
Raw Bovine Colostrum Helpful for SIBO Symptoms

Raw colostrum helpful for SIBO symptomsThere are countless people who are suffering from SIBO and don’t know what to do. Running out of options, they choose antibiotics or natural antimicrobials, hoping to knock out the harmful bacteria. What they don’t realize is, chronic SIBO is caused by more than bad bacteria. To overcome SIBO, you must stabilize the immune system, repair the epithelial lining, and balance your gut microbiome. As I will explain, this is exactly what colostrum can do. 

In this article, I will discuss my experiences with raw colostrum. Afterward, I will explain why raw colostrum is so helpful for people with SIBO. Before ending, I will also cover some common questions about using colostrum for SIBO. Scroll down to get started!

My Experiences with Raw Colostrum

I first tried Colostrum, I was the sickest side I’ve ever been in my life. I lost over 80 pounds, had horrible SIBO, had fungal rashes all over my body, could only eat six different foods without reacting, and couldn’t have a bowel movement without an enema. In addition, I had muscle pains all over, severe anxiety, sleep issues, and chronic stomach pains. I tried everything, spending over $100,000 on supplements, and nothing helped.

One day I saw blood in my stool and had severe pain. Since this was the worst pain I’d ever felt, I figured I’d try the raw colostrum. A farmer had given me it, and it was sitting in my freezer for literally a year. The reason I didn’t try it earlier was because I was not tolerating dairy well. Within hours after drinking it, my stomach pain was better, and I felt relaxed. Finally, after seven years of making zero progress, I had caught a break.

After several months of drinking colostrum, my gut was significantly better. Now, I could tolerate eating nearly anything without having immediate reactions, my skin was better, and my bowel movements had normalized. I wasn’t completely healed, but now I had a chance for a full recovery.

Without the colostrum, I would’ve never even had a chance to recover. Take a look at the picture below to see me when I was sick and then healthy again. You can see my ribs, and the rashes all over my stomach. If this doesn’t make you a believer, I don’t know what will!

Raw colostrum is helpful for SIBO

How Raw Colostrum Helps SIBO

Eliminates Common Pathogens

Colostrum discourages the growth of pathogenic bacteria in several different ways. First, it stops harmful bacteria from adhering to the gut lining, which prevents them from causing chronic infections. Next, it has been shown to interrupt biofilm formation and even bind to pathogens for removal. In addition, colostrum contains antibodies and immunoglobins, which remove pathogens from the gut. Lastly, it has been shown to remove pathogenic toxins that disrupt the gut environment and make it friendly to harmful organisms. Though there are more ways it works, these are a few to give you an idea. 

Improves Intestinal Permeability

Colostrum soothes the gut lining and contains anti-inflammatory compounds. One of these amazing substances is Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), which has been shown to stimulate repair of the gut lining. Another substance is insulin growth factor (IGF-1), which promotes healing and regeneration of the gut lining as well. When NOTHING else could help my leaky gut, raw colostrum saved the day. 

Balances Immune Response

Raw colostrum can calm down the mast cells in the gut. In addition, it can balance your levels of regulatory T cells. Both of these are absolutely critical for maintaining immune tolerance. If either of these immune cells are not functioning properly, you are likely to have inflammation in the gut, which will support the growth of harmful bacteria. If you want to beat SIBO, it’s not simply about eliminating the pathogens. Most importantly, it’s about getting your immune system to function normally again.

Feeds Beneficial Bacteria

Colostrum contains various prebiotic substances, but the most well-known are oligosaccharides. It also contains plenty of growth factors and signaling molecules that impact the replication rate of beneficial bacteria. These substances promote growth and calm inflammation, which supports a healthy bacterial environment.

Implants Healthy Gut Bacteria

Raw colostrum contains beneficial bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. These are absolutely critical to overcoming SIBO. If you have plenty of both species, it is unlikely that SIBO can take hold. Typically, it is hard to get the bacteria to survive in your gut when you take probiotics. With colostrum, the thickness of the milk protects these organisms from the stomach acids and increases their implantation rate.

FAQ- Using Raw Colostrum for SIBO

How much raw colostrum should I drink for SIBO?

The most I would drink is 8 to 10 ounces per serving. This should be consumed on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, at least 90 minutes before food. Initially, I would start using it every other day and work my way up to 2 days and 1 day off. Also, take a break every few months for at least a week.

How long will it take for raw colostrum to eliminate SIBO?

How long your recovery will take depends on various factors. If you are currently eating food that you are sensitive to, consuming meat every day, or still living in mold, it may take years. In contrast, it could take six months if you’re eating a plant-based diet that is free of food sensitivities, and living in a healthy environment free of toxic mold. You may start to notice the symptom relief within a matter of weeks, but the truth is that recovering from treatment-resistant SIBO takes time.

Are colostrum supplements as good as raw colostrum?

Raw colostrum is completely different from any colostrum supplement out there. Unfortunately, most people heat their colostrum to pasteurize it, destroying many of its beneficial properties. In contrast, raw colostrum retains all of the bioactive compounds that promote healing and regeneration. I have tried RAW colostrum, which was freeze-dried and saw benefits, but I got that from a local farmer. Unfortunately, it’s not available on the open market. Learn more about how to find raw colostrum via the article link. 

What dietary changes can I make to help with SIBO?

Most people think that you must limit carbohydrates to overcome SIBO. Though this might be true initially, your real enemies are animal products and processed foods. To beat SIBO, you must gradually increase your carbohydrates to compensate for the reduction in protein/fat. The reason is, most people with SIBO have a tough time breaking down complex fats and animal proteins. When these are not digested properly, they irritate the gut, which leads to a worsening of intestinal permeability.

These undigested foods are the main cause of your SIBO symptoms. For this reason, it is important to implement a plant-based diet that is focused on high-fiber, low-carbohydrate foods. Once your body gets used to the fiber, this means the good bacteria are starting to take over. At that point, you can increase the complex carbohydrates to set the stage for recovery.

Any other SIBO supplements that work well with the colostrum?

Yes, my favorite products to combine with colostrum are Probiota Bifido, arabinogalactan, apple pectin, bee propolis, acacia, and carbonized bamboo. Each of these has different properties that help restore the gut environment. Keep in mind that I would only recommend trying one product at a time to make sure you understand how it’s affecting you.

Should I be using natural antimicrobials with colostrum?

No, just be patient with the colostrum. The fact is, you must change the gut environment to be able to beat SIBO permanently. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to knock it out in two weeks with an antibiotic/natural antimicrobial. If you take something other than the supplements I listed, you could be risking your recovery. Remember, if you trigger yourself by pushing too hard, you are going backward. To heal, you must remain stable and make steady progress over an extended period. 

Conclusion- Colostrum Healed My SIBO in Months

When I first came across colostrum, I had been struggling with chronic bacterial infections in my gut for nearly a decade. Within just six months, all of my SIBO/candida symptoms were under control. This was something I couldn’t accomplish with any other product I came across.

Since then, I have seen colostrum work miracles in my daughter’s and clients’ lives. For this reason, I truly feel that colostrum is the best supplement for chronic treatment-resistant SIBO. Don’t believe me? Give it a try yourself.

If you have any questions about SIBO or colostrum, get in touch. I am willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp/Telegram: +17348468619