
The Ultimate Gut Healing Formula- Original Recipe

ULTIMATE GUT HEALING FORMULA RECIPEOver the past twenty years, I have tried various gut supplements. During that time, I found some unique products that were extremely helpful. One day, I decided to combine 5 of my favorite products. I figured since they all targeted the same areas, why not? Well, It was a success! I felt a calmness and boost that I didn’t get from any of the ingredients on their own. After two weeks of using it every other day, it became clear that this blend was in a league of its own.

In this article, I will unveil the recipe for the ultimate gut healer and provide some exciting information about each ingredient. Afterward, I will discuss how these ingredients impact the body in various ways. Lastly, I will cover common questions about using this unique formula. Scroll down to get started!

Recipe Ingredients

Raw Colostrum

Don’t be fooled; this product alone is the ultimate gut healer. When combined with the other ingredients below, it takes it to another level. I use raw colostrum as the base for all the other ingredients. In addition, I typically use 16 ounces of raw colostrum combined with the ingredients listed below. Keep in mind, you do not want to exceed 10 ounces per serving, no matter what. The thicker the colostrum is, the more potent the blend will be.


Arabinogalactan is very helpful for increasing the absorption of all of the other ingredients. In addition, it can transport things directly to the hepatocytes in the liver, allowing many of the precious compounds to reach deeper into the body. When dosing it, I would start with one teaspoon and eventually work my way up to three. This is one of the most potent ingredients, so don’t overdo it.


Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus really love inulin, so it was important to include this ingredient in the blend. When using inulin, make sure to gradually increase the dose over time. If you don’t, you can experience gas. I would use a maximum of 2 heaping tablespoons per 16 ounces.

Acacia Senegal

This helps thicken the milk and slow down the digestion process. This improves the likelihood that the beneficial compounds will be absorbed before heading to the large intestine. I use more acacia than any of the other powders. Once you get used to acacia, I recommend up to 3 heaping tablespoons per 16 ounces. I love this stuff!

Freeze Dried Colostrum

The freeze-dried colostrum is a concentrated source of immunoglobulins, growth factors, and other bioactive compounds. It also contains precious nutrients that are very useful for the gut. This ingredient was added to potentiate the blend, making it more likely to affect the immune system. I would add two heaping tablespoons for 16 ounces of solution. If you don’t have raw colostrum, you can use 3-4 tablespoons. Though it won’t be the same, it will be the best substitute possible. 

Raw Dark Honey

This can increase the sugar content, making it more likely to be absorbed directly into the cells. The sugar acts like a carrying agent for each ingredient, improving the solution’s effectiveness. In terms of dose, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey per 16 ounces of liquid.

Recipe Summary

16 ounces of raw colostrum
3 tablespoons of acacia powder
3 tablespoons of arabinogalactan
2 tablespoons of inulin powder
2 tablespoons of colostrum powder
2 tablespoons of dark honey

Directions for Use

Blend thoroughly, and then drink immediately. Start with 4 ounces and work your way up to 10 ounces max. Never consume it more than five days per week. This should only be done if you are going through a serious detox program. Otherwise, every other day is fine for most people, on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, 90 minutes minimum before food. 

Key Benefits of Gut Healer Recipe

Mast Cell Modulation

Every ingredient in the blend has been proven to modulate mast cells and positively impact allergy response. This is crucial for people with chronic illnesses since the mast cells are typically hyperactive. To beat chronic illness, you must calm the mast cells down. If you don’t, your food and environmental sensitivities will drive your symptoms.

Boosts Regulatory T Cells

Arabinogalactan, colostrum, inulin, and acacia all boost regulatory T cells, which is critical for someone with mast cell activation. The Tregs are responsible for maintaining immune tolerance to your food and environment. If your immune system stops reacting to foods and environmental triggers, you can stop the flares and gain control of your condition.

Increases Beneficial Bacteria

All of the ingredients increase the growth of beneficial bacteria like bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. These bacteria protect you from pathogens, extract nutrients from your food, produce SCFA’s, keep the gut lining healthy, and plenty more. Typically, if you have enough of both of these species, you are in relatively good health.

