
Best Mycotoxin Tests for Diagnosing Mold Illness

Best mycotoxin tests for diagnosing mold illnessDo you think that mold could be making you sick? If so, the first step is mycotoxin testing to determine if your levels are high or not. The only problem is, there are several different tests for mold illness, and often people have no clue which to choose. This is why I created this article, to help you figure out how to get most accurate results.

In this article, I will list the best mycotoxin tests for diagnosing mold illness. I will also discuss my personal experiences with each of these companies, the differences in their tests, the cost, and plenty more. This will help you pick the right test so you can get to the root of your health issues. Take a look below to get started.

Best Mycotoxin Tests for Mold Illness

Total Tox Burden by Vibrant Wellness

This is my favorite mycotoxin test by far. It tests for 31 common mycotoxins, several heavy metals, and many environmental pollutants. My mom took this test, and we couldn’t be happier with it. It identified a broad mycotoxin issue, which clearly showed there was a problem where she was living. If I had known about this test when my daughter was sick, I would have picked it over RealTime labs.

Pros: This test measures mycotoxins, metals, and other chemicals. It also measures more mycotoxins than any other test. With all of these unique features, it stands out from the rest. Unlike the others, it gives you a FULL picture of someone’s toxin burden.

Cons: This report only tests for 3 different trichothecenes. Though it covers ALL the other mycotoxins, trichothecenes are the most toxic to humans. This type of mycotoxin causes severe issues in people. Trust me, I know; I went through it with my daughter.

Sample Report: For the sample report, click on the link. This is an actual report from a family member, so do not share it with others.

Cost: $499

Rating: A-

Website: TotalTox Burden Test by Vibrant Wellness

Mycotox Profile by Mosaic Diagnostics

This test measures the levels of 11 different mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, ochratoxins, zearalenone, and trichothecenes. I have not used this company personally, but many of my clients have.

Pros: Six of the mycotoxins they test for are not measured by the RealTime test. It is also cheaper than the other mycotoxin tests. In addition, they are a reputable company that is easy to deal with.

Cons:  They only test for 1 aflatoxin, 1 ochratoxin, and 2 different trichothecenes. This means you can be high in the other mycotoxins in this group and it wouldn’t show up. This makes me not a big fan of this test.

Sample Report: Click on the sample report link to see how their test looks.

Cost: $310

Rating: B-

Website: Click the link to view the website for the MycoTox Profile by Mosaic Diagnostics

Mycotoxin Panel by RealTime Labs

This urine collection measures 16 different mycotoxins, including 9 macrocyclic trichothecenes. This is important since trichothecenes are the most toxic to humans. I used this company when I did my daughter’s mycotoxin test. Though we got the information I wanted, the process could have been smoother.

Pros: They test for 9 different mycotoxins in the tricothecene category. This is HUGE because it’s the most out of any of the companies. If you are having SEVERE symptoms like fragrance sensitivity, food sensitivities, sleep issues, seizures, etc., then trichothecenes can be implicated.

Cons: The customer service is good, but they are not well organized. I had the wrong sample sent to me, and then had to redo my test. I also had a client with a similar experience. In addition, they only test for 16 different mycotoxins, which leaves the possibility that some may not show up. The last thing you want to do is get a negative result, and think things are ok when it was a different mycotoxin making you sick.

Rating: B

Price: $399

Sample Report: Click on the link for a sample report.

Website: Click the link for the RealTime Labs Mycotoxin Panel

Other Tests to Help Diagnose Mold Illness

Organic Acids Test (OAT)

Pros: This test can help you identify if mold has colonized the body or not. These results can help you determine which areas are priorities so you can create a plan. It also can show how well you are assimilating your amino acids, which will help you understand how good your protein digestion is. In addition, it can tell you if fat digestion is impaired or if you’re consuming too much of it. Lastly, it can show markers indicating bacterial overgrowth and oxidative stress. Though this test has other pros, these are my favorite features.

Cons: It is less valuable if you were NOT colonized by the mold. Also, it costs $399 to run the test. Other than that, I like it!

Cost: $399

Sample Test: Here is the sample report from Mosaic Labs. I prefer the mosaic test because it is more in-depth than RealTime and the others I’ve seen.

Website Link: Learn more about the Mosaic OAT via the link provided.

EMMA Mycotoxin and Mold Test

This cutting-edge test measures mold spores AND mycotoxins in the house. It stands out amongst the rest because it tests for the presence of mycotoxins, which are the actual cause of health issues. It will also allow you to see how much of each particular strain of mold is living in your home. This takes the ERMI test to the next level.

