
11 Best Mycotoxin Binders for Mold Illness

11 best mycotoxin binders for mold illnessSix years ago I knew nothing about mold illness or mycotoxin binders. At the time, my daughter was struggling with chronic health issues like a persistent cough, severe eczema, flushed face, hyperactivity, memory problems, seizures, and plenty more. I searched everywhere for answers until I finally came across undeniable proof that mold mycotoxins were triggering her immune system! It had been six years watching her suffer, and now I had discovered the missing link.

It was so rewarding when we finally made the mold connection and saw the progress! The answer had been right under my nose the entire time, and I was looking everywhere else for the solution. After making the connection and removing my daughter from the environment, she was finally able to tolerate supplements. We then started using the binders listed below until she eventually became symptom-free.

How do I know these products are legitimate? I have used these binders myself, my daughter has, and my clients have as well. Interested to see what they are? Take a look below, and let’s get started.

Best Mycotoxin Binders for Mold Illness

Before reading the information below, please note that I am not recommending any supplements. They are just the things that I have used, and these are my experiences. Take a look below to get started!

Takesumi Supreme by Supreme Nutrition

This is probably my favorite product. It is a broad-spectrum binder that can remove various types of mycotoxins and other harmful chemicals. It is also very soft on the stomach and encourages increased bowel movements. Unlike most, it is a unique form of activated charcoal known as carbonized bamboo. With ten times the surface size and four times the binding rate compared to traditional activated charcoal, it is definitely in a league of its own.

Dosage: I started off slow and then increased to four capsules per dose. I took this dose five days per week. Please note, the powdered form of this is not as beneficial as the encapsulated form. This has been my experience, so I prefer the capsules.

Medi-Clay FX by Premier Research Labs

This is a special form of bentonite clay that has been tested to ensure all contaminants have been removed. I have found it very helpful with my daughter, myself, and my clients. It has the potential to bind to a broad array of mycotoxins, just like the carbonized bamboo above.

Dosage: I would start slow and gradually increase. Make sure it does not slow down your bowel movements or cause any aggravation of gut symptoms. In my experience, the maximum dose would be 3 to 4 capsules, 5 days per week. I took this along with the other binders mentioned on their proper rotation schedule.

Cell Defender by Avini Health

This is a special form of nano-zeolite which has been micronized and purified. Their process for this was patented, and the product has been used by hundreds of thousands of people. I used this product for a few months and became so much of a believer that I started to be a referral agent. It produced unique results for both myself and my daughter. I have also seen it produce impressive results in autistic children and other clients. To see more about the product, click on Cell Defender.

Dosage: In my experience, you can start with five drops three times per day and there should be no detox. If there is, it should become less noticeable as you do it more often. The max dose I would take is 7 to 10 drops three times per day, up to six days per week. I would always make sure the last dose was no closer than six hours.

BioToxin Binder by CellCore

This product contains humic/fulvic acids, broccoli sprout extract, and yucca root. These can reduce the overall toxic burden and the levels of certain mycotoxins. This is not my favorite of the products, but it is worth trying. I did notice an increase in clarity and energy shortly after starting it.

Dosage: I took doses of up to four capsules per serving on an empty stomach, roughly five days per week. As always, I would start slow and build up to the dosage that seems to make a difference for you. This could be four pills, less, or even more.

Apple Pectin from

I really love this product. It is useful for sweeping up various types of toxins such as mycotoxins and heavy metals. It is also especially helpful for the gut, immune system, and gallbladder. I found this to be a game changer with my daughter, self and clients.

Dosage: I initially started off slowly and worked my way up to a very high dose. I got as high as 12 g per day on an empty stomach in capsule form. That was a lot considering it was nearly 20 capsules per day. I would start off with a very small amount and work your way up to 7 g or so per serving, one time per day. I have seen the best results when doing this five days per week.

Diatomaceous Earth by

Though this can definitely sweep up mycotoxins, it is also a potential irritant for the stomach. Many people have taken it and do not feel that way, but when I was at my worst, it aggravated my stomach. Despite this, I stuck with it and saw great improvements. It is definitely worth a try as long as you start slow and listen to your body.

Dosage: I started with a tablespoon a day and gradually increased to three tablespoons twice daily. I saw a definite increase in energy and clarity, but my stomach was aggravated by day three. The point is that there is a sweet spot for this stuff; you just have to find it yourself. Stay slow and smart with this stuff, or you could have a 5 day recovery like I did.

Probiota Bifido by Seeking Health

These beneficial bacteria can bind to mycotoxins and keep the immune system calm. This is extremely important when you are trying to recover from mold illness. I create a culture of bifidobacterium and inulin. If you want to keep it simpler, just stick with the supplements at therapeutic doses.

Dosage: In my experience, the only thing restricting dosage is the cost of this product. I have taken 6 to 12 of these things and have noticed very positive results. In fact, I noticed such good results that I started fermenting these bacteria on my own to increase potency and reduce cost.

Raw Bovine Colostrum from Local Farmer

Raw colostrum can help to stabilize your gut microbiome if it is compromised. It can also increase your IGA levels. IGA is your first line of defense against mycotoxins. If you can increase the immune response naturally, it can start to remove the things that are causing issues. In addition, with colostrum, you have the potential to calm down the immune system, which reduces symptoms. If you want to find a farmer with colostrum, read my article How to Find Raw Bovine Colostrum. It will give you plenty of useful tips.

Dosage: In my experience, starting slowly and gradually increasing it is always best. I would not use it more than every other day and would start at 4 ounces. The max that I would consume would be around 10 ounces if tolerated five times per week. This would only be if there was a major issue with the gut.