Encourages Healing of Gut Lining

All the ingredients increase beneficial bacteria and SCFA levels, which strengthens the gut barrier. Also, colostrum contains epidermal growth factor, which encourages the gut lining to heal. I can attest to the power of using colostrum for a leaky gut. I could only tolerate six different foods, had lost over 80 pounds, and had been sick for over seven years. Within six months of drinking colostrum daily, I became functional again. Though colostrum didn’t heal me on its own, I would have never gotten better without it. Learn more about the science behind colostrum in the article linked. 

Stimulates Natural Killer Cells

Arabinogalactan and colostrum both directly increase the production of natural killer cells. This is difficult to accomplish, which is why both of these work very well together. The other ingredients simply support the natural production of NK cells. Though they don’t directly boost it, but they support a balanced environment where production is optimal.

Discourages Pathogen Growth

Various compounds in colostrum discourage pathogenic growth. For example, there are immunoglobins, antibodies, lactoferrin, and plenty more. Each of these ingredients encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, which naturally discourages the growth of pathogens. In addition, acacia and arabinogalactan have been shown to discourage pathogenic growth. Remember, to heal the gut, you don’t have to kill a pathogen. All you need to do is remove the irritants and gently change the gut environment, one decision at a time. This will allow your immune system to stabilize so that the pathogens no longer have a hospital environment.

Improves Detoxification Channels

Colostrum has regenerative properties that help to improve detoxification pathways. I remember I was peeing clear for years, and within hours of my first dose of RAW colostrum, my urine gained color back. In addition, the formula ingredients increase the production of short-chain fatty acids, which are very helpful for the liver. When SCFA’s are high, there is minimal inflammation. This allows the liver to function properly, which takes the stress off of the kidneys and gallbladder.

Lastly, many of these ingredients have been shown to bind to harmful toxins. Eliminating these toxins reduces the toxic burden within your body, which takes a lot of stress off your elimination channels. These are just a few of the ways that the Ultimate Gut Healing Formula helps the detox system. 

How to Make the Formula

Though the instructions above have simplified it, I have also provided a short video to walk you through the process. Take a look below.

FAQ – Ultimate Gut Healing Formula

Why is this gut-healing recipe so unique?

It contains all of the most gut-friendly substances mixed together. These products also calm down mast cells, boost regulatory T cells, increase beneficial bacteria, support detoxification, and heal leaky gut. Also, colostrum and arabinogalactan have been shown to increase natural killer cell activity. This means they have plenty of potential if used in the proper amount and frequency.

How can I find raw bovine colostrum?

Since it can be hard to find raw colostrum, I created an article to help you find people who sell it. The number one source of raw milk farmers is Look at my article and their website; you will have what you need to succeed. The only question is, how many people are you willing to call? Remember, when referencing raw colostrum, you should be “purchasing it for pet consumption”.

What should I do if I can’t find raw colostrum?

Just use the best colostrum powder you can find. At one point, I used liposomal colostrum from Sovereign Labs, which was pretty good. Even though it’s not comparable to raw colostrum, it is still beneficial if it is high-quality. If you cannot find the raw colostrum, double up on the powder to 4 tablespoons.

How often should I drink this blend?

I would start using it every other day to ensure you adjust well. From there, I would do it a maximum of five days per week. Keep in mind that too much of a good thing will not be helpful. If you notice the stools are getting too loose and you’re starting to get tired, then take a few days off. You win the battle against chronic illness through moderation and balance, NOT persistence.

Are there any side effects to using the gut healer recipe?

You may have some gas, increased bowel movements, and loose stools. In my experience, these things can happen if you consume too much of it too early. Also, the more animal products you consume, the higher the chance of side effects. The reason is, the bacterial balance is different when meat is consumed daily. Remember, you are implanting a bunch of plant-digesting bacteria into a gut that is used to breaking down meat. What did you think will initially happen? Regardless, there is nothing to worry about. Just give it a few weeks, and your body will get used to it. 

Conclusion- Ultimate Gut Healing Formula is a Game-Changer

The ultimate gut-healing formula I mentioned combines several unique ingredients. Each of these products has been effective on its own for me, but together, they become a game changer.

If you are struggling with mast cell activation, histamine intolerance, gut issues, or any chronic health impairment, give this a try. It truly is the most nourishing thing you can consume for your gut. Start off slow and gradually increase the amount of prebiotics over time. Take it from me; I’ve consumed it for months and have seen impressive results.

Do you have any questions about this recipe? If so, get in touch when you have some time. I am willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp/Telegram: +17348468619