parasite was in my liver/gallbladder. With this in mind, I performed a liver flush the night before collecting my stool.

This time, we had a VERY different result, the protozoa known as d. fragilis was sky-high! Since this was the only time it showed up, it became obvious to me that it was hiding in my liver/gallbladder. This encouraged me to keep performing liver flushes until the symptoms went away. Not only was it removing stones, but apparently, it was flushing out pockets of infection as well.

Eliminates Toxic Bile

After filtering out toxins, the liver uses bile to eliminate them. If bile production is impaired, toxins begin to build up. This eventually produces sludge in the gallbladder, which further impairs its function. Eliminating this toxic bile is critical, or it will be dumped into the stomach every time you consume something with fat. 

The only downside to a liver flush is that you can only do it once every few months. It is important to flush out that toxic bile, so if you can tolerate them, bitters like dandelion, andrographis, and artichoke leaf could be a good fit. Also, you can get quite an extreme bile dump by consuming about 20 moringa seeds. In many cases, this was even more extreme than the liver flush itself. Regardless of how you do it, it is important to eliminate the sludge/stones, so your gallbladder can go back to functioning properly.

Reduces Stress on Detox Pathways

The gallbladder is a very important part of your detoxification system. It is responsible for secreting bile, which is crucial for breaking down fats, moving waste through the intestines, signaling immune cells in the gut, and more. When the gallbladder is backed up, the liver is forced to produce the bile. This eventually leads to a sluggish liver and a backed-up detoxification system. Once the blood then gets filled with toxins, the kidneys become stressed. Now, the entire detox system has been compromised, all because your gallbladder is not functioning properly.

To reduce stress on the detoxification pathways, I would perform a liver flush every three months. In addition, I would eat a diet that is low in animal products. This is because the cholesterol in animal products is the hardest to digest. These fats are most likely the reason the stones formed in the first place. Instead of a diet focused on animal products, lean heavier on plants. Trust me, a plant-based diet is crucial to overcoming mast cell activation. I have seen this proven in myself, my daughter, and many others.

FAQ- Using Liver Flushes for Mast Cell Activation

Is it dangerous to perform a liver flush for mast cell activation?

I have never had something serious happen, and I’ve done over 30 flushes. The worst that has happened is I threw up. Though this was not fun, I didn’t give up because of the benefits I noticed. Of course, anything can happen, so please make sure you are comfortable with the process before considering it. I always tell people that if they have a lot of doubt or fear about the process, they should not try it. If not, it’s worth trying. Ultimately, I still haven’t met anyone who regretted it.

Did the liver flush really help your mast cell activation?

The liver flush was not the solution to my mast cell activation symptoms, but it was crucial to my success. If it didn’t make a big difference, I wouldn’t be writing this article about it. After the first flush, I noticed that my smell sensitivities literally disappeared for a few days. Though they came back, eventually, they disappeared after 20 flushes or so. Even though flushes are very important, you cannot neglect dietary irritants and mycotoxin exposure. Often, they are the real causes of your mast cell activation symptoms.

How do you feel after this liver flush?

If it’s your first flush, or you haven’t done one in several months, you can be tired for a day or two after. Keep in mind though, you should not be completely wiped out. If you are doing flushes every three months or so, your body should not take long to recover. In most cases, you will feel better the following day after flush.

In terms of benefits, you may notice that your digestion improves, you feel a little lighter on your feetyour appetite is more stable, your sensitivity to your environment may be reduced, and more. Though you could notice some benefits after the first flush, it may take several to clearly see the difference.

Can I use different ingredients for the liver flush?

I would stick with the same ingredients. If you were to change anything, maybe you could use grapefruit juice instead of lemon juice, or magnesium oxide instead of Epsom salts. If you were to do the magnesium, you would need to take plenty of capsules. In my opinion, just stick with the original recipe. If you can’t handle any of the ingredients, remind yourself, this flush is only something you need to do once every few months.

Why is this more effective than other liver flush recipes?

This liver flush recipe was created by Hulda Clarke. When I first started doing liver flushes, it was the main flush everybody was using. There were hundreds of people showing stones coming out, and many mentioned benefits. Since I first started, I have gotten hundreds of stones out over the course of 30+ flushes. There is no doubt that it improved my digestion, energy, and sensitivity to my environment.

In addition, it was very helpful for flushing out a protozoan infection that was nesting in my gallbladder/liver. This was confirmed when I did a stool analysis the day after a liver flush and had significantly high parasite levels. The other times I did not do a liver flush before the G.I. map, the parasites did not show up.

If you see other liver flush recipes out there, feel free to try them, but I’ve seen the most reviews on this process. In addition, I have used it successfully and seen clients benefit as well. If you are considering a liver flush, make sure to eat primarily plant-based for a couple of days prior to the flush. This will help you get the best results.

What are other changes that can help mast cell activation?

The first thing you want to do is make sure you are not consuming anything that is irritating you. Typically, these irritants are things you ingest, like food, supplements, medication, or drinks. The best way to identify your dietary irritants is by starting an elimination diet. This starts off with foods that have almost ZERO allergy potential. You then add foods that are low risk, moderate risk, and so on. If you notice any negative reactions to the food, it does not agree with your immune system.

Other than your diet, you must be hyperaware of your indoor air quality. Most cases, people with mast cell activation have a hidden sensitivity to mold mycotoxins. I would say that at least 80% of the cases I see are dealing with indoor air quality issues. Even if things look completely fine, you can still be suffering. Other than environment, you must examine your stress and trauma triggers. In my experience, changing your diet, environment, and stress level will allow you to overcome mast cell activation with minimal supplements. Don’t chase the cure with supplements; rather, look for inner strength to make the right choices. 

Conclusion – Liver Flushes Help Mast Cell Activation

If you’re looking for a tool to enhance your detoxification system, then a liver flush is worth considering. Keep in mind that if you have MCAS, typically, you have a gallbladder full of stones. When this happens, your liver will become overburdened, and toxins build up in the blood, which stresses your kidneys. Eventually, your entire detoxification system becomes impaired, and your tolerance to toxins is greatly reduced, all because of the gallstones. By eliminating the gallstones, it is possible to reverse the damage that has been done to the detox system. This is why I feel it is well worth the inconvenience and unpleasant taste. 

Keep in mind that if you are seeing a lot of stones when you perform a flush, then I would reduce the amount of animal products. Typically, stones develop when undigested cholesterol forms with calcium to create the stone. If you have mast cell activation, start transitioning towards a more plant-based diet. If you need ideas for breakfast, lunch, or dinner recipes, click the links. Trust me, your immune system, bladder, liver, and kidneys will thank you.

If you have any questions about your health or the liver flush, get in touch. I am willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
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