Pros: This is one of the only mold tests that assess mycotoxin levels in your home, not your body. This is a big deal because sometimes mold spore levels can show up low, yet mycotoxins are high. The real problem is the mycotoxins, not just the spores.

Cons: The company can be a little difficult to deal with. Other than that, I love this test!

Cost: $399

Rating: A

Website Link: Click on the link to read more about the EMMA Mycotoxin and Mold Test

Mold IGE Blood Panel

This test measures your immune reaction to 15 common molds that are known to cause health issues. Though this test is the least valuable, it will tell you if an allergy to a specific mold has developed. This can help you confirm that this mold is present in your home. If it wasn’t, you aren’t likely to have an IGE response to it.

Pros: It can detect an allergy to mold, which confirms that exposure is occurring.

Cons: Mycotoxins cause people the illness, not the mold itself. Someone can be very sick from mycotoxins and still have it not show up on an IGE test. This test is in NO WAY a conclusive determinant of mold illness.

Cost: $259

Rating: C-

Sample Test: Here is a sample report from US BioTek.

Website Link– View more information about the mold IGE panel via the link.

FAQ- Using Tests to Confirm Mold Illness

Are these mycotoxin tests worth the money?

Yes, they are worth every penny. If you have a chronic illness and don’t rule out the environment as a potential cause, you could be spinning your wheels for ages. This is what happened to me. Even though I heard about mold as a potential cause, I ignored it for six years. Finally, I realized that it could be the primary cause. We then performed a test, and it showed my daughter was exposed to black mold. Within eight months following my mold illness recovery protocol, she was symptom-free. I would’ve NEVER accomplished this without the affirmation from the mycotoxin test.

Is everyone sensitive to mold mycotoxins?

No, it depends on a number of factors. If you put 100 people in an apartment building full of black mold, they would have different symptoms. Some may have no symptoms at all, while others have migraines and even seizures. The key point to remember is that it’s not about how much mold is present; it’s about how sensitive the person is to it. This is why mold exposure can cause minor symptoms in one person and neurological dysfunction in others.

Is the organic acids test (OAT) really necessary?

The organic acids test is not necessary to determine if you have a mycotoxin issue. It does not test for mycotoxins. Despite this, it can provide some valuable information. Some of the things it can show are: if the mold colonized you, if you have issues with protein or fat digestion, if there is oxidative stress, and if your detoxification channels are working properly. All of these things are critical to understanding the whole picture. If you have the money in your budget, then the OAT test is well worth it. If not, stick with the mycotoxin urinalysis, and go from there.

Can mycotoxins persist after mold remediation?

Yes, mycotoxins can remain in porous surfaces after remediation. Some examples of this are wood floors, couches, furniture, and more. Just because you had your house remediated doesn’t mean that it is completely clean of mycotoxins. This is why it’s important to perform a test like the EMMA. it can test for individual mold strains, and mycotoxin levels.

Which mycotoxins are the most dangerous?

Tricothecenes are by far the worst of all mycotoxins. The reason is, they cause severe dysfunction in the immune system and gut, which leads to various hypersensitivities. This causes the body to attack its own tissue, which is a big problem.

Though the other mycotoxins can cause significant health problems, nothing can hold a candle to trichothecenes. Trust me, if anyone knows, it’s me. I watched my daughter become disabled by trichothecene exposure for years before we discovered the cause. Eight months later, she was symptom-free. If interested in her story of recovery, click on the link.

Which mycotoxin binders are best for mold illness?

My favorite mycotoxin binders are carbonized bamboo, bentonite clay, micronized zeolite, and apple pectin. I also used raw bovine colostrum, and high doses of bifidobacterium during our healing journey. For more information on the best mycotoxin binders, read the article linked.

Conclusion- Testing for Mold Illness is Priceless

If you are struggling with any sort of chronic health complaint, it is essential to rule out mold. The reason is, it can cause nearly any symptom you can imagine. Wherever your body is weakest will be where it causes you problems. For this reason, the mycotoxin tests I have listed are invaluable. Without these tests, my daughter would still be sick today.

If you have any questions about mold illness or mycotoxin testing, get in touch. I am more than willing to help and am blessed to have the opportunity.

Happy healing everyone!

Matt Nedin
Certified Holistic Nutritionist 
EndSickness, Founder
Phone: (734) 846-8619
WhatsApp/Telegram: +17348468619