
Bifido Bomb Probiotic Recipe – Step-by-Step Instructions

Bifido bomb liquid probiotic recipeAfter years of antibiotics, my gut had become a wreck. I now had mast cell activation and was reacting to literally everything. Looking for solutions, I tried countless probiotics and had immune reactions to all of them. When I was just about to finally give up on probiotics, I came across some research about bifidobacterium. Once I realized how important it was to calm down the mast cells, I looked for a product containing only that species. Luckily, I found Probiota Bifido by Seeking Health.

After taking this product in high doses for a week, I could see a considerable difference in my symptoms. The problem was, it would cost me over $150 per month to continue it at that dose. I figured I had to devise a plan because this product was helping more than all the others. I then did more research and tried some different things. Eventually, I realized how to create my own bifidobacterium culture, so it would work even better, and I could save myself tons of money.

In this article, I will explain the process of making the liquid Bifido Bomb and provide some tips for using it. I will also discuss why it’s unique and answer some frequently asked questions about it. Scroll down to get started.

Steps for Making Bifido Bomb

Ingredients– This will require 12 pills from PROBIOTA BIFIDO by Seeking Health. It will also require 1 pound of inulin, which you can get in many places, but I like the most. It also requires a good spring or artesian water. Believe it or not, water quality does make a difference.

Mixing Instructions – Find a half-gallon plastic container with a screw on top. Ideally, we want the plastic to be a harder type of plastic. Fill up the container about 2/3 of the way with water, and then add eight heaping tablespoons of inulin to water and shake aggressively. Afterward, add the 12 capsules of bifido and shake again. Place it in a dark location, like a cabinet.

Maintenance– Shake it four or five times per day if possible. Once the plastic bottle starts to develop more and more pressure, you know you are on the right track. If you do not see the bottle expand, maybe you didn’t use enough inulin. Keep shaking daily for about 5 to 7 days. Relieve pressure slightly as needed by opening the bottle a little bit.

Growing the Culture – Once it has fermented for roughly a week and is highly active, then it is time to use that as the master culture to grow more. Get a gallon jug with a twist top and hopefully make it harder plastic or glass. Transfer your fermented liquid into the gallon container and double up the water. Then add 10 more heaping tablespoons of inulin. Shake aggressively a few times every single day and store in the dark.

Within a week or two, you should have close to a gallon’s worth. When you get below half a gallon, replenish the water, add a bunch of inulin, and add more probiotics. Keep shaking it a few times a day, and this never-ending bifido culture will thank you!

Tips for Using Bifido Bomb

Using the liquid bifidobacterium isn’t too complicated. The most important thing is drinking it when it’s as active as possible. For this reason, it is important to shake it heavily before opening the bottle and then drink it immediately. You do not want the bifido liquid sitting in the open air, where the oxygen can harm the bacteria.

In terms of dosage, typically 8 to 10 ounces is sufficient every other day. It is best to consume it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before eating. Do not exceed four days per week, or you may experience bloating or loose stools. It is more important to take prebiotic supplements to promote the growth of Bifidobacterium than just trying to implant more. To learn about the best prebiotics, click the link provided.

Also, for an example of how your bifido bomb should look, watch the short clip below.

Why Bifido Bomb is Unique

Most probiotics are in a dormant state and therefore have minimal effectiveness. With the bifido bomb, the bacteria are not only active, but they are highly aggressive. This is because you have surrounded them in an environment with inulin, their preferred food source. By doing so, it makes them grow in number and strength. Also, by activating these organisms, they have a better chance of them implanting in your gut.

In addition, the bifido bomb has probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics with the bifidobacterium, inulin and SCFA’s it contains. This means it implants, feeds, and signals all in on one. What other product implants bifidobacterium, feeds other beneficial bacteria, and signals the immune system to calm down? These are just a few reasons it stands out from any other supplement.

FAQ – Bifido Bomb Liquid Probiotic

Can you drink too much liquid bifido?

Yes, you can drink too much of anything. The most I would consume is 10 ounces, every other day, on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. If you consume more than that, you might start to feel tired or notice loose stools. Also, remember that you are putting plenty of inulin in it, and you don’t want to go super overboard with that.

Can you ferment anything else with bifido liquid?

You, once you get the culture started, you can use it to ferment other things. My favorite things to ferment are raw colostrum, and medicinal herbs. For the colostrum, you simply mix the two together and add inulin. To learn the entire process, click on fermented colostrum. To ferment medicinal herbs, you grind up your herbs and put them in the bifido liquid, shake them a few times a day for 7 to 10 days, and then remove the plant matter at the end. I have done this with hundreds of different herbs.

Can the bifido bomb eliminate pathogens in the gut?

Yes, bifidobacterium is effective against various bacteria, fungi, parasites, and even viruses. In addition, it can disrupt biofilm formation. Review this study to learn more. Though bifido doesn’t directly kill the pathogen, it eliminates them through competitive exclusion. It accomplishes this by removing the pathogen from the gut lining and attaching itself. This forces the pathogen into a transient state, where it can be identified by the immune system or removed in other ways. Also, bifido keeps the mast cells in the gut calm, making the immune system function better. This indirectly helps to remove pathogens as well. 

Does the type of water matter for the bifido bomb?

Yes, if you want the best quality product, you want to use artesian water sourced from beneath the ground. If you are on a budget, you can use spring water. Just make sure you don’t use tap water, distilled water, or water with minerals added. Neither of those will be very friendly to culture. Keep in mind that the brand of inulin you choose is just as important as the water. My favorite inulin brand is Bulk Foods, which is based in the USA.

How long do you need to drink the bifido liquid?

The longest I have drank it for consecutively is about five months, every other day. After that, I took a couple of months off. The stuff is great, but there is a threshold. Remember, you don’t need to drink it for more than a couple months to fully culture your stomach. The most important thing to do is support the bifido with prebiotics and plant-based fibers. If you are eating a diet that is low in fiber, and drinking the bifido liquid, it won’t be anywhere near as successful. In addition, you will get a lot more rumbling in the stomach because of the undigested animal products it will have to break through. 

Can the bifido bomb cause a healing crisis?

In most cases, it simply calms you down. If you have a pre-existing issue, you may have some sneezing, rumbling in the stomach, loose stools, or gas. The only time I have seen people have a paradoxical reaction to bifidobacterium is if there is an environmental issue (mold sensitivity). For example, when my daughter and I were living in a house that had black mold, her face would flush, her eye would cross, and sometimes she would even cough after getting the bifidobacterium. Once we found a safe place to live, I tried it again, and there were no cleansing reactions other than a little sneezing that went away within a few days.

Conclusion – Bifido Bomb is Game-Changer for Gut Health

If you have gut issues, you typically have low levels of bifidobacterium. This species is critical to maintaining immune tolerance, resisting pathogens, breaking down carbohydrates, and creating essential nutrients. With them, your body remains in a state of balance. Without them, the floodgates open, and the immune system goes haywire.

Do you think your bifidobacterium levels are low? If so, give the bifido bomb a try. Not only will it save you plenty of money, but it could be an absolute game changer. When no other probiotic helped, these strains and this process made a big difference. Hopefully, you will have just as much success as I did. 

If you have any questions about how to create the bifido bomb, feel free to contact me. I’m willing to help and blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
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