Carboxy by CellCore

If you are still not satisfied with your detoxification process after using the supplements above, then try this one. I believe in the product and the company. The only problem I have with the product is that it contains a significant amount of citric acid. This may cause people who are ultrasensitive to react. Otherwise, the ingredients (humic/fulvic acids) have great potential. This is one of the main ingredients in the “Biotoxin Binder” as well.

Dosage: I used one scoop as the maximum dose. I noticed an increase in stamina and clarity, so I believe this product has potential. However, whenever I tried to use two scoops, it seemed to make me a little bit uncomfortable. If you try this product, beware of potential side effects. The goal is to improve slowly without noticing too much detox. If you do, it’s time to move on to something else.

Various Prebiotics

Studies show that probiotics like inulin and acacia can bind mycotoxins. They also encourage the growth of bacteria, which can degrade these mycotoxins so they are no longer harmful to the body. Though I would NOT rely solely on these things, they are an innovative and indirect way of reducing mycotoxin levels.

Supporting Detox while Using Mycotoxin Binders

Mycotoxin binders can be helpful, but you can do plenty of other things to support detoxification. One is eating a diet that is high in fiber, low in protein, and balanced in fat. This takes stress off your kidneys and liver. Another is increasing circulation through things like yoga, long walks, an infrared sauna, gentle exercise, or whatever works for you.

No matter what you choose to do, remember the mycotoxin binders will only be as effective as the rest of your routine. This is because, when you’re dealing with mold illness, you are dealing with an immune dysfunction. This requires you to change various things in your diet and lifestyle to be able to fully recover. Otherwise, the inflammation may be turned on to a point where it can’t be turned off.

Still have questions about mycotoxin binders and their applications? Take a look at our FAQ section below.

FAQ – Using Mycotoxin Binders

Do I have to move to get better from mold illness?

It depends on the extent of your mold sensitivity. In some cases, yes, you absolutely have to move out of the house to be able to get better. In other cases, you can see significant improvement without changing where you live. One way to tell is to take an extended vacation and see how you feel making all the right decisions for your health. Then come back and see which symptoms worsen if any.

Should I start these binders while still in a moldy house?

Yes, as long as you are reacting favorably to them. In some cases, people have extreme reactions to foods, supplements, etc. If this is happening, you want to start slow with the supplements to make sure you can tolerate them. Even if they give you a reaction initially, this will gradually lessen after your body gets used to it. If you are not having any reactions to the supplements, then it’s best to increase them to higher doses to compensate for the current exposure.

Are any of these hard on the stomach at all?

Nearly all of these are soft on the stomach. The only ones that can be irritating if consumed in large quantities are the diatomaceous earth and clay. Make sure to consume these in a small amount. The goal with these is to rotate them in just a few days a week so your body doesn’t experience any downside but can still benefit.

How long do I need to take binders to remove the mycotoxins?

This all depends on how many mycotoxins you have in your body and whether you are still being exposed. If you are not being exposed at all, it may take six months to a year to eliminate these mycotoxins. In some cases, it may take even longer. Just remember, this is a gradual process. You are not just trying to remove a toxin; you are reconditioning the immune system after all of the havoc mold has created.

How do I know which binder is best for me?

You can research each of these binders to determine which one is best for the mycotoxin you are saturated with. In my experience, the most broad-spectrum supplements are the takesumi, clay, and pectin. These can be used for nearly any mycotoxin. This is where I typically start with clients who I suspect have been exposed to mold. From there we move on to zeolite, and the others.

What is the best dosing strategy for these binder supplements?

In my opinion, there are very few supplements you should take every day. Binders are no different. Every binder has a rotation that should be followed. The goal is to find the highest dosage that doesn’t cause you any side effects. Get in touch directly if you want to discuss this further.

Are these brands the only ones you would recommend?

With supplements, getting the right brand is critical. One brand could be completely ineffective and another a game-changer. These binders are no different. Because of my experiences, these are the only brands I feel comfortable using. If I have had any side-effects from these, I listed it in the notes when I first mentioned them.

Any dietary changes I can make to reduce mold illness symptoms?

Yes, mold mycotoxins can impair the digestive system. Typically, this impairment occurs in the digestion of proteins. For these reasons, I would limit protein intake and consume foods with simpler forms of protein. To see which foods are easiest to digest, read the list of hypoallergenic foods. Due to their simple protein structures, these foods would be best for those with mold illness.

Did you take all of these binders at once?

No, but I did take the takesumi, clay, zeolite, apple pectin, Bifidobacterium, colostrum and inulin all at once. Each of them were on their own rotation. Nothing was done every single day. This list was the EXACT combination I used on myself and daughter after we moved out of the house with black mold. For us, the whole process took around 6-8 months, but it was very effective.

Using Mycotoxin Binders to Escape Mold Illness

Mycotoxins are a common underlying cause of chronic health issues in those who are sensitive. I never gave it as much weight until I went through the experience with my daughter. After seeing it in her, I could see it in several of my clients at the time. I realized indoor air quality is even more important than diet for some people. It blew my mind, but it was undeniable.

Once you confirm that you have a mold issue in your current place, your goal should be to leave. Once you are out of the place, you can start the binder protocol. If you can’t move, it is critical to change your diet, dramatically increase ventilation, and start slow with mycotoxin binders until you get to high doses. This should stop your immune system from spiraling out of control until you find an environment that suits you better.

If you have any questions about mold-related illness, feel free to contact me. Since this subject touched my life in such a significant manner, I am always willing to discuss it with others.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin, B.S.
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp: +17348